Chapter 17 The Drunken Princess The Blood Senju Curse

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Before leaving for the night, it had already been settled that Lady Shizune would return to Lady Tsunade's company and keep her in a comfortable location in the village they were currently staying (Tanzaku City); while the trio would find them and brief from there upon contact. With that settled Iruka and a small team of Jonin escorted Lady Shizune back to Tanzaku City. However, Iruka would have an S-rank mission within the area.  As the briefing was being wrapped up, Sai chooses to run reconnaissance once entering the village while Jiraya and Naruto would