Chapter 37 The Father-Son Training An Prodigy's Perspective

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Where we last left off Urashiki captured Naruto and proceeded to steal the nine-tails chakra from him; thus drastically altering the future. However, thanks to a combination of Urashiki's playful yet cunning nature and the compulsion of Kakashi's Sharingan, Urashiki took Naruto to a nearby cave rather than another dimension using time-space ninjutsu. Can our hero be saved find out now...

Urashiki relays to Naruto the obvious and proceeds to enter Kurama's realm in order to steal his chakra. However, as in canon this backfired causing the false god to burn and wince in pain as he was barely able to extract a small portion. This does however, lead to the nine-tails chakra leaking and our heroes being able to find them. Upon arrival Sasuke and Ken tag team against Urashiki while Jiraya and Boruto tame Naruto. The boy reached out to his past father as he was being consumed by the nine-tails cloak. The two resonate for a moment before the nine-tails power takes over and Naruto pounces on his son. Boruto was barely able to react to this by flinching and getting his hand slashed at. Nine-tails Naruto would have gone for seconds if it weren't for Jiraya using the charka tags to calm the jinjuriki down. Urashiki still gets away like in canon but still operates within the area because he's too arrogant to realize that he's being compelled by Genjutsu.  

Once they get to higher ground, the Pervy sage converses to Boruto his father's pain and the perspective of knowing what Naruto had to overcome like Sasuke advised. Boruto wasn't that bad of a person; he's like Neji in a way in how he's bitter about the pedestal that is his lineage and how in the grand scheme of things his personal life and family has suffered for it. Naruto in the future becomes a workaholic in his duty to the village to the point that he's hardly ever around. Its to the point that Boruto literally had to be the man of the house since he was seven. And despite Boruto being a child in an era separate from this one, he's ridiculed as an ungrateful brat almost on a regular basis. In a lot of ways, his pride used to be the only real certainty he had in life. Recently he was proven wrong and endured real experience and perspective since that event. But even so he never knew his father and he was too proud and stubborn to meet the adult knucklehead halfway.  However, all of this is nothing compared to what his father had his age. He heard the tales about a million times but to actually witness it in the past like this... "It just goes to show. I can't afford to be a brat anymore ya know?"

After Naruto wakes up, Jiraya decides on a strategy to combat Urashiki... Collaboration Jutsu!!! A special technique that stem from perfect sync and resonance of chakra with two or more people; and Its easier said than done. However, given Naruto and Boruto's similar charka natures and hard work they should pull it off. From here, Jiraya trains the boys like in canon while Sasuke looms overhead and observes. Ken would be selling cabbages right now if it weren't for a certain someone. "Well I let you slide long enough so how about some answers. Who are you and how can you wield the Sharingan?!!!", Kakashi demanded. 

Meanwhile in a small cavern, Urashiki is getting ready for the endgame... How will this adventure change history? How Kakashi meeting his future son affect things? Can Hinata keep the secret from her beloved Naruto? Find Out...

Next time:

Chapter 48 

The Epic Comeback 

A Foe that can see the Future 

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