Chapter 31 Pride VS Hatred The Demon Takes Form

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You know how much of a disrespect it would be if I altered this fight; though if I could it would be the following:

 One Naruto actually has a counterargument compared to canon since Mina's involvement as an actual maternal figure in his surrogate family and helped fill the void in Sasuke after loosing his family and clan but forged a new family in spite of it. This reflected what Kakashi had lectured him about the previous day. Two Sasuke doesn't want to hear it hence being even more remorseful than he was during this fight. As a result, Sasuke is a bit reluctant in trying to kill Naruto but knows for his revenge he must. And three This fight would be even more brutal and badass because when kid Naruto is resonating with the nine-tail he can actually use the flying thunder god; like he did against Neji in this timeline; but one-tail cloak Naruto would be able to spam it recklessly and uncaringly. However, he's not his father so this still tires him out which secures Sasuke's win in the Rasen-chidori clash. So this fight is border line ugly; it makes this timeline's version of Neji vs Hinata look like a sparing match. The nine-tail keeps pumping Naruto with chakra so he's even thrilled by this fight. So Naruto blitzes Sasuke's third-temol Sharingan with semi-difficulty. Its a very close fight but in the end Curse Mark stage three Sasuke comes out on top albeit barely. Though when the smoke clears the prodigal Uchiha is severely beat up. So instead of walking past the border the rest of the way he limps on one leg with the other completely shattered until he collapses with Kabuto finding him, resuscitating him, and taking him to their master.  

The others are still in route back to Konoha they can sense the intensity of this fight going on and how it devastated the surrounding landscape. Hinata feels completely helpless and useless. She had the chance to assist and stay by Naruto's side if she had kept the last food pill. If she was selfish enough to risk condemning Lee than she would have tag team with her beloved and Sasuke would be back in Konoha custody right now. She's disgusted by the thought though she would be remised if a part of her didn't consider it at that time. Of course we know that Team Gaara was going to play and bail them out but our heroes in universe they didn't. 

Everyone returns home jaded and defeated with a few actually on the verge of death. This would be a devastating blow for everyone. Shikamaru got the worst of it though; even with Hinata's addition and Team Dosu addition. He failed his first Chunin miserably, his best friend is on his death bed, Sasuke's gone rouge and worst of all he couldn't even share the glory in the defeat of the sound Four beause Tayuya survived. Everything goes about the same from here with the only differences being that Mizuki is somewhat canon in this timeline and instead of being thrown back in prison left to rot because his revenge was filler, he's kinda like the narutoverse version of the suicide squad where he does crazy and suicidal missions as penance in return for lighter sentences; as such he retains his ability to mold and use chakra.
Lady Tsunade isn't doing this out of the goodness of her heart rather this is the ultimate punishment for Mizuki. A fate worst than death as he's fundamentally pittied by everyone and is reduced to canon fodder for the Anbu black ops. She even let Lord Danzo place a detonating sealing tag on Mizuki to really relish in the turnaround. If the fallen tiger wants to live he'll have to kill the deluded persona he carved for himself and spend the rest of his days in servitude to the Hidden Leaf village. "Oh and one last thing, that sealing formula compells you never to take your own life. So you'll both live and die a disgrace like the worthless vermin you are!!!", Tsunade regaled sadistically.
Meanwhile Kakashi looks over on Mina and how injured she is. He wanted to protect her keep her away from all this. However destiny and fate had other plans.
"I must accept it now. Not only with Sasuke joining Orochimaru but the Akatsuki as well. If I truly am to die in this conflict, I wanna die with no regrets", Kakashi reflected.

While the recovery period ensued, everyone continued their training with new vigor. Shikamaru's vow to never fail nor let his comrades die again. Ino's desire to surpass Sakura as payback for the exams as well as one day live a life with Sai as her husband. Kiba more furious than ever and everyone else just about the same. However, we cue to the Hyuga estate while Jiraya is conversing with Lord Hiashi. Jiraya wanted to be curious regarding that after Naruto recovers and gets in shape again they will leave for roughly three years for training and to remain vigilant of the Akatsuki. Lord Hiashi appreciates the gesture but insist that a representative on the Hyuga clans honor attend this training trip to ensure Naruto's safety as a means to secure a first child. "If Neji was a renouned prodigy of the branch family, imagine how the genes of the Fourth Hokage's son could benefit the Hyuga bloodline?!!", Hiashi inquired excitedly. "Understandable however Nejis one of your top men in the main branchand rhe villages defense nobily speaking. I suppose someone on Team Kurenai would be a considerable replacement", Jiraya replied.
As it appeared that the redeeming noble and the pervy sage were in agreement, they completely miss the mark. Jiraya suggests Shino while Hiashi suggests Kiba. "Shinos has good trafficing and scouting skills but the child is a complete introvert to the point of stoic awkwardness", Hiashi pitched. Pervy sage may have played the role of one in the past but he was no fool. " Now Lord Hiashi I know Naruto beat Neji fair in square but certainly not trying to bait trap a thriteen year old boy are you?", Jiraya accused. " I said a representative not Lady Hinata besides with me reinstating her, she has plenty of diplomatic responsibilities for the village. Kiba has keen combactive senses and an ideal replacement to rival Naruto and keep him on his toes. Not to mention with more kids to train, the more time your "gospel" can inspire courtship and the finer things in life for generations to come", Hiashi countered. "Why you sly old little?!!!", Jiraya retorted internally. Jiraya succumbed to his pervertedness and Hiashi's smoothtalking and the two reach an accord until...
"Lord Hiashi pardon the intrusion!!!", the knocker beeseched.
"Why come in Hinata we have much to discuss", Lord Hiashi replied recognizing the voice.

Next Time:
Chapter 32
The New Journey Begins
The Next Team Jiraya is Born

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