Chapter 3 The Deadly Assassins The Demons of the Mist

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The next morning, the two groups met at the Front Gate of the village to discuss morning briefing. The delinquent trio are half sleep while Naruto and Konohamaru are completely pumped. Konohamaru because he gets to show his stuff to the boss/ big brother Naruto.  And Naruto's excited because its his first time leaving the village. Sakura is a bit annoyed at her teammate's naivety but its good company amid the circumstances. Sasuke's been rather quiet and Tazuna is a bit of a jerk. Iruka and Kakashi are going over the plan. They will travel in two groups. Team Kakashi will travel the main route while Team Iruka will scout ahead laying traps and will meet up at the land of waves. Tazuna will accompany Team Kakashi while the trio will take turns disguising as Tazuna using transformation justu to lure bandits and other criminals while in route. "Wait a minute!!! I made an agreement with OLD THRID TO WATCH OVER EM AND I AM NOT GOING BACK ON MY WORD AGAIN BELIEVE IT!!!", Naruto would proclaim. Moegi and Udon were ecstatic over the boss while Konohamaru was a bit flustered as well.  "Mr. Tazuna would you mind holding this for a moment", Kakashi asked the bridge builder as he handed him a scroll. Tazuna accepted the request only for it to glow and suck Tazuna right into it. The others including Iruka were in complete disbelief. "What?! this is an escort mission besides you can never be too sure on a mission. Especially if we were playing double decoy", Kakashi replied.    After some debating and retort by Iruka they agree that while Iruka and Mina scout ahead Team Kakashi will follow the original plan with the trio going with them. Mina makes a shadow and thus clone turns into Tazuna. Mina leaves a solemn yet happy wink as Kakashi sighs. "I'm worried about the kids but if they're truly set on becoming ninja thus was unavoidable", Kakashi pondered. "Don't worry guys I'll protect you no matter what believe it", Naruto stated acting cool. Sakura then decked the blonde out of nowhere. Reminding Naruto that's he's too damn reckless and a complete idiot.  "Uh... Boss you're girlfriend's scary!!", Konohamaru quivered. Sakura while disgusted at the thought gave a menacing and sadistic grin. "Oh scary am I? You don't know what true fear is. Let me show you..." However, before it could go any further Mina tells the cherry blossom heroine to knock it off. Mina then walks over and the two have a little girl talk. "W-what was that about?!!", The young Sarutobi asked. "You'll understand when you're older especially you brat if you keep pissing them off like that", Tazuna(Mina's clone) replied. "Before you shout my ear off listen, we need to be as focused as possible for this mission. If you play nice I'll train you and not at just taming bad boys hehe", Mina quipped. And with that Sakura was convinced and in a much better mood.  Naruto grunted at the change in jealousy. Sure he maybe dense at times but he wasn't that stupid.   He's had this new found resentment for his "brother" since the teams sure he still has his crush on Sakura but he can tell he's been dejected and rejected. "What's with the look loser you're assuming you even had a chance at all", Sasuke coined. Naruto fumed but kept his composure for the sake of the trio. "At least at the end of the day I was more feared than pitied!!!", Naruto replied. Before the two could duke it out they each received a nasty bunk on the head. Naruto from Iruka and Sasuke from Mina. "If either of you wants to complete your dream you're going to have to learn to work together. Especially considering the fact that you're brothers both in arms as well as family", Mina scolded. The boys pout and spout to the other that's he's not my brother.
Before leaving Kakashi bites his thumb pricking a speck of blood and weaved the hands signs. "Summoning Justu!!!", Kakashi exclaimed as the smoke clouded his hand. Naruto and his delinquent sidekicks look on ecstatic to reveal a small pug. The four look a bit perplexed cringe even. "You know what to do Pakkun right?", Kakashi asked. "I got it Kakashi but you owe me for playing babysitter", Pakkun replied in a surprisingly deep voice. Mina hearing this retorts. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!!!" "Exactly how it sounded. For gods sake you two would probably have a kid together by now if you didn't always act like a child", Pakkun regaled. Iruka, Kakashi, Tazuna and even the kids including Sasuke cringed as the pug and youthful girl argued. Eventually, with all that aside and the trio using transformation justu to resemble the bridge builder and his bags, the two groups set out in different directions. 

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