Chapter 7 The challenge of marriage Mina's Growing Pains

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Upon returning to the Uzumaki house there was a little intervention waiting for him including Kurenai sensei who he followed earlier. "Uhh...guys... What's this about?", Naruto asked. "I'm just enjoying the show", Kiba bantered. Mina on the other hand had a very creepy smile on her. "Naruto did you do anything interesting today?", Mina asked oh so lovingly. "Not really you know... Just some training with my new master. You know pervy sage", Naruto replied. "Oh really? and does this pervy sage a lecturer on women?", Mina asked calmly. "Multiple Sexy jutsu!!!", Naruto called as a multitude of sexy femmine narutos spanned across the room. "Brilliant move boss!!!", Konohamaru adored. Kiba collapsed from a massive nosebleed never been so arosued and creeped out at the same time. "How far do you think he'll get?", Sai asked curiously. "I give him five blocks maybe the ramen shop", Zabuza replied. "Two at most", Sasuke spoke solemnly. Zabuza grinned, "wanna put some money on that?!!" Before the smoke cleared Anko made herself known by pinning and wrapping Naruto in a construct of snakes. "One and a half blocks not to bad", Shino announced. "Killjoy", Zabuza grumbled.
"Now then I'll ask you one more time Naruto. Anything interesting", Mina asked. The snakes slowly tightened their grip on the jinjuriki. "I followed Kurenai sensei", Naruto answered. "And...?", Mina asked as the snakes continued their grip. Kurenai was going increasingly worried while Kakashi imagined this going a lot worse if Lady Kushina was still alive. "Naruto... The sooner you talk, the sooner this will be all over", Sakura hummed in the knuckleheads ear. "This is agony", Haku commented. "It's actually quite entertaining", Sai replied. "I spoke with Hinatas dad and made a deal with him", Naruto continued. "You're almost there Naruto just let it out", Sakura egged on. "Hiashi would revaildate Hinata if I beat Neji now let me out already ya know!!!", Naruto caved. The snakes release while Naruto is grasping for air. At that moment Kiba regains consciousness,"uhh... What happened?" "Kiba no one is paying attention to you right now. So please keep it down", Shino suggested. Kiba growled but focused more on the task at hand.
"I don't see what the big deal is if I train to take Neji down, Hinatas in good standing again", Naruto asked. "You women completely went about this the wrong way", Zabuza chimed. "Oh and You think you can do better?", Anko suggested. "Naruto what do you think kekkon means?", Zabuza asked. "Kekkon.... No idea hehehehe", Naruto answered. Everyone fell over in shock and disbelief even Konohamaru. "Naruto do you like Hinata?", Shino asked. "Of course I do she's strong and kind a rare combo not to mention she's being look down on by that arrogant jerk Neji. Of course I like her believe it!!! But I don't see what this Kekkon had to do with it. Is that the new Ramen flavor that came out", Naruto answered questionably. "You idiot!!!!!!!", Sakura roared ramming straight for naruto. Naruto tries to run for dear life but eventually he's cut off by Mina.
"Oh big sister Mina thanks for saving m-m-m-meeeeeeeeee!!!", Naruto quelled in fear as Mina held him in place while Sakura unleashed her fury, knocking him through the wall and sending the knucklehead flying. Kiba and Zabuza laughed hysterically. "Hahahahahahaahahahaha!!! You can't pay for that kind of entertainment let alone stupid haha", Zabuza cried. "Oh then if its so funny then surely you wouldn't mind bringing him back here. Besides Zabuza you could use the extra exercise", Anko coined. "Fine just not in front of the kages brat alright?", Zabuza caved as he dragged a furious Kiba in tow.
As the two leave the guys stay quiet with the execption of Sai. "He seems to really like her and she likes him so what does it matter?", Sai asked. "They're too young period. Naruto barely understands the world around him and Lord Hiashi is a jerk for making such a high demand like that", Mina retorted. Before the remaining men could sneak away Kurenai uses a genjutsu to bind them and sulk them in the corner. Kakashi and Haku aren't affected by such a basic genjutsu but corroporates to prevent things from getting any worse.
Mina cries while Sakura and Kurenai reassure the protective kunoichi. At that moment, Ino stormmed into the house in a huff. Ino reaches over to Sai who alongwith the others have been put under a genjutsu and notices Mina crying thus joining the situation.
About an hour later Zabuza and Kiba return to the house with the knucklehead in tow. "So kekkon is a joining union", Naruto asked. "Yes!!!", the women retort. Naruto still sporting a confused look on his face. "In translation your life is over", Kiba retorted. Only to get decked by Ino breaking his nose and knocking him out. "Naruto kekkon means marriage. So when Lord Hiashi countered with kekkon you agreed to an arranged marriage with Hinata", Kurenai explained. "Did Hinata agree to this?", Naruto asked. At that moment the women agreed to tear up and hug the idiot. "Hey what're doing?!! You girls are crazy ya know?!!!", Naruto ranted. Sasuke just sighed as he had enough and left for his training with Kakashi. The copy ninja wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. The others proceeded to leave as well while Naruto kept screaming.
Later that day, Naruto heads to the hospital to check on hinata. Surprisingly she's making a massive recovery. She's not 100 percent but she can move. Naruto then explains about Lord Hiashi and kekkon even though Hinata already overheard the whole thing. "S-so h-how you feel about it?", Hinata asked. "I'll beat Neji believe it!!! But I'll only marry you if you agree to it too ya know", Naruto smiled. Hinata just burst into tears of joy and hugged her love. "Atta boy Naruto; though Kushina would probably kill me for not being there. But I can at the very least help him grow as his master. Right Minato?", Jiraya thought looming overhead.
The remainder of the month goes about as canon but with the extra motivation, Naruto gets through his herdals a few days earlier. Could this lead to a new technique to beat Neji?!!!

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