Chapter 34 A Journey Of Time and Space The Son Meets The Father

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In the not too distant future, calls can be heard of a renowned threat sighted near the village and shinobi have been sent to mobilize to combat it; but little do they know was just a diversion for the real prize. A mystical turtle with a mysterious kamon that was recently claimed artifact that surprisingly harnesses space-time chakra to such a degree that it can actually be confused for time travel.  However, this should be impossible right? Nonetheless, three shinobi have caught wind of the deception and followed this evil doer into what seems to be the past to secure their future. 

Upon arrival it had appeared that the artifact had some level of sentience and it advised not too over interact with loved ones or alter the course of history in anyway. These three ninja decided to disguise themselves to better blend as travelers. Among the trio were an somewhat arrogant brat with blonde hair and familiar whiskers on his cheeks, an adolescent teenager with sliver white hair and scarlet red eyes, and a roughly middle-aged man with his hair covering his left eye though to better conceal his identity, he uses an eyepatch. 

"This is a really bad idea. We're much better off just waiting for Urashiki to cross back with his rinnegan and get to the fight", Boruto stated. "Just shut up for once will ya? Its more than just the fight to save our future. He have to make sure we don't alter things by attracting attention. Though being the spitting image of him,  you might actually learn something instead of riding through life being a proud and arrogant know-it-all", Ken advised. "Like you're one to talk Daddy's boy", Boruto ranted fist pumped in the air. "That's a bit ironic coming from you", Future/Adult Sasuke noted. 

Boruto growled in frustration from his damaged ego and embarrassment from the irony of it all; much the the older teen's amusement.  "Like father, like son always yearning for a fight the moment he's called out. Sure we're saving the timeline, but maybe you'll finally you'll learn your lesson after this", Ken trolled. Boruto snarled in frustration only proving the older shinobi's point. Boruto formed hand signs to begin his attack while Ken was at the ready to counter the upstart. That is until Sasuke threw a kunai directly in the middle of the distance between them barely grassing the sides of their faces. "Knock it off both of you. Now we need to be  subtle and in plain sight until we reached the Hokage's office. From there we're traveling circus performers who's camp were raided by bandits. We're in a neutral territory just outside the village so bandits are common. Most of the higher rank are on high missions to compensate for military losses from prior events. So we just go from there and Boruto poses and observes with the other kids until the time comes", Sasuke strategized. Boruto idolizing his master praised the plan while Ken was a bit skeptical.

"Wow... that has to the most contrived plan I've ever heard. Didn't the turtle just say that we shouldn't overly interact with loved ones, comrades and the Hokage included?!", Ken critiqued. "Well smartass Urashiki's destination was prior to Naruto fully mastering the nine-tails' power; though going this far back is a bit out of character for the likes of him. Not to mention I was away from the village at the time and you too didn't exist so we're not really altering anything other than securing our position before Urashiki arrives. And by the way given you're age Ken I'm pretty sure your parents fucked and conceived you around this time" Sasuke retaliated.

 Boruto practically died laughing leaving the trolled and flustered Ken not amused. Boruto being the thirteen year old child that he is tries to tease the cunning ninja some more before receiving a nasty sucker punch to the face. Sasuke scowled at the older teen but arguably speaking, the brat had it coming. Ken then uses transformation jutsu and poses as a merchant seller before storming off into the village. The duo left behind begin their plan and leave Ken to cool off. While doing so he had to secure some merchandise to preserve his cover but all he could find were a bunch of cabbages. 

Upon basking in the surrounding and lamenting in guilt-riddled nostalgia, Boruto then lost in his own bewilderment as he bumps into a certain someone. "Ouch", the two bellowed. " Damn it! Watch where you're going, ya know", Boruto snarled. "What did you say?! That's my line! You shouldn't be standing around here spacing out", Naruto replied.  "This is the worst", Sasuke snarled. Boruto was shocked to see that the person he stumbled onto was the boyhood version of his own father; and like Ken predicted Boruto nearly broke their cover by uttering the word Dad like an idiot. 

Naruto's a bit more cognitive in this timeline than in canon but before going further Jiraya is being chased by another bathhouse mob after conducting his research once again and ultimately tricking Boruto into taking the blame. However, the duo don't get very far and Lady Hokage makes her debut by delivering deserved comeuppance. Jiraya and Naruto apologize in pain while Sasuke reaffirms their cover but adds in a little sprinkle of ninjutsu to sell the deception. Lady Tsunade complies and advocated Naruto and Jiraya to assume protective custody of Boruto as punishment. The adult traveler is well an adult and will be under Jiraya's eye. 

We then cut to a transformed Ken dumbfounded that the idea even worked; so dumbfounded in fact that he's not paying attention to when Rock Lee is running his recovery routine and rams right through his goods. Ken is shocked by this but the show must go on, "MY CABBAGES!!!", the Ken merchant railed. (AN: props to you if you get the reference lol)

And that's where we'll leave things for right now. Have things gone off the rails already?! How will Naruto meeting his future son and vice versa change the timeline?! And more importantly who are Ken's Parents?!!! Find out 

Next Time:

Chapter 35 

The Genin Assemble 

Hinata's Confidence bares fruit

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