Chapter 30 The Fall of The Beast A Brother's Fall to Madness

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These mismatches go relatively the same with the difference being that Kiba is a lot stronger thanks to earlier training and being dubbed dead last in this timeline. As a result the two duo are roughly evenly matched; that is until Akamaru gets injured after taking a massive hit for Kiba and Kiba himself being bound to one of the twins stabbing himself. Hinata had split the remaining food pills among the others but there was only enough for one each. Kiba refused to force Akamaru back into the fight so he took the pill and got to higher ground. Rock Lee is able to hold his own against Kimimaro a lot better though it's mostly due to the effects of his "medicine" on top of the healing properties of the food pill. Even to the point that he can go up to the second gate. However, he's not at 100% so it kinda balances out. 

Shikamaru's fight is essentially the same though he does take the food pill so he reclaims his grip. Tayuya seemingly blacks out as the arrogant Chunin presumes until Tayuya guts his side. The prodigy's reaction speed was just fast enough to avoid a fatal blow but he's bleeding badly. As Tayuya went for the killing blow while in separate areas Kimimaro and the dual twins resort in tow, each group are saved by the arrival of Team Gaara!!!
Kankuro and Gaara's contributions go about the same with the only differences being that Kimimaro is a corpse clone for the original and Kin very, very reluctantly swooped in and saved Tayuya from Temari's Blade slash albeit both taking moderate damage. "You should be rotting in Hell with the rest of the trash. You better not make me regret this", Kin monologued to herself. Kin then follows her objective and heads back to get intel out of the redhead.  Kankuro bails out Kiba with his puppet style killing the twins and gets the ninja hound and his user to safety. Gaara solemnly reflects while fighting Kimimaro until he "supposedly" succumbed to his illness. "We must help rescue Sasuke", Lee notioned. "Naruto's more than enough besides you're way too hurt", Gaara deduced compassionately. Lee understood what the reformed jinjuriki was getting at and decided to be escorted back to Konoha willingly.

Meanwhile, Iruka and Team Yamato are fighting a surprisingly uphill battle against Tiger Mizuki as his strength is magnified one-hundred times stronger than he was before. Second -gate Mina was getting tossed around like a ragdoll while Haku and Zaku counterstrike with a wind style breakthrough crystal ice combo. Sai intercepts tailing Haku in the mirror dimension trying to cause as much damage as possible. However when the smoke cleared, Tiger Mizuki was barely phased and blitzed our heroes as he sucker punched Iruka sending him flying; as he ends his former love and bride by gutting her with a paw through the chest. Tsubaki just held a faint smile as life left her body and dropped dead on the ground. "Heh. I can't believe I used to love that trash. oh well its not her fault for being pathetic and useless; oh wait, hahahahahahahaha!!!", Mizuki monologued. 

This pushes Mina over the edge and all the bitterness and tension from the previous day boiled over. She didn't care anymore, trauma or otherwise. If she can't save her son she can at the very least make sure this scum dies. "Fourth Gate: Gate of Limit OPEN!!!!", Mina roared as her flesh burned a ferocious red as her speed and power increased drastically.
What the young kuniochi was displaying was a power far greater than Mizuki had ever seen. The Eight Gates were renowned as a legendary technique for a reason. As the fight reignited once more the hell of Mina scorn was more intense than a Hellish inferno. Mina's wrath to Mizuki was like the Gates of Hell being open and through her, the devil was tenderizing Mizuki as a prelude to the eternal suffering that awaited him.  Fourth Gate Mina begins to mop the floor with the rogue with each passing second disregarding the drawbacks of that form. "She's never gone past the third even after Lord Third let her go on missions. The Eight Gates is a pure spirit and body technique and the Fourth state usually takes a toll on the body by giving severe pain, or it may tear body tissue", Iruka bequifed. "I take it this is like Rock Lee against Gaara?", Sai asked to solemnly. "Obviously she's pushing to hard. She'll croaked if she keeps this up", Zaku detailed. The quartet were in agreement. Meanwhile, Mina began beating down Tiger Mizuki further and further; even going as far as using shadow clones to use the front and reverse lotus at the same time. This essentially crippled the traitor and despite this Mina wasn't satisfied. The flaming kunoichi kept pounding the enemy harder and harder and it was clear that neither would last much longer. At this point the snake sannin's betrayal was in full effect as the animal curse mark began to devour and destroy his chakra and cells almost instantly; efficiently eating his alive. The dying Mizuki has a delayed reaction due to being crippled as Mina going for seconds. On the verge of the brink, Mina finally decides to end it, "Just DIE!!!!" However before she could land her fist, she clung to by a devoted and concerned Kakashi. "K-Kakashi...", Mina replied endeared as she then collapsed. Haku and Zaku began using chakra controlled Ice to keep her stable while Zaku applied medical justu. "Phew that was close", Iruka said as he released the Genjustu. 

A medical team then arrives at the battlefield requested by Kakashi as he was sent out with Pakkun to track from an alterative route that closes off at the valley of the end to help the situation. Mina's garb then singed brightly as it was more than her skin that turned red. Iruka thinking quickly, covered her with his turncoat while he and Zaku looked the other way attempting to hide an honest nosebleed. Unfortunately this didn't go unnoticed by an arriving Kin who pulling a sakura whacked the perverts headfirst under the dirt.  "I saved her. You owe me dear", Kin replied cheeky referring to Tayuya. "Lady Anko's really rubbing off on you huh?", Haku asked silently flustered. "Who's the pervert now assholes!!!", Zaku retorted. Sai then walked over to finish Mizuki off however, a medic reached out to the root orphan. "There's no point. The effects from that curse mark and the fight on top of that I don't think even Lady Hokage will be enough; but even so we have to try." Sai decided to show lenience just this once but he'll kill anyone who's a threat to the village.  Everyone returns to the rendezvous camp so that everyone could be taken back to Konoha to be healed up.  

Meanwhile at the Valley of the End, Naruto had finally caught up to his brother and Sasuke is absolute in abandoning his bonds for power and vengeance. To the young Uchiha the only reality he had in life was his hatred and the village was a worthless fantasy. However, the knucklehead has a surge of hatred of his own. The battle concludes...

Next Time:  

Chapter 31 

Pride VS Hatred 

The Demon Takes Form!!!

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