Chapter 16 The Villiage Mourns Jiraya's Secret Quest

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In the aftermath of the battle, Koniha slowly rebuilds while honoring the dead. Shinobi and civilian alike are devastated at Lord Third's sacrifice as well as the rest of the fallen.  Konohamaru still young doesn't understand and severely regrets not understanding his grandfather and being an entitled brat that just badmouthed and was just a nuisance. The young lord just crumbled as Irkua conforted him. On security detail Haku and Kin were observant of the cerremony as well as reflecting on everything they've been through the past year. "I never knew him well but not only did he take me in but he valued all of konoha as his family. I guess that's what a Hokage does. Guess Naruto's got a lot of growing up to do if he's going to fulfil his ninja way", Haku commented. Kin just wrapped herself around the Ice orphan trying to warm his chilled and wounded heart. Haku then thought to himself, he could do more for the village and to honor Hiruzen's memory. "Kin tomorrow I'm going to the Sarutobi estate and I'm going to have Asuma and the elders train me." Kin was rather shocked by this; sure he had alpha male traits but to go as far as branch himself away fron Zabuza was a huge step for him. She couldn't be more proud of her love. "And I'll be with you until the very end", Kin replied. Dosu and Zaku just looked on observing the service with the ladder using shadow clones to cover the lovers flank. "Its so damn annoying they should just fuck already instead of making me sick to my stomach!!!", Zaku ranted. "Oh don't worry Zaku you'll find someone someday. Though the ego's a bit of a turnoff", Dosu replied sternly. Zaku scoffed at his comrades advice. The scene that follows goes about the same as canon leading not only to high ranked mission to boost politics and shinobi morale but also the rise of a new leader, a Fifth Hokage.
We cut to the pervy sage conducting his research until he's confronted by the two elders. Upon an emergency summons by the feudal lord it was decided that Jiraya would be the Fifth Hokage. However, he refuses that Princess Tsunade the third legendary Sannin and granddaughter of the First Hokage would be much more fitting the role than a man like him with no motivation. The elders decide to give it urgent consideration.
Later that day the council is greeted by a fair black haired maiden with a piglet in tow requesting aid. Jiraya and Naruto are summoned for the briefing. Lady Shizune reports that Lady Tsunade was abducted after settling a wager and never returned until late this morning. She was more distraught then ever. "I never seen her like this but that night i did notice one of the gentlemen had a very sly look to him yet sinister at the same time", Shizune explained. The adults took the information as a potential Orochimaru sighting or at the very least Kabuto pulling some scheme within the area. "The boy and I will handle it", Jiraya vlounteered. Naruto excited at the prospect of a training trip prior to this is bummed that they have to take a detour from some old lady that got scammed. However, he keeps that little comment to himself. "However, I would like the Anbu Sai to accompany us as well", Jiraya pitched. "Nani?!!!", Naruto retorted. "Don't forget Naruto you're still a genin and if a fight breaks out I could use the back up", Jiraya entailed. Naruto fummed but everyone just ignores him. The next morning the trio alongside lady Shizune out set out to rescue the princess and convince her to rise from her stupor and become the Fifth Hokage.
Meanwhile, a dark cavern can be seen as a dark trio settles in their latest success. "Though I hate to open up old wounds, the ends justified the means", The snake sannin declared. "Yes it appears that your plan worked perfectly though there's a chance that she'll come after us with a vengeance", Kabuto suggested. "Perhaps but usually when the gambling princess wastes in her stupor she tends to forget quite a bit. Besides I gave her what she wanted ahe just didn't approve of my methods", Orochimaru monologued. "Lord Orochimaru it appears that he's coming to", Kabuto advised. A white haired individual then appeared to his master and bowed beneath his feet. "How may I serve you Lord Orochimaru?", Kimimaro asked.


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