Q&A #7

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Here we are the boyhood arc complete and we're preparing for the time skip. However, I've decided to end this book at part one of the story and have the events of Shippuden take place in a sequel so everything doesn't get cramped together in then cover the  Boruto era in a spin off. I'm doing it this way to expand the story as a trilogy and we can book end the story with bonus chapters covering other characters while Team Jiraiya are away. This essentially a writing technique similar to the tales of a Ba Sing Se. I more than likely misspelled that lol but basically in the original Avatar the Last Airbender series, this was a series of side stories or reprieve during the Appa arc during Season\Book 2. It focused on everyone involved and I won't spoil it because it covers the best of the series. Nonetheless, let's get to the questions.
Question # 1
Which characters will these bonus chapters cover?
I do not intend to spoil or give to much away so you're going to have to read the next few parts to find out lol.

Question #2
Will Kakashi and Mina get a chapter?
I haven't fully decided yet since the two respective character arcs have ultimately been fulfilled over the course of part one. There's one more left but it ties directly into Shippuden so other than Ken's birth in the present it's really not worth making a bonus chapter over. I may have a change of heart; but even if I don't Kakashi and Mina are main characters alongside Naruto in this story so they'll make cameos and interactions here and there but it's unclear whether I'm giving them a chapter of their own or not.

Why did you debut Tsunade and her inauguration as 5th Hokage prior to Itachi's return hence the Great Naruto Bridge Arc? I appreciated it but in the grand narrative it felt like filler to me.
I understand your reasoning given the events of the Chunin exams. Personally I felt that simply following the original story and just had Zabuza assist Kakashi, Kurenai, and Asuma against the two only to get his ass kicked felt safe and a bit mundane in my opinion. So expanding Itachi's return and the conflict of the following arc it sets up for into an actual mini arc felt right. It shows off a small taste of what the two could do, Zabuza and his relationship with Anko gets to shine, and Haku based on the admittedly off screen training from Lord Hiruzen before he died, Haku was able to diverge from his master shadow and be acknowledged as an equals.

Question #4

Will Team Dosu have any more relevance in the story?

I'd like to think so though I like to keep this what if entertaining as well as consistent with the overarching narrative. They'll still have a role but please keep reading to see how the story unfolds.

Question #5
Why have you decided in this new direction?
I thought about keeping everything in one story, however I didn't want to risk burn out and the story never gets finished. So I'm splitting the eras in separate books to lower the chances of that possibility. I thank you and ask to bare with me. As I stated before you will receive some bonus chapters for your time. You are free to skip them if you wish however, Pungpp and I still thank all of you for the continued support.
And that's all I have for you right now; though I did say I'd reveal the gender of Anko's birth by this Q&A. Henceforth You will be getting that answer in the forth of the first bonus chapter... Bonus chapter #1 The Demon's Redemption A New Generation is Born

Question #6
When will Kakashi x Mina Part 3 on YouTube be out?

It'll be out very soon because the last part left off just before the events of chapter 5 and then the majority of the chunin exams in chapter 6. I intend to split chapter 6 to make the content easier to digest. So that's why it's taking so long and I should have it posted by the end of the month.

And that's all I have for you right now. I'm drafting chapter 40 and getting everything ready for Shippuden. Naruto being the main character maybe taking the forefront but that doesn't mean Mina and Kakashi are irrelevant. Although their direct contribution to the what if may be minimal the changes and overall impact will be anything but.  We thank you and hope to see you all again in Naruto  Shippuden Kakashi x Mina Sequel. 

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