Chapter 5 The Rouges of the Mist The Hokages decision

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A few weeks have passed since the battle of the Great Naruto bridge and the village is still holding strong. Lord Hokage has commissioned the Yuki clan boy and has taken him in as an adopted grandson though the young assassin was still loyal to Zabuza. He would be remised however if he didn't develop a bit of a favor for Konohamaru and how similar he is to Naruto. The wielder of the executioners blade was another story. The former mist ninja was still held up and put under constant torture and interrogation under Ibiki and further agitated by Danzo. Haku eventually had enough and considered offering his and Zabuza's services for Konoha's "secret service" in exchange for lenience. Thankfully Hiruzen got wind of this and beat the kid to it by making a deal. In exchange for Zabuza's freedom the mist duo would be bound to a reconnaissance agreement for both the Hokage and Root essentially working for the both of them. Zabuza would be converted to a Konoha Chunin while concealing his identity. While Haku would be assigned to a newly formed squad comprised of himself Mina the blue haired woman he met just a few days ago alongside a new comrade instead of Zabuza. Haku a bit furious as this requests an audience with his "grandfather" the Hokage. 

 " I'm eternally grateful that you have taken us in Lord Hokage but clearly Lord Danzo is a traitor and an ambitious architect of your destruction." "I understand your concern young Haku and you don't have to call me Lord when we're alone. After all I took you in remember? Also Danzo is a necessary evil to guarantee full military might and expansion as well as appeasing the Feudal Lord the man who governs and funds the entire Land of Fire let alone the village. Rest assured I'll deal with him when the time comes", Hiruzen notioned. Haku wasn't entirely convinced but both he and Zabuza will be freed and allowed to join Konoha in exchange for this agreement so he held his peace and left the office. "I fear I might have to use the poor boy as an infiltrator against Danzo and he'll probably add someone to spy on him and I. All I can do is plan and stay ahead", Lord Third reflects to himself.

 On his way out he noticed his "cousin" and a certain knucklehead sparring. "Ah its good to be in the old colors ya know", Naruto said wearing his orange and blue gi. (AU: Naruto's training is slightly more intense at this point of the story than in canon because of the deeper bond with the trio as well as the fact that he has Mina to spar and train with; as well as Sasuke forcibly  on occasion trying to be more like a family. However, Sasuke is noticing the noticeable increase in Naruto's strength earlier than in canon and if he doesn't act soon the loser is going to surpass him. Though he has no idea how close the gap really is. Nonetheless he starts training with Kakashi more intensely and a lot earlier than during the one month period during the chunin exams in canon. But would this make an impact?)

Haku's lost in thought recalling his own childhood and later loyalty to Master Zabuza and what it was like. He had a cruel and coward father that nearly wiped out the Yuki clan solely out of fear and paranoia. Sure he was eventually found by Master Zabuza after seeing and claiming his vengeance but even so was he really worth all this? Sure Zabuza was a member of the deadly seven and a vast political asset but him? An orphan boy a sacrificial pawn that was loyal to the end? Hell the only reason he didn't die was because Mina posed as him while stayed in his justu waiting to off Gato. Both he and Zabuza are indebted to Naruto and Mina but what they're doing next its up to them. However, his thoughts are interrupted when a tall chunin wearing a mask quite similar to Haku's own calls out to the boys. "Hey knucklehead its time", the masked man called. "Oh yeah coming!!!", Naruto bellowed. Konohamaru was a bit miffed but if Naruto was going to become Hokage one day, he needed to train. This is obviously Zabuza but due to the times he has to conceal his identity.  Haku then decided that he was going to support his new friends and village. It would be a long road ahead but if Master Zabuza is making a personal effort then he should have no excuse. "I'm going to watch the training wanna come", Haku suggested. Konohamaru doesn't recognize Haku at first due to: one being without his mask. And two his natural appearance is so naturally feminine that if he put on make up he could trap and con at least half of every pervert and closet pervert in the village. (AU: Ahh Haku the first of many trap characters of 2000's anime) However, Konohamaru still wants to watch and support his big bro even if he's stuck with a new babysitter now. Konohamaru follow suit and observe the demon of the mist training the orphan Uzumaki. Naruto would badmouth and banter about wanting the executioners blade but Zabuza isn't going to give it up. Though Zabuza teaches him better chakra control and a little bit of water style before discovering his affinity for Wind release. Haku intrigued by the knucklehead offers to spar to further validate his training. And so Naruto and Haku spar and further develop their bonds as comrades while Konohamaru and a masked Zabuza watches. 

