Chapter 15 Anbu Vs Root A Father's Goodbye

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The Fourth Hokage was silent, almost stoic but stared Lord Third and the leaf's destruction all the same.  the roof( what's left of it) was silent even the Great Senju brothers were still in somewhat intrigue at what was to come. "We're fucked", Anko prescribed. "You and your big mouth Anko", Zabuza growled. "But you love my big mouth Zuzu especially how deep it can go", Anko quipped. "Do they really have to do this now?!!!", Zaku roared. "Your nose is bleeding pervert your not fooling everyone Zaku", Dosu critiqued. Zaku growled waiting for the enemy to make their next move. Mina was rather nostalgic, those she hardly interacted with Lord Fourth much when he was still alive, he was one of her biggest supporters when came to Kakashi; next to Lady Kushina of course. "Lord Fourth... its Mina you're in the living world. Can you hear me?", Mina reached out only to blitzed with kunai in hand. Minato would have killed her if it weren't for the copy ninja taking the cut to the arm and a nasty kick to the face, sending him flying. "Kakashi!!!", Mina followed suit only to be intercepted by an arriving Kabuto. "Mind if I cut in my dear?", Kabuto quipped. "She won't be alone this time creep", Kurenai bantered. "If you get tired feel free to fall back okay? It's not like you're at your best right now", Kurenai replied concerned. Mina nodded as Kabuto just adjusted his glasses. "I'll commend you though you carved quite a ledger for us thank you. Now Corpse clone justu!!!", Kabuto conjured as all the fallen started to prop back up like zombies  and although reanimations are worst some bound corpses can cause some damage. At that moment Yamato along with an entire battalion of Root agents swooped in and began to flank and fight off the dead while Danzo confronted his old friend and most twisted ally. "Don't bother barking orders I already know what you're going to do especially at this point. Just know politics aside I always valued our rivalry for better or worse", Danzo enticed. "Heh You memorized that didn't you? Very well then we'll fight them together", Hiruzen replied. The Hokage of the hidden leaf and the shadow Hokage of Root Versus Lord Orochimaru. The final battle begins as Hiruzen spammed everything in the majority of his arsenal, while Danzo maneuvered the Sanin to make careless mistakes while Hiruzen prepare for what he knew needed to be done. 

Simultaneously, The Demon Duo were tag teaming against Lord First and Lord Second along with the spectating Anbu from earlier. By  the time Jirobo circled back to the remaining Sound four it was time to retreat and let the master's will be played out. Jirobo reluctantly agrees and grabs Tayuya as the three reverse summon out of Konoha. "Cowards", Zaku complained. Dosu and Kin cringed until they were flanked by corpse shinobi. "Well you ready for this?", Dosu asked with a smile. the others nodded and Team Dosu was back in action one last time. 

Meanwhile on the other side of the village, Kakashi was getting his ass kicked by his sensei. Minato had already witness Kakashi's potential as a child but even after all this time he still hadn't mastered the Sharingan. Lord Fourth spoke no words but Kakashi assumed the worst despite that, he's a failure, he dodged responsibility to cope with the grief he had mostly brought on himself. The reanimation barely had to try for the copy ninja was defeated before the battle even began. Kakashi then reflected on Mina, Team 7, his comrades... then it all clicked. "I may have failed them as a child but as now and until my last breath, I won't let my comrades die. That includes you Minato-sensei", Kakashi cried out. "Well you can start by actually making your mind about Mina Kakashi", Minato replied. Kakashi was dumbfounded and clearly confused. "Please Kakashi he may have nerfed Lord First and Second to a degree but I'm way too strong for him to control. Its a curse that he lasted as long he did", Minato explained while he summoned a shadow clone to oversee something he's been wanted to see for a long time. Afterwards, he vanished faster than thin air and place contracts seals on the two Hokage to sever, Orochimaru's connection to them. Eventually Kabuto is forced to retreat as Mina than collapse from the added strain after the exams as Kurenai got her outta there as Sai and Yamato tended to the wounded and get the remaining men out of harms way and redirecting the focus on civilians. 

While the battle was wrapping up, clone Minato couldn't help but smile as he observed Naruto vs Gaara and regrets how he wished he and Kushina could make up for the hardships his son will have to endure in order to become stronger and protect those important to him. The clone just observes until the original's time came. Kakashi was stunned but agreed to himself to take heed of his reanimated mentor's advice.  

In the end we ultimately get Hiruzen casting the reaper death seal after casting three shadow clones instead of two in canon and eventually Orochimaru's hands and ability to use jutsu sealed away since the threat couldn't be fully stopped. However, at least this way a devastating ordeal would be behind them and buy them time for his next scheme. On that very day, not only did the reaper reclaim Minato but three vastly powerful souls on top of that. This tragedy was quite meal for the entity.  Minato's clone faded out of existence as he silently acknowledge his son and wish him the best regarding the Akatsuki and his journey as a whole. The clone then crumbled to dust leaving behind a tear-stricken master in Jiraya. After the chaos begins to die down the Jonin gather at Lord Third's dead body and begin the slow and heavy grief of their fallen leader in all of  this mayhem and the slow spring to the blossoming of the new leaves begins 

Next Time:      

Chapter 16 

Konoha grieves 

Jiraya's secret quest

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