Q&A #2

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Hello everyone!!!

Sorry for the delay but Chapter 13 and Part 2 on Youtube will definitely be out soon. I'm taking online summer classes for my college degree right now. So everything's a bit delayed but I'm catching back up. Nonetheless here's This week's questions and again anonymous

Question #1: 

There had never been any clause regarding reconnaissance let alone this rule being applied in Canon. And you wouldn't use Academy students for this wouldn't debuting Team Asuma or Team Kurenai been a better choice?

Good question!!! However, this was a subtle abuse of power on Hiruzen's part. In politics especially safeguarding a high rate of success on missions, something like this had to apply in certain circumstances. And yes this would apply to mostly Anbu or in Danzo's case roots. Hell they're secret operations stem from reconnaissance clauses in of itself. Regardless, all adding Team Asuma would have done was add comedic banter regarding the catfight between Sakura vs Ino and it would have been a distraction to the story of the Land of waves Arc. Now adding Team Kurenai probably would have worked but again Kiba being a cocky loud mouth would have been milked as much as Toei milked the commodore of Yamcha in Dragon ball especially in Super. Hinata would have been the damsel that Mina was growing out of being. The trio works the best as a subplot because its not overly comedic nor does it make certain character moments mute. Sure Team Guy probably would have worked too however, the graduated and became Genin the school year before and were probably undergoing they're own mission at the time.  It would have just boiled down to fanservice at least in my opinion.

Question #2:

Why did  Lord Hiruzen condemn Mina to be Kabuto's victim to test his true nature in the tournament? Everyone had heavy suspicions of Kabuto since he had attempted the promotion for Chunin multiple times which more than likely was for scout and intel purposes. Kabuto forfeits in canon to prevent the odd number debacle and goes on to scheme anyways.

True however, this is a low point for the narrative and since once we get to the shippuden side of the story, we would get much of our protagonist couple interacting in the main narrative for the rest of the story. At least compared to part one; so something crucial is going to occur by the end of this arc but you have to be patient and stay tuned to find out what it is. XDD

Question #3:

If everything leading to the time skip goes about the same than why not just wrap up loose ends and go straight into Shippuden?

Patience my friend pacing aside story is much more enjoyable as a whole rather than in small chunks. Not to mention this question reminds me of the last Q&A where you guys asked me about Sakura and Mina's relationship. And Upon reflection from her utilizing Genjutsu as well as her later training under Lady Tsunade, it's more than likely that she'll train under Anko and Kurenai to utilize her Genjutsu prowess in combination to her raw strength until she manifests the Byakugo seal in the Fourth Great Ninja War. She'll train with Mina to better hone her Taijutsu however, the inner gates are a huge if not near suicidal strain on the body. Maybe depending on how the writing goes by the time we get to shippuden but as of now, she won't be specifically training to use the eight inner gates. However, I will cultivate a series of side stories to give some perspective of our heroes' training.

Question #4:

Why is Kiba still made a joke?

That's stems from the comedy from the shonen cocky idiot trope. However, Kiba won't fade into obscurity like in canon he'll have a role to play but spoilers!!!

Question #5:

How do you feel about Naruto the Last and the marketing of the new era project as a whole?

Well rather mixed actually. The story stemmed from a two  year time skip after the War and by the end, Naruto grows out of his childhood crush on Sakura and finally realizes his feelings for Hinata. However, Kishimoto wasn't good at writing romance and any added context prior to Naruhina getting together was going to make Neji's sacrifice redundant so the film was going to stir a controversy regardless. If Mina was canon this would have indirectly lead to Naruto having a decent understanding of women due to having her as a sister-figure. As a result,  the ship sails a lot smoother outside of a certain god's observations'.

As for the new era project, I feel like Studio Periot did the best with what they were given in terms of the marketing and guaranteeing the next generation of fans. However, like Super they jumped the gun with the movie's release and set up the sequel without any real foundation. Super's error was mostly animation since One Piece Gold was still in production at the time and the extra six months would have allowed the anime a solid flow through the movie recap episodes. Super was a cash grab tie-in series that expands on the ten year time skip between Kid Buu's defeat and Goku meeting UUB during End of Z. Similar to DB Kai its a means to hook new fans as well as ride off nostalgia at the same time. Difference being that with Kai, most of the filler was cut out with certain exceptions and with Super there was little to no story at all.

Whereas with Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, there is a story the manga's an outline while the anime is paced with an audience similar to the one Naruto started with progressing its story in real time. Naruto's story was hard work, triumph, and proving your worth in a dark and cruel world. Boruto's story is about modernization, failure, and redemption. Like Bleach, Boruto isn't formulaic with typical Shonen as a result the character either gets misunderstood or creditably bashed upon for not maintaining the status quo. Boruto is one of those brats who truly chooses to become his own man by his own accord; but he goes the wrong way about it because of his pride and his insecurities. Boruto is an ignorant child bound to the legacy and prestige of his father and grandfather. He stumbles, he badmouths, he takes those closest to him for granted. But after the events of the movie/ Momoshiki Arc, he grows, he learns and matures and a year later he reflects while babysitting the feudal Lord's son who's an even bigger brat than him but misguided nonetheless. 
And thats all I have for u today please continue the support and I will see you guys in chapter 13

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