Chapter 11 Naruto versus Neji The Battle of Kekkon concludes!!!

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Disclaimer: Shoutout to the devaintartists who took the time and effort to draw our cover today and I recommend that you support their work. With that being said let's continue. 

The knucklehead and the prodigy step down onto the field to face off. "You know there's no shame in backing out. Especially when its against a destined elite like me. An idiot like you is only fated to fail", Neji regaled. Naruto just looks at his opponent in disgust. "I have both a dream and a promise to keep. And the first step in that is kicking your ass", Naruto growled. Neji just smirked at the optimistic fool, "Well don't say I didn't warn you."  We still get the same background banter looking down on Naruto as in canon but Sakura as well as the demonic duo are much more confident.  "Begin", Genma declared. The two ninja then lunged at each other at fast speeds, faster than the naked civilian eye. Naruto combined shadow clones with the clone jutsu to conserve chakra. (An: I'm not covering Tenten's fangirling dialogue in this fight since most of it was exposition. Just know that its implied and Naruto has a better understanding of the Byakugan thanks to sparring with Hinata.)

Naruto then flanks his clones and they all utilize the Water Style Raging Water Jutsu. The battlefield easily becomes a small lake, forcing the Hyuga into a defensive stance in order to keep his footing. "That's not all Naruto Style, Uzumaki Fury!!!",Naruto roared as dozens and dozens of shadow clones paired off and performed an all too familiar spiral technique. "What the Hell?!!! That's mine and Akamaru's move!!!", Kiba barked. "Rotation", Neji declared as he propelled a defensive wall of chakra to repel and tank the knucklehead's attack. "Had enough loser?!!!", Neji breathed heavily. Despite the Byakugan powers to see the opponents chakra network and counter their moves in a 360* angle its draining on the body. "That's it Naruto, play smart and tire him out",   Jiraya monologued. At that moment a heavy fog began to amiss the battlefield and the water all but dissolved. "The Mist justu not bad", Dosu stated. "Careful the idiot's learning", Zaku regaled. The clones kept coming and Neji kept fighting them off; however, it slowly but surely was starting to take it toll. "No more games fight me you coward!!!", Neji roared frustrated. Suddenly a huge surge of chakra started to carve through the air like a knife through butter and the malice and hatred immitted could be felt by everyone. Neji foresaw the Nine-tails' essence as Naruto in said state stared back with complete and utter malice. Everyone was either in shock or panicking. While some were rather amused, "Oh man its getting good", Zaku chuckled only to be smacked upside the head by Kin. "We need to get low seated civilians to higher ground. This could get ugly", Haku ordered. The other shinobi personnel began to follow suit while Lord Third observed the battle rather somberly.  "The nine-tails he's learned to channel its power. Nonetheless, if the boy losses control it'll put everyone at risk but I see Haku's team is leading the precautions on that. Still you had to cross this hurdle sometime...Naruto."

Nine-tail Naruto roared as pounced on the cocky Hyuga decking him right in the mouth. Neji regained his footing and maneuvered for his trump card. Eight-trigram Sixty-Four palm!!!", Neji bellowed as he began his onslaught. Naruto continued his assault with everything he could muster with Kurama's power. "two palm...four palm...eight palm...sixteen palm... thirty-two palm...Sixty-Four Palm!!!", Neji finished as the chakra negating attack hit its mark sending Naruto flying, only for a small boom and a puff of smoke to follow. "It was a good fight loser but no matter how determined you are... no matter how hard you try... you can't escape your fate. The smoke clears revealing Naruto still in bounds and still in this fight. "But how?!!!", Ebisu inquired astonished. "The hurricane sphere technique he casted and mounted it against the ground to cut off his own momentum. Well played but it seems that they're both at their limit", Shikamaru commented. Both the boys were low on chakra and clearly exhausted but both were determined to win. Naruto's no longer in the nine-tailed state while Neji can barely maintain the Byakugan at this point. Neji growls and grits his teeth at the thought of failure and everything he's believed in being challenged. He was the golden boy, he stood out as the best despite stemming from the branch family and this good for nothing who had the Gaul to court lady Hinata is actually pushing him?! Has fate forsaken him? "What the hell's wrong with you? Why do you keep fighting? Why go so far for someone else?!!!", Neji demanded as the two charged. "Because I was called a LOSER!!!", Naruto preserved harnessing Kurama's chakra in a last bid of strength while clashing against Neji's rotation. The arena is in dead silence and awe as the clash negated culminating in a massive dust ball. When the smoke clears, Neji can be seen still standing while Naruto is in fetal position inside the crater unconscious. "Don't bother counting proctor, he's done", Neji smirked preserving his composure. Suddenly a poof could be heard as the knocked out Naruto is a shadow clone and the real knucklehead unveils himself as he leaps from the ground and upper cutting the weakened Hyuga dead on. However, before he or Neji could hit the ground, Naruto then suddenly warps behind him compressing the last of his chakra    into his hurricane sphere; but unbeknownst to him he subconsciously completes the technique of his legendary father's invention....the Rasengan!!! and decked the free falling Neji right in the back knocking him face first into the side of the wall claiming victory by out of bounds knockout. The crowd is complete joy and distraught at such an epic climax and began cheering for the hyperactive knucklehead, which Naruto enjoys to great delight. The other genin don't know what to make of it while some of the higherups knew better. Naruto completed his trump card the sealing tag for the flying thunder god on Neji's back earlier and when the time was right decked him out of bounds. "You did good kid, you did good", Jiraya and Zabuza thought to themselves." For the first time in his life, Naruto had earned the positive attention of the people of the hidden leaf. 

When Hinata found out who won during her return visit to the hospital, she was ecstatic, her dreams was coming true and the path to her ninja way was looking bright. 

However, this day won't end so joyfully for Konoha. Lines will be crossed, leaders betrayed all within the deception of a perfect scheme...

                                                                     Next Time...

                                                                     Chapter Twelve The Invasion Begins!!!    

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