Q&A #5

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Hello everyone, hope you're enjoying the story so far we're at the home stretch and the turning point leading into the time skip. However, we don't have just the Konoha 5 or Team Shikamaru vs the Sound Four. We also have Danzo trying to secure intel while leaving Sasuke to join Orochimaru so he can justify killing him. Danzo sees Sasuke no better than he saw Naruto nuisances that were potential threats to the order and security to the Hidden Leaf village. Despite his shady agenda, there is still more work to be done.  With that being said Let's get to this week's questions.

Question #1:

Isn't a little early for a Q&A since Itachi's return was a prelude to Sasuke's betrayal? It's good that Zabuza and Team Ice get an arc to themselves within the prelude but it still

I understand your concerns and even though canon bleed over a bit its not going to be an exact correlation. There are going to be differences and I really hope you enjoy it. 

Question #2:

Did you really intend for Kimimaro to survive into the time skip? He gets replaced by Jugo by Shippuden anyway

Perhaps but there's a point of contention for Orochimaru and his long-term schemes. You're just gonna have to wait and see.

Question #3:

Are you using media clips from now on?

First off shoutout to all the YouTube channels and creators who go out of their way to support the Naruto/Boruto community. The media clips are mostly used for imagery though they do add an extra touch of speeding the plot to long so that no one's too bored when things do correlate to Canon. As much as I value and appreciate you supporting Pungpp and I, please support the creators and other members of this wonderful fanbase across all social media platforms.

Question #4:

We ended the Great Naruto Bridge arc with Anko being pregnant with Zabuza's child. It'll more than likely be born by the time skip into Shippuden. Please will it be a boy or a girl?!! 

Well I can't tell you that just yet though I too am curious about where this story and timeline could go once we get into Shippuden. I'm curious please through the comments and/or Pungpp's Kakashi x Mina Facebook page with names and potential names and character designs for the child. If you choose to do so we greatly appreciate it and we wish you all the best of luck.  

Question #5:

Wasn't Mizuki's revenge a filler arc?

Yes for the anime it was since Mizuki was an opening villain for the pilot and got a little bit of venue but since it was filler its pretty forgotten about. So I decided to put my own spin the cursed Tiger Mizuki arc and hopefully I can do it better. Though since this is Sasuke's arc he'll be a sub boss for Team Yamato. How will the others fair against him? Please stick around to find out.

Question #6:

I never considered the possibility of Haku growing into his own. Sure I've seen similar concepts in other what ifs though it was usually with one or the other surviving but you... were able to develop both characters at the same time with their separate journeys. So my question is, did you consider killing Zabuza off in the Great Naruto Bridge Arc as a developing plot point for Haku?

Admittedly I thought about it but in the end I decided against it. Because in the feedback I read the Zabuza x Anko ship really took off. So I decided to keep him around at least a little bit longer.

Question #7:

How will Mina be affected by her "son's" betrayal?

I can't cover too much since it would lead into spoilers however, she always considered the possibility and after Itachi's return, Sasuke was more tempted than ever. 

Question #8:

Will the new Sakura be any different than the Sakura in canon at this point of the story?

Unfortunately no because she got a lot more closer to Sasuke despite his cold exterior. As such when he leaves, Sakura is even more heartbroken than in canon. As such she'll be too devastated to fight. This low point for Sakura leads to her rise and ultimately her greatest change. So its a cycle that needs to happen.

That's all I have for you and without further ado I give you this timeline's version of the Sasuke Retrieval Arc.


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