Chapter 6 The Rise to Chunin Lord Hiashi's proposal

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The following day Haku (With a new mask), Mina, and now Sai meet up at the Hokage's office for their assignment and sensei or squad leader in this case. "Now usually rising Genin don't get recruited to missions like this but in these trying times we can't leave anything to chance. You will be collaborating with the Anbu Black Ops alongside your commander Captain Yamato", Lord Third stated. The tall yet stern looking man revealed an ironically creepy smile as he greeted his new team. Mina was a bit weirded out but recalls him as Kakashi's former comrade in the Anbu years ago. "Man has he aged since then...", Mina thought to herself. Whereas Haku was compliant and Sai was indifferent. "Alright team no special treatment we are to meet at dawn for final briefing and then rondeau with our scout team just outside the village. Any questions?", Yamato entailed. "Don't we introduce and get to know each other more?", Mina asked. "The effectiveness and completion of the mission is absolute. If you can't pull your own weight then you will be a burden and discarded as such. That's what separates us from the rookies who stem cuddled within the village and the true ninja on the front line", Sai interjected. While Mina fumes in a contained rage, Yamato thinks back to just a few days ago, Kakashi smooth-talked him into not only leading this squad but making sure that Mina was safe. "He really should just make a move already. I could have covered Team 7 for him. It would only have been a couple of months; conniving, sliver-tongued male Tsundere jackass!!!", Yamato raged in his head. While Mina and a socially inept and confused Sai were arguing, Lord Hokage had enough and demanded that the three get along since the bond and value of your comrades could mean live or death. He then dismisses team Yamato for the day. "Understood!!!", Team Yamato bellowed. 

Yamato gets introduced to Team 7 by Kakashi and Mina while Haku helps Sai with some "girl trouble". "So this girl has been a comfort to you recently. Do you like her?", Haku asked. "I'm not sure however, she seems to have a fiery temper and somewhat possessive. Though despite that brash exterior she seems to be a rather approachable girl", Sai responds. "So what's the issue?", Haku asked again. "It appears that I may have agreed to meet her at the Yamanaka Clan residence today. Though she might be using me to plant some seed of jealousy. In all honesty I really don't care but I am curious about where it'll lead", Sai replied. Haku was slightly baffled. If this girl was anything he described then when they leave for their months long expedition...she's gonna be pissed!!! Haku decides to give Sai some lessons to improve his social skills and commerce on the way. Especially for what was to come. 

When they arrive and explain the situation, Ino is furious since she wanted to show him off to get back at Sakura for trolling her. Though her father and current head of the clan Inoichi Yamanaka was rather pleased at the prospect of his daughter finding interest in an elite ninja serving the village instead of that childish bad boy attraction she had for Sasuke. She had it for awhile but recently it had started to get on his nerves. "Lord Yamanaka please forgive me for my recent assignment and any inconvenience it may bring", Sai amended after Haku's lessons. Inoichi appreciates the gesture but this really isn't for him to decide; that would be for Ino. "He's doomed", Haku states while presuming the worst. However, a miracle happened; "Ino please forgive me I know you meant well despite your rivalry with Sakura but I beseech you, If you wait for me I will do my best to earn your favor", Sai pleaded. Both Ino and Haku are dumbfounded at the situation before them. Haku for Sai mentioning the one thing he told him not to bring up and Ino because despite his social awkwardness it appeared as if Sai showed a genuine interest in her. "Fine I'll give it a shot but ONLY if and when you comeback in one piece", Ino demanded. "As you wish my lady", Sai replied with a smile. From that moment on Ino would find away to look forward to and see more of that smile. 

That night Team 7 throw a farewell and good luck party for Mina and Haku on their mission. Even Zabuza and Sai show up for the festivities and they all have a good time. Unbeknownst to them a certain black haired dame stalked the party observing from a far. That is until she heard a voice call out to her. "Hey Hinata enough stargazing we gotta mission tomorrow!!!", Kiba yelled. "Oh I'm sorry coming!!!", Hinata called back. "Good night Naruto", Hinata said to herself as she walked back down and headed home. Back at the party we then get to the point where they received their gifts. To Mina and Haku from Iruka their official Konoha headbands. Mina wore hers on her right arm rather than risk messing up her hair. Haku took off his mask and began to put his headband on his forehead while Sakura blushed about how cute and near feminine he looked; even though she felt guilty for it. To Haku from Naruto a starter set on making your own Ramen. This annoys Sakura and Sasuke but Haku appreciates the gesture. To Mina from Kurenai A pink shinobi battle attire that not only helps her stay battle ready but also shows a kunoichi's best traits. Zabuza dies laughing as the outfit was more than just for Mina and battle. Kakashi chooses to stay quiet while having a very evident blush on his face. (AU: the outfit is the background picture for this chapter) And finally for Mina a collaboration gift from Team 7 Including Kakashi. A freshly forged Katana with an encryption on the handle. "Those who abandon the mission are scum. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." "Aww Kakashi?!!!", Mina moaned happily as she leaped over to hug her one-sided love. the guest decide to take their leave with the exception of Sai. Not to be perverted he was just curious; only to be dragged out by a furious and admittedly bitchy Sakura.

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