The Return to the Great Naruto Bridge The Ice Demon vs The Serpent Shark

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Note: This is Chapter 20 the title wouldn't hold the entire thing. With that being said let's continue the TALE

Upon arrival to Tazuna's village, Zabuza and Haku in their transformed states realize how much business has improved since their hire for Gato a year ago. Once noticed by the civilians, Haku as Naruto is practically smothered in hero worship for defeating Gato. Even though it was a team effort and Naruto's legend in the situation was completely exaggerated. Dosu and Zaku cringed a bit but were able to play it off because if it weren't for Naruto's Talk no jujitsu on subways are in Mina sparing Haku then they would all be long dead by now. However as Naruto how Haku was getting a few admirer, Much two Kin's dismay. Zabuza or Jiraya helped lead the negotiations while Dosu and Zaku played crowd control. Naruto (Haku) blushed as he was surrounded by fangirls and the younger children asking about the knucklehead's further adventures. Kin's jealousy was seeping to a boil and until Haku cleverly saved himself and not just from the fans. "Alright everyone this is shinobi business besides we never know when the next attack could show up. All the more reason the Leaf wants to help. But we can't make a deal if no one is concentrating in the present ya know?!" A bit on the nose but Haku's performance mimicked Naruto naïve obnoxiousness enough for the children to still be enticed by their hero, as the adults scurried the children and adored maidens away. Kin was disgusted and furious at the notion and worse it was Haku, HER Haku poses as Naruto stewing in such popularity. She knows better but her jealousy got the better of her. "Hope you enjoyed the show", Kin quipped condescendingly as she walked off. "I better do something nice for her when this is over hahahahaha", Haku thought to himself. While Naruto set out to lay the trap for the Akatsuki by getting pig-headed and storming into the wilderness fuming. Ironically, Haku could poetically pull it off  and easily would have if it weren't for one little misstep. 

Meanwhile Jiraya was enjoying himself while Dosu and Zaku compromised with Tazuna and the village elder. However despite the appearance, Zabuza wasn't as depraved as the loudest of the Sannin. The demon played the best as he could and he was attracted to the beautiful women but if there was one thing he was not was a pig. "If only I didn't have that damn snake on my ass all the time", Zabuza confined to himself. Nobody of than either the Sannin and those who knew Pervy sage personally would know the difference. Jiraya then noticed that Naruto went off somewhere staying in character and the plan. Dosu secures the contract with Tazuna and the elder while Zaku and Inari get into a shouting match over some childish nonsense much to the two's irritation. "Heh the first thing you two have agreed on all day", Tazuna quipped. Zaku just scowled while Inari just stuck his tongue out in retort. "Old habits die hard I guess", Dosu deduced. In exchange for better trade and other supplies, Konoha will not only send patrols to advocate and protect the village but also allow those willing to become ninja to undergo the academy. It was time to leave however, the children wanted to admire their hero one more time and Haku wasn't back yet. So Zaku summoned a shadow clone while stalling the kids and suddenly, "Hello everybody don't give up on your dreams and get stronger believe it!!!", Naruto roared exciting the crowd. The kids ate it up and Dosu and Zaku were able to leave the village with the signed contract in tow. They were supposed to follow the escort back to Konoha however, they could sense that someone was terribly wrong. "Really don't give up and get stronger?", Dosu quipped. "s-s-s-Shut up!!! It worked didn't it?!!!", Zaku retorted as they gave chase. They don't have to scout far until they spot Kin unconscious, bound to Genjutsu. Zaku formed the necessary hand signs to undo their comrade's trance. Kin stumbled for a minute but quickly regained her composure. They know what comes next and they need to be ready. The set out to assist the Demon Duo. 

Meanwhile deep in the forest, Haku needed to get back soon otherwise the townspeople were going to notice. "I feel like I've been here before", Haku inquired. He then stabbed himself with a senbon to reveal that he was under a Genjutsu. "I see you caught on Itachi", Haku called out. Suddenly a flock of crows could be seen as the rouge ninja made himself known. The black haired was cold and demented and underneath his Sharingan eyes, Haku could sense a small and buried tinge of regret and light amidst the darkness. However, Itachi was too far gone to exploited. "I wouldn't do that. After all without Zabuza you're outmatched. Just tell me where we can find the nine-tails and I might make it painless", Itachi offered. Haku closed his eyes for a moment sensing the air around him until he seized it. "You're out of your mind!!!",Haku shouted as he charged the devil Uchiha. "Triple Sonic Blast full power", Team Dosu synched as the blasted Itachi's senses disrupting his if only for a few moments. However in this fight that was plenty as a misty fog rained upon the Land of waves as Zabuza lined his kill shot and sliced Itachi clean in two ending him. "Ha so much for the mighty Itachi Uchiha! I kinda feel bad for Sasuke though", Zaku bantered cockily. "Don't be stupid for once in your life and get ready. It's not over yet", Zabuza ordered. 

