Q&A #4

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If you've made it to this part let me say congratulations and I hope you're enjoying the story. With the Tsunade rescue arc coming to a close we're very close to the end of part one of Naruto. Just three more arcs to go!!! Well two if you count Itachi's return as a prelude rather than a mini-arc. I wanted to have a bit of a conversation with you guys before I get to this week's questions. For starters, I already have my backdrop I'm going to use for Part Two of Kakashi x Mina on my YouTube channel. You guys probably don't remember but in the last Q&A I stated I would cover the entire land of waves arc. In Part One, I ended it with the bell exam a good way into chapter two. So the video would cover over a chapter and a half since Chapter 5 was an epilogue chapter but still part of the Zabuza arc nonetheless. I have rose to the challenge and I'm going through post and it should be posted by the end of this week at the latest. We are close to 2,000 reads on Wattpad and hopefully we can expand the story on other media throughout. Pungpp and I humbly thank you for your support and word of mouth throughout the community. With that being said let's get to the questions. 

Question #1:

How would Itachi and Kisame be fooled by a transformation jutsu?!!

Deception is key for shinobi not to mention Chapter Twenty is somewhat of an ironic parallel to the first arc. Mina had to use transformation to pose as Tazuna in the final battle. So it's a bit of a homage to Mina's contributions in this timeline; a callback so to speak.

Question #2:

The Sannin Battle was completely skipped over so a side fight with a cured Kimimaro that was the big scheme?!!!

Not exactly, the scheme was to tempt Tsunade to the restoration of his hands so he could fully utilize his power again. As well as to discreetly leak intel to the Akatsuki regarding the Nine-tails and Konoha crush; which gives the means for Itachi and Kisame to arrive in the land of fire shortly after. The Snake Sannin was trying to have his mice and eat it too when it came to having his arms and jutsu restored.  I do allude to Tsunade's legendary sucker routine albeit briefly but that was more of a bonus opportunity than anything else. Think of the Shin Uchiha clones in Gaiden and how the original was using his children for spare parts. Shin had adaptable genes so rejection was a small if not rare occurrence for him going off Orochimaru; this is similar. Sure Orochimaru could've have bonded Kimimaro's body but he pinned for Sasuke and the Sharingan; and if the orphan Uchiha darkness was to be full exploited and for the boy to come to him in search of greater power. The Snake Sannin would have to be patient just a little bit longer. Not to mention Kimimaro was greatly underrated and showed get more time to shine.

Question #3:

How are you going to portray the Boyhood arc specifically within Naruto?

The narrative itself is Boruto's POV however, despite the fanservice and Urashiki being reduced to a cartoonish lame transition villain there's still something to gain from it. It'll be a bit of a challenge but I'll rise to meet it. This will be a long term project before we get to the Boruto era. However, the execution was pure arrogance on Urashiki's part and a forced and much weaker father-son Rasengan. In the end a tag team of a somewhat recovered Sasuke and a base Jiraya carried that fight. 

Question #4:

You never addressed this back in the Land of Waves but how come no Mist envoy or political investigators invested the Demon Duo's believed deaths specifically to reclaim the Executioner's Blade? 

I should have made this clearer and I apologize for that. While awaiting the night for Team 7 and the villagers to celebrate their freedom from Gato's monopoly, Zabuza was still covered in the blood of the bandits and goons in the mob boss' pocket. Controlling his chakra and combining it with water style, Zabuza was able to take the iron within the blood and compress it to forge a replicant Executioner's Blade confirming his death. He was taking a gamble but if the Hokage were to condemn him at least Haku could live on with the true executioner's blade as a memoir to honor his master. 

Question #5:

The literal namesake of this story is Kakashi and Mina getting together and in universe its been roughly fifteen years. Just how much longer are you going to drag this out?!!!

Patience my friends it won't be for too much longer; though you won't expect how it unfolds lol

Question #6:

When reading this story and even in canon, I always couldn't stand Sai. He was so bland and such a forced replacement within the Konoha "12" dynamic; though let's be honest it was the Konoha 11 long before Neji was killed off for a plot point that was going to snubbed for Genjutsu ex Machina in Naruto the Last regardless. If you wanted a narrative to truly make Naruhina canon just have the Toneri dogfight in Naruto the Last but as a semi boss have Toneri restore Neji to full life only to be used against the others. Then Naruto frees both Hinata and Neji from the mind control  and not only would be able to make a better film but retcon the biggest mistake and pointless character death in the entire franchise. Sorry lol bit of a tangent, what my question was that SaIno in this story reminds me of Croma or Crona x Maka from Soul Eater. Though there were made canon in the manga and hinted heavily in the anime, Okubo wrote Crona and Ragnarok out of the story to appease the shippers who didn't expect or couldn't accept that Crona learning how to deal with things and people was a parallel redemption arc to Maka overcoming her man hating and distain towards her father and progressing into a healthy relationship. With all that out my chest lol, Sai had flashbacks tying his childhood and point of view in Part one but not a full characterization of him prior the mourning of his brother. So did you base this story's Part one Sai off Crona? 

I appreciate the passion but the last thing any of us want is a cross media ship war. Though to answer your question, yes I did base part one Sai's characterization on Crona though Sai is socially ignorant not socially inept. As such I had to sprinkle a little bit of Ragnarok in there. It turned out to be a very nice touch. I just don't want to risk overusing it. I also wrote a season 2 story here on Wattpad so I hope you enjoy it though I burned out from it after a while. If you end up liking it let me know and maybe I'll continue the story.

And that's all I have for you today I truly appreciate all of you and I look forward to not only the series on YouTube but on the comments of this platform as well. Hope you all have an excellent day and I will see all later on the next Q&A!!! 


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