Chapter 35 The Genin Assemble Hinata's Confidence Bares Fruit

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From here Boruto's journey in the past plays out similar to in canon; though instead of Hinata's relaxation towards Boruto due to maternal instinct being played up as a joke its actually goes somewhere. After everyone cleaned the bathhouse, Hinata then follows Boruto as he meets up with Sasuke by the tree. Hinata is astonished by the possibility of an older Sasuke from the future but she's more excited by the prospect that her and Naruto have a son?!!! A Son that looks just like Naruto and has two whiskers instead of three. With his shift now finished, and the fact that a pregnant Anko ate all his cabbages in one sitting, Ken was heading to the meeting point until he notices the Hygua princess. "Damn it the brat was sloppy. Though I could use Genjutsu in order to keep our cover and save the brat a lecture. nah, the boy's gotta learn haha. Besides how big of a change her being aware could possibly make?!!!", Ken notioned to himself.

Future Sasuke then notices out of the corner of his eye the princess stalker followed them and heard everything.  Sasuke attempts to wipe the girl's mind with Genjutsu however, the future Uchiha's still weaken from having his chakra absorbed by Urashiki in a prior conflict. Besides using Sharingan and risking more chakra would just give himself away. So Hinata gets away by using the reverse teleportation technique from the Sasuke desertion arc. Boruto apologizes and didn't know that Hinata was following him. "You had one job job. Watch over past Naruto until nightfall and meet up with us how could you possibly mess that up?", Ken asked scolded. "That's two jobs dumbass!!! Besides I couldn't have known she'd follow me", Boruto ranted. "All the more reason you need to get better at the fundamentals of being ninja; and one of the most basic ones is always predict the unexpected", a certain heroine called out. "Did you hear that?", Boruto asked. Ken nodded as he stood firm and guard up and Sasuke went back to the shadows. "I don't know how this is possible but you kids obviously shouldn't be here", Mina advised. "Well you see ma'am... there's a perfectly good explanation as to why we're out so late", Boruto pleaded. "Oh but I never said anything about young shinobi out past curfew", Mina countered. Boruto and Ken were dumbfounded but they tried to keep their cool despite it. After all as long as Sasuke was out of sight there's no way she can figure it out right?  "Don't bother I heard everything; after all did you really expect a young kunoichi to be out this late and not have someone looking for her?", Mina scolded. Boruto just sighed depressingly as he sat down by the tree as Ken was literally getting chewed out by his past mother. 

"I won't say too much but I must say, he's really covering himself with an eye patch?!", Mina asked. Ken tried to play it off while Boruto remained jaded. "What gave it away?", Boruto asked solemnly. "Let's see the eye patch, silver fang over here having astonishing red eyes; just like mine, and of course you being the spitting image of your father. I bet your a real handful", Mina bantered. Ken couldn't help but laugh at that last part, "Go easy on him miss Mina, sure he's a brat but he's a good kid; most of the time", Ken defended condescendingly. Boruto snarled but he's in enough trouble as it is. "That's Ms. Hatake to you young man!!!", Mina retorted. "Y-yes ma'am!!!", Ken replied in fear. Boruto snickered a bit but kept to himself. Sasuke just loomed overhead. So much he wanted to say, so much to apologize for what his betrayal put them through. He wouldn't admit it back then but Team 7 and Mina were a second family to him. He was so caught up in honoring and avenging what he had lost he couldn't see the future that was right in front of him. He would have lost it all if it weren't for him.

After her lecture, Mina then told the two to learn from this and becoming their best selves. And that she looks forward to meeting them. "Well I got some more cabbage and produce to sell tomorrow so I'd better stock up", Ken stated. Boruto was left alone to ponder on what he's learned since being here. she then seemingly walks off as Sasuke intercepts. "I've made my peace you can wipe my mind now. You had to overcome your darkness to see the light Sasuke. You probably caused a lot a trouble but in the end your seeking redemption. For me at least that's enough." Sasuke then activated his Sharingan and casted his Genjutsu before dropping the pregnant kunoichi off at her home. "Thank you", Sasuke reflected. 

The next morning, Hinata called for Naruto and Boruto to meet up privately before she starts her mission. The boys were a bit cranky since they were woken up pretty early by a overly loving couple.  Hinata was even a bit stern from having to hear Haku and Kin doing the deed. But if she's going to be Naruto's wife, she can't be squeamish. "D-do you know why I called you here today?", Hinata asked. "I could guess but I don't know what he's got to do with it", Naruto snarled. "You were assigned to watch over me remember? And even then its wasn't pleasant for me either", Boruto snarled in response. The two would go on to bicker if it weren't for the Hyuga princess palm striking the both of them. "Ow what was that for?", Naruto groaned in pain. "You are in the middle of a custody mission and your lashing out at your client. If your going to be Hokage one day you're going to have to learn to control your temper"; and you stop stirring the kettle, that mouth is going to cost you someday", Hinata replied motherly. The father-son pair looked dumbfounded as Hinata suddenly became a lot more confident. Meanwhile just outside of the village, a space-time portal has opened, the time to save the future is nigh. 

Next Time:

Chapter 36

The God arrives

The battle to protect Naruto begins 

 (AU: This arc takes place within the three months long anime filler between Sasuke going rogue and the training trip. So obviously Kakashi and Mina got married during this window and it was a beautiful yet private ceremony. Lord Hiashi suggested that Naruto and Hinata have theirs as well but the elder's meddling was starting to get on Mina's nerves. However, Kakashi was able to rebound and preserve the mood later on. Back to the story)

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