At that moment Itachi's corpse began to dissipate into more crows revealing Itachi and the other Mist rogue ninja looking overhead. "Kisame Hoshigaki I've waited a long time for this", Zabuza snarled under his mask. The shark man couldn't help but smirk at the remark. "Is that you little Zabuza? Well it seems rather than receiving an honorable death you've gone soft and been demoted to babysitter", Kisame trolled.  "Like you're one to talk you overgrown fish", Zabuza countered. "Before we begin, tell me what it was like to be surrounded by all those beautiful women all the while playing the role of a fool", Itachi inquired. "Well excuse me for not being a pig. No let's cut the bullshit shall we?", Zabuza quipped condescendingly. "Let's Water Style Exploding Water Shock Wave!!!", Kisame beckoned as he spits out a great volume of water from their mouth, swallowing up and crushing the enemy with the advancing surge. This starts the battle as not only Team Ice but Anko and shadow team leap into the air trying to get higher ground. "Surrounded by beautiful women huh?! Just wait until you hear from me Zabuza", the snake kunoichi retorted internally.  Kisame rode the wave with Samehada cutting down the leaf ninja freefalling. 

Right when he swings to cut down Anko, the Hoshigaki is intercepted by the Executioner's blade. Zabuza knocks Kisame back as Haku uses Ice style to freeze the water wave before using the crystal ice mirrors to slice through the enemy. The wave is disrupted as Zabuza Momochi makes the catch for his beloved serpent even if he won't admit it. Before the Ice mirror could hit, its disrupted by Itachi's Amaterasu giving him the opening to enter the mirror dimension and mopping the floor with Haku from multiple angles. Itachi then shatters the mirror dimension by  kicking Haku into the distant shore just shy of the water ready to finish the Ice orphan off.  Team Ice staying in formation rushed to their leaders side knowing what was to come. "Well Zabuza if I had known you had ripped off Kakashi and taken a lover I would have killed her first and gotten to the real fun", Kisame enticed. "You shut your damn mouth shark-breath!!!", Zabuza retorted. "Oh it seems I've touched a nerve. Zabuza at this rate, you're gonna lose your edge", Kisame trolled. "I have to keep him away from the water but caught in his bloodlust enough not to resort to water style right away. Damn it!!!", Zabuza processed. Anko simply touched his hand in sincerity and smirked. Suddenly a strange glow began to form across her fair neck sprouting black tattoos. "Wait don't tell me... it's like that spider brat?!!! Orochimaru....You die next!!!", Zabuza ranted to himself. When the transformation was complete we see the first stage of a very dark power. One that even send chills to Itachi's spine as he gives pause at the thought of his younger brother being corrupted by the likes of him. Cursed Mark Anko who's much more experienced with this power than those we've seen so far still finds difficulty control the dark impulses that bind her; and it's been a long time since she's last used it. The only thing keeping her together right now are the mission and ironically her love for Zabuza. "We'll fight him together", Anko stated. "On my lead and have the others assist Team Ice", Zabuza replied. Anko notes how the demon's support Haku growing into his own. "It true what they say, the first kid's always the hardest."  Zabuza and Curse Mark Anko fought off Kisame, while Itachi began his battle with Team Ice. 

Meanwhile at the coast shore,  Team Ice was coming up with a plan. "For now we stand our ground you guys are going to combine water style and wind style to enhance your sound. After all you have an Ocean to play with", Haku ordered. "Just tell me you have a plan and you're not just throwing your life away so we can escape", Kin pleaded. Haku was silent as he pricked his finger and formed the hand signs, "Summoning jutsu!!!", Haku called as a massive puff of smoke rose the water to the air which revealed...Monkey King Enma!!!

Next time

Chapter 21

The Snake and Demon Unite 

The Return of The Monkey King 

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