Chapter 32 The New Journey Begins The New Team Jiraya is Formed

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Where we last left off, Jiraya and Lord Hiashi were contemplating Naruto leaving the village for two and a half years of training  and whether a full squad should be formed to accompany this training. The two conversed on an envoy to assist in this training one suggested Shino while the other suggest Kiba. Both were on Hinata's squad but adding both wouldn't be ideal. Though both made good arguments for the two but in the end the only way both could be implemented if one of them was promoted to Chunin and Pervy sage co-lead the squad. 

Lord Hiashi didn't want this because Shino is a bit of loner and socially awkward. Jiraya calls out the elder for trying to trap Naruto and his daughter due to their arrangement as a means to secure a grandchild. Lord Hiashi does not deny it though he plays it off in a very professional manner and entails the necessity of Jiraya's novels. Smut aside Jiraya is flattered and honored by the prospect. So they conclude that they will make a request to Lady Hokage for a new Team Jiraya be formed in a roster of Naruto, Shino, and Kiba. However, before they could set it in writing, Hinata apologizes for the interruption and asks for an audience. "Enter Hinata. We have much to discussed", Hiashi answered. 

Hinata opened the door and bows to the honorable shinobi that came before her. "Father I have a request. W-W-Well its not really a request it's an order by Lady Hokage. I am to leave the village alongside Naruto and Kiba for a years training with a bodyguard  of your choosing to accompany us with Lord Jiraya", Hinata rambled. "You had already conversed with the elders didn't you?", Jiraya scolded. "This is the first I've heard of the matter. The fact that Lady Hokage would trust a young kunoichi to someone as depraved as you is beyond me", Hiashi countered. Jiraya scowled but there was some truth to the nobles argument.
"Very well though I will encourage Lady Hokage to test your compatibility through a few C rank missions; just to be sure. Other than that I will make a request to the Aburame clan for Shino to be your bodyguard. His precision and insect reconnaissance would be beneficial to your team. Wouldn't you agree Jiraya sensei?", Hiashi replied. "Now hold on wouldn't Neji be the ideal in this situation?", Jiraya covered. "Nonsense. Despite his service to the main branch, he still has his own life to live. Besides Hinata needs to learn to stand on her own; after all she is going to be a wife someday", Hiashi countered. Hinata starts blushing profusely before succumbing to her shyness and thus fainted.
Meanwhile, Neji was sparring with Tenten assisting in his recovery. The prodigal Hyuga had a lot to reflect upon in his rather young life. And if recent events were anything to go by, he can't afford to let his pride and trauma define him. He just wishes a certain rouge could see that amidst the darkness. Nonetheless, he needs to better cherish and value his comrades and this would be good practice. "Tenten how about a light dinner as a reward for helping me today?" Tenten was ecstatic and was ready to bow down and wag her happy little tail (speaking metaphorically) in excitement at the acknowledgement. However to the best of her own ability she keeps her composure. "Why you don't have to but  if that's what you want hehehehehe", Tenten caved. "You're kind of bad at this aren't you?", Naruto asked. The two were shocked by the knucklehead's presence; albeit one angrier to see him than the other. "Naruto...", Tenten growled flustered. "Hey hey Hinata invited me. Said she had something to tell me you know?", Naruto bellowed. This made Neji furious, "WHAT YOU MEAN LADY HINATA HAD SOMETHING TO TELL YOU HUH!!!", Neji roared protectively.  Naruto ignorantly tried to make a break for it; leaving Neji to give chase amidst the open field of the compound. 

After awhile, the brothers-in-law begin to tire and calm down. Once catching his breath Naruto suggests going to Ichiraku Ramen. "Don't you always go there? Besides its not exactly classy", Tenten advised. "I guess but Big brother Neji did say light dinner not classy you know. I bet you're trying to save dough are you big brother Neji", Naruto teased. This resulted in Tenten summoning a bunch of ninja tools from a scroll and bombarding Naruto with near pinpoint accuracy. "You haven't gone through the ceremony yet so until then Don't call me that", Neji regaled. The commotion is broken up when Hanabi confronts the jinjuriki. "Aw what are you doing out here little one?", Naruto asked. Hanabi just stared at the Uzumaki before declaring her response, "Don't hurt big sister!!!", Hanabi retorted as she kicked the kneeling Naruto below the belt. Naruto howled in pain while the little girl stormed off. "That was Lady Hanabi, Hinata's younger sister and in the future at least show a credence of respect would you?!", Tenten entailed. Neji did chuckle at the spectacle albeit briefly as at that moment a reawakened Hinata showed up. 