As the day went by we get to see how the rest of Team 7 are using their free time. Sasuke brooding as ever but on this particular day, he asks Sakura to do some light training with him; to better improve her effectiveness on the squad. Which Sakura perceives as a date and completely overdresses to the point of showing more feminine charm (Skirt, ninja heels, styling her hair, etc..) Though Sasuke relents how he should have been more specific with his wording, he can't bring himself to openly reject her. He has dejected her by calling her annoying and what not but this was a "special" case. He just hopes that Kakashi nor Mina spot the too he'll never live it down especially with Naruto.  

And so the two spend the day conversing and walking through the village. Unbeknownst to the prodigal Uchiha and the cherry blossom heroine's pleasure, a certain fiery blonde is observing, grunting, and howling her jealous ass off; much to her teammates annoyance well mainly the lazy one. The Inoshikacho trio (the majority of which reluctantly) spy and watch the "date" unfold with Sakura constantly trolling and milking the interactions every chance she gets.  Ino is practically miserable and on the verge of tears. "Ahh come on Ino maybe some barbeque would cheer you up?", Choji implies. "Yeah and grow withered and fat like some dusty old hag?!", Ino replied. Upon realizing what she said she covered her mouth but the damage was done and the admittedly big boned shinobi was furious until a young kid shows up in front of the three and gets steamrolled by the raging Choji. "Choji you oaf get off of him?!!!", Ino yelled pulling her friend off of him. "What a drag though not the first time", Shikamaru bantered. The kid just got back up as if nothing happened. Ino was concerned yet relieved though Shikamaru was suspicious. "Its not often that someone especially our age cam withstand Choji when he's angry he could be a threat." The young boy just screams miserable suicidal even without saying a single word but the most identifying trait was his Konoha headband. However, this kid wasn't part of the rookie nine that graduated nor was he part of the class that graduated the year before. Ino's attitude completely changed though she was shallow and self-minded at times she wasn't heartless. "He maybe older than us but whatever happened nearly broke him", Ino ponders to herself. "I'm Ino and these are my comrades and friends Shikamaru and Choji", Ino pitched the conversation. Sai dejects and tuned Ino out lost in his own thoughts from the recent developments but he had a mission to complete and clearly these three were clearly still ignorant kids. "Excuse me but you're in my way", Sai stated condescendingly. Sai attempts to walk off only to be confronted by an insulted and angry Ino. She gets in his face practically screaming and shaking him until a little notebook falls out of his pocket.  Ino looks down at the notebook but before she could move she feels a small sword brushing up against her neck. Thankfully Shikamaru used shadow possession justu to bind Sai in place. Ino reached down for the notebook until she noticed Sai's face. He was crying without realizing it and so she returned the book in Sai's pocket while hugging him. Sai was completely confused but just stayed still in Ino's arms. He really didn't understand nor know how to deal with the situation. Shikamaru being the overanalytical strategist that he is deduces that the threat has passed. So he gets closer to unbind and under the Shadow possession justu. "I don't know why I'm choking like this but to be fair I could broken out at anytime especially at your level", Sai responded. Before Shikamaru could retort he's decked right in the face knocking him into the side of a merchant booth. "Choji look after him for awhile alright? As for you... You can't be mission bound all the time it'll consume if not destroy you. I see you're observant how about you shadow and study me for a bit?", Ino suggested. " name is Sai. And I used to like to draw", Sai replied. "What stopped you?", Ino asked. "I-It's a long story...", Sai tried to speak before the blonde put a finger across his lips silencing him. "We got all day", Ino stated. Sai was confused but chose to stay quiet as Ino took his hand and the two walk off.

Meanwhile, Mina has just gotten out of the hospital and recovery from the Zabuza fight and the two are walking around the memorial park. They're just chatting and reflecting on everything they've been through until she trips over a stone. "Be careful!!!", Kakashi stated as he caught her. They pause for a moment realizing that Kakashi caught her by grabbing her breast. Mina stepped back heaping red while Kakashi with his hands up trying to downplay the situation. "Sorry I didn't mean it", Kakashi apoligizes. Mina blushing madly from this whole thing covering herself can't help being happy. This is the first time Kakashi has done anything mutually physical with her. "Kakashi you pervert...I won't say anything if you want to touch me but why not do it someplace private", Mina indulged. "I said I didn't mean it!!!", Kakashi retorted flustered.  

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