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    I know it's been a long time but I have finally decided to readapt and remaster the Kakashi X Mina story on YouTube. Disclaimer: Given how much time has passed as a content creator and in my personal life, I may have a different interpretation when adapting the story from print to video form. The story as it is displayed on this platform will maintain its original path and intention as humanly possible. The picture above you is the official thumbnail highlighting the news think of it as a "chapter zero" if you will.  Now that I am older and wiser, I must reflect that certain characters could have done more in retrospect but I wanted to resemble Kishimoto's original story for the sake of familiarity and simplicity. 

    Imagine an anime or TV show adaptation compared to the source material and you can vibe with what I'm going with here. I also wanted to know that I haven't forgotten the readers and fans who have supported me and Pungpp as well. I will still continue to update this series and its subsequent spinoffs, but I'll have to reflect on my current work and its flaws as well as rewatch the Naruto series so that I'm not blind to any context or specific information due to nostalgia bias. Bonus Chapter # 2 will finally be published on the site soon and just know that despite my pitch for 200 subs on the channel, I'm still going to give you the remaster of the what-if story you have come to love. I hope you enjoy my work and continue to support us. Like, Comment, Share, & Subscribe

Catch you Later!!!


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