Hinata then told the situation of Lady Hokage's decree as Neji gave his cousin's fiancée a nasty scowl.  "In any case its more than likely a means to keep Lord Jiraya's perversion in line as well as drawing less attention regarding Itachi and his associates. At least both Kiba, Akamaru and Shino will be accompanying them", Tenten reassured. "I have no concern with Shino. If anything what worries me is Naruto and Kiba. One's a hyperactive knucklehead and the other's a cocky, loudmouthed idiot. Outside of the deluded ego there's really no difference between them", Neji countered. Naruto snarled but Hinata helps the jinjuriki keep his cool. "Hey guys remember when I said we should go to Ichiraku ramen; you know the four of us", Naruto trolled. Tenten growled but was reassured when Neji agreed to the idea. And so the four spent what could be considered a double date at Ichiraku ramen reflecting and having a good time.

The next day, the newly formed Team Jiraya underwent a few missions that boiled down to team building exercises. In one of these missions, Kiba gets some shine as he and Naruto have a little competition among the terrain. This is a small win for Kiba but little does he knows that the deeper bond than in canon will be a fulfilling prospect. Kiba and Naruto are arguing and bantering at every turn while the more confident Hinata finds it endearing that the two are getting along so well and that its actually wholesome; like fill a void since Sasuke left. The two denounce the notion almost immediately causing the timid Hyuga to giggle a bit. Eventually the cross the rendezvous point where Team Ice is waiting for them. Team Jiraya then notice three kunai which would triangulate at the waterfall. "So a team battle huh? Bring it!!!", Kiba declared. "Oh it won't be that easy mutt", Zaku quipped. "Why you?!!!", Kiba roared and the battle of idiots begin. Naruto and Hinata keep their distance trying to strategize against Dosu and Kin.   

Meanwhile back at Konoha, Sakura had come to a very bitter realization she wasn't strong enough. She wasn't strong enough to assist with the Konoha 6, she wasn't strong enough to convince Sasuke of anything other than knocking her out, all she could do was stand there and cry. Granted in this timeline the cherry blossom kunoichi is vastly more useful combatively compared to kid Sakura in canon. however, her shallow mindset and overall insecurities in part one are still the same and in play. She choked in her resolve to save Sasuke and refused to contribute in the mission with the others. Hell she could've used the Uchiha's moment of hesitation to place him under a Genjutsu and pretend the night didn't happen; though she quickly denounces the thought. Sakura's heartbreak is agonizing to the point that even Ino is teared by it. "Go. she needs you now more than ever", Sai interjected. Ino nodded as she went over to her former friend and comforted her as she cried her eyes out. Later that day, Sakura would beseech an audience with the Hokage and ask to be trained by her. And so Sakura's ascension begins. 

Elsewhere in the village, Mina has been released from the hospital after a day of observation is being taken home by Kakashi. On the way they past a clearing in the training area where Kakashi needs to lament and reflect on everything that has happened. Mina then summons a scroll of some admittedly pre-made food to cheer the copy ninja up with. After they dine, Mina notices the bells Kakashi's dangling in his hand. "Are those the bells you tested Naruto and Sakura with?" "yeah?", Kakashi replied condescendingly. "Can I try?", Mina asked excitedly. "When you haven't fully recovered yet?", Kakashi inquired further.  The copy ninja pondered for a moment but eventually comes around to the idea. "Sounds fun. If you can do it...I'll be your slave for 1 day", Kakashi gambled. The very notion of the idea was more than enough to convince our endeared heroine. "Ahhh I'll hold you to that. Mark your word!!!", Mina replied excitedly. She then leaps back as she got into a fighting stance. "The rules are to simply do whatever it takes to get the bells from me. But for you just one solid blow I'll count as a win strategic or otherwise", Kakashi replied competitively as he remained stoic. Don't be so overconfident. And why are you putting it there, afraid I'll grab the wrong place?", Mina smirked flirtatiously. "What are you talking about Pervert?! Anyway, let's get started", Kakashi replied. "Alright", Mina continued. "One day slave... One day slave...", Mina mantra(ed) to herself.  

And so the two face off as the Bell Battle commenced. The long awaited conflict is resolved 

Next Time:

Chapter 33

Kakashi vs Mina

The Battle of Love Concludes

Kakashi x MinaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant