Chapter 9 The spiral of Darkness the last date

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Meanwhile a seed of deception was in the works, as Kabuto and Ibiki were discussing in secret. Remember Dosu was supposed to be crushed by Garra however, thanks to Haku he and his comrades were spared. However some ninja weren't so fortunate. As such Hayate still dies at the hands of Ibiki though thanks to Zabuza he puts up much more of a fight.
Despite things lining back up with canon for the most part, Orochimaru always finds a way to adapt to a current situation. After Kabuto disguises the scent of Hayate's body, he departs and meets with his master discussing whether or not to abandon the Hidden Sand Village and abort the operation altogether. After all other than the death of Lord Third they logically gain nothing from this. "Patience young Kabuto sometimes you need to push beyond logic to twist reality in your favor. And speaking of favors there's one I need to attend to if we are going to fulfill our agenda. So I'll be leaving a double in my stead, so don't fail me Kabuto", the Snake Sannin regaled maniacally. Orochimaru then unveils a scroll containing a second version of himself. More than likely a manifested snake clone from one of his cursed vessels, Sasuke's not the first and for the rogue sannin's ambition he won't be the last.

While the last few nights of preparation were underway, the shadows never rest. Back at the reconnaissance camp, Captain Yamato has studied and analyzed Team Dosu's capabilities and per Lord Danzo's orders recruited them into the Anbu but separate from Root. As such they're rebranded Team Ice under promoted chunin Haku Yuki. Captain Haku reintroduces himself to the group though the trio have already seen his face when Kin was lip-smacking all over it. Kin is rather coy in her "appreciation" of all this, while Dosu's contempt and glad they have a better chance at living. And Zaku is currently stewing in his own jealousy, though more egotistical than anything else. The trio are able to use sound jutsu so they are proficient in Wind based attacks and neuro-manipulation. Haku's fighting style is similar with his clan's renowned Ice release. Sure it can be mimicked with combining Water and Wind but few clans have the special ability to use Ice style naturally. Nonetheless Haku's glad that he's commended for his hard work, though he's fully aware that this squad was specifically to distract him from Danzo's schemes. "My name is Haku Yuki Sarutobi honored to be working with you", Haku replied courteously. The former sound team bowed in kind. After pleasantries, Zaku lunges straight for his commander only to be bitch-slapped across the face knocking him to the ground. Zaku winces in pain but growls in frustration. Kin just ignores this while Dosu just uses his sound gauntlet at minimum to muse some sense into his teammate. After Zaku wakes up, Haku seizes an opportunity. "I see you have some problem with me. Tell you what if you can steal a scroll from that tent alone, I'll let you take our assigned route alone and request that you three act an individual unit", Haku pitched pointing at the tent at the edge of camp. "Heh that's all I have to do?! Easy!!!", Zaku accepted cockily. "Zaku you idiot that's a lovers' tent!!", Dosu pleaded with his idiot friend. "Not just any lover's tent, Anko and Master Zabuza's lovers' tent", Haku replied. "Y-You're a monster", Dosu replied in shock. Kin just smirked at her friends misfortune and what was to come. Zaku stealthily sneaks into the tent and let's just say naked Anko is not amused and neither are her snakes.   

(AU: Black ops are different from normal operations. That being said, Chunin can lead squads for either D to C-ranked missions or special circumstances. So consider this a special circumstance, after all Haku exposed Team Dosu and got intel out of them. Although he was later seduced by Kin during the interrogation but from an effective standpoint credit where its due. and just in case you're curious Zabuza was taking care of business deeper in the forest.) 

Zaku after having all the bruises, cuts and poisons removed from his body complies and vows never to badmouth or disrespect Captain Haku again. "And don't forget I was going easy on you", Haku replied sternly. Dosu and Zaku squirm in fear a bit at the statement, while Kin and Anko have a little girl's talk regarding Haku. At that moment a recently deployed strike team returns from their nightly patrol only to start weaving hand signs and attacking the camp. "Mutiny!!!", a scout roared. And so the battle began leading only to betrayal, carnage, and death for the village hidden in the leaves; while to the enemy, tools for the endgame.

After Naruto and Lord Jiraya had left the training grounds, Kakashi, Sasuke, and Kurenai meet with our group. Team Kurenai are going over drills while Sakura walks over to group. Sasuke just pounces on her ready to fight. Sakura's lustful desires aside adapts and begins her spar. "She's improved", Kurenai comments. "Well for one she had a good teacher", Mina brags to her friend. "I noticed you're wearing your black and red", Kurenai inquired. "Well I loved the gift you and Anko made me but it got ripped during the exams when I used the third gate. Wait you saw the match so why ask about it?!!!", Mina retorted blushingly. Kakashi just sighed in cringe knowing full well of their friends' cheeky tone.  He could easily expose her affair and secret love with Asuma but the copy ninja chooses to be the bigger person. At that moment a mask ninja body flickered in front of the adults. "Team head home and be sure to train for you're match Shino", Kurenai ordered. Team Kurenai then left the grounds. "Mina stay here with Sasuke and Sakura", Kakashi regaled. "I'm Anbu so I'm coming with you", Mina ranted. "Don't make this a damn order!!! You're still a genin at the end of the day so stay put!!!", Kakashi retorted angrily. Mina tearful but complied. Kurenai scold at the silver-haired tsundere but relented given the circumstances. The Jonin left along with the masked Anbu. Mina wiped her tears and channeled the first gate calling her son and comrade to continue their spar.

On route to the camp they are met halfway by Zabuza, Anko, and Team Ice. The camp was massacred and they're the sole survivors. "Heh and hear I thought you'd bring the damsel with you", Zabuza trolled. "Says the fish covered in sap and sweat", Kakashi coined. Zabuza growled but sought the bigger picture. After explaining the situation, they compare notes. "More than likely there were more sound ninja spies within the ranks",  Dosu concluded. "Or they were bound to Genjustu and sacrificed to cause as much collateral damage as possible", Zaku commented. Haku's a bit distraught in all of this but Kin's by his side cradling him as relives the blood and gore from just a while ago. "Haku was always a soft-hearted kid, but even so betrayal and pointless slaughter on this scale was probably to much for him", Kurenai replied. "Please we've undergone much gorier than this, he's just in shock", Zabuza downplayed. The rest of the group just glared at him before getting a summons to meet back at the Interrogation corps to meet with the Hokage. 

While all this is going down Kabuto disguised in an Konoha Anbu uniform has the three vessels needed to complete his masters plan. And Naruto is wrapping up the special training with the Hokages guard and the pervy sage to take down the prodigal Hyuga

                                Konoha Crush begins in Chapter 10

                                                    The prodigy versus the loser

                                                    Two halves of the same Hell

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