Chapter 29 A Battle of Eyes and Precision A Genius' Redemption

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We cut back a ways with Team Shikamaru giving chase to the Sound 4 after Jirobo was left to fight off Choji and Hinata. They're concerned of course however, more so Choji than Hinata since she can reverse Naruto's chakra tag to warp back to them. This eventually leads to our heroes getting semi-cornered by Kidomaru and his chakra infused spiderwebs. Similar to Canon, Neji choses to fight him alone since he's the best replacement for Shino who is a precision insect user. Besides he wanted to make amends for his distain and hubris in the last arc. So this fight is a character redemption for the prodigal Hyuga. "Naruto see if you can use that tag as a reverse summoning", Kiba suggested. "Even though those two together would make this less of a drag, we still need to fight off the other two; one of which are a set of conjoined twins. Not to mention even the basic teleportation of Lord Second and Lord Fourth's legendary technique is a huge drain of chakra. We're the support while Naruto secures Sasuke while he's in the gorge. Also dragging Hinata who's just recovering from helping Choji would just get in Neji's way. Besides, I don't want to be responsible for getting you idiots killed", Shikamaru replied. As such Neji's left to fight Kidomaru while the rest continue the pursuit. After a few trees, Hinata suddenly drops in next to Naruto and recapped everything in the previous chapter. Hinata then insists that she goes back to assist Neji however, Naruto reassures his bride that Neji's a genius and like Choji this is fight. Hinata then flew back to observe from a safe distance and to insure Neji gets back to the village safely. As she sets off, Kin and Zaku forge ahead along with a third shinobi sent to the battle in case Kimimaro comes into play.  

Meanwhile, Iruka and Team Yamato are having a bit more trouble with Mizuki and his lackeys than they thought. For one he received an experimental curse mark which amped up his tone and power considerably. Curse Mark stage one Mizuki is not only strong but carves through the prisoners and uses their bodies as either fodder or diversionary tactics against our heroes. Mizuki keeps rampaging through the area, anything he can use as an advantage. They track the rogue deeper into the forest where they stumble upon a secret lab another hideout within the land of fire. Before they even have time to process it, our heroes are then ambushed by a stampede of curse mark rejects. The poor souls who continued to be experimented on but have become feral due to their excessive mutations. "This won't be pretty you do realize that?". Sai pitched. "We don't abandon our comrades", Mina replied. Iruka and Tsubaki nodded not only realizing how far Mizuki has fallen but to go as far as to condemn innocents. They gave chase while Mina with a heavy heart alongside Haku and Sai did what needed to be done.

 Amidst the carnage, Mina suddenly had flashbacks that were so horrifying that she started to relive something she had long forgotten. She brushed it of as some kind of twisted Genjutsu; however, this was all too real. Mina stumbles on a fancy estate one pristine now shattered, filthy and engulfed in flames surrounded by slain familial blood splattered across the land. Despite a vague sense of familiarity, all the kunoichi could make out was an older maiden pleading for her to run. This was no illusion, the mercy killing of Orochimaru's slaves and guinea pigs triggered the long repressed trauma of seeing her father, sister, and clan massacred and the estate being burned to the ground all around her. Mina was able to relate and nurture Sasuke because she could relate to what he was going through. Because they were the same. The only difference the murderer was Sasuke's own brother. Mina was horrified by this revelation but for the sake of her comrades she had to endure.  Iruka vs Curse mark stage 2 Mizuki goes about the same as the anime with the exceptions that Team Yamato and Zaku making the assist instead of Naruto. "Zaku what are you doing here?!", Haku asked his teammate. "We got word that Team Baki has entered the land of Fire. If Shikamaru plays it right which he usually does apparently, they'll live. Looks like you guys could use the help though", Zaku replied smugly. "I wouldn't get so confident the real fight has just begun!!!", Mizuki roared as his Animal Curse Mark triggered into its beast state. Mina channeled into the Second Gate from the start while her comrades assisted in their final battle. 

After the fight Neji collapses surprisingly into Hinata's arms. She had been watching the whole fight regardless of the pain it caused her. She shyly apologizes and feeds him the food pills Dosu gave to her. "You don't have to apologize Lady Hinata. This is my penance and my atonement. The enemy is dead and he was the strongest I've ever thought as the old me. I'll be more than a destined genius and honor Lord Naruto's addition to the Hyuga clan. Just don't tell him I said that last part", Neji relented weakly. Hinata honored Kidomaru with a proper burial as she carried her cousin to safety. We meet up with our heroes again when they catch up to Tayuya and Sakon/Ukon as the outmaneuver them to secure the gorge but it falls out of his clutches and we get the same mismatch up of Shikamaru vs Tayuya in the trees and Kiba and Akamaru vs Sakon and Ukon. Kin decides to watch Shikamaru's fight since she's contemplating whether to follow Lady Hokage's order to gain intel; or leave the hypnotic to rot in Hell like she deserves. Naruto dashes onto the open field where he faces who he believes to be Kimimaro. This goes about the same until Rock Lee makes presence known. Naruto hands busy brow his food pill as he chases after Sasuke.  All the while, the Dark Avenger was about to be unleashed. How will the pill boost a recovering Rock Lee? Can Mina push past her relived trauma and take down the infamous rogue? What fate will Kin choose? Find out... 

Next Time:

Chapter 30

The Fall of The Beast

A Brother's Fall to Madness

Kakashi x MinaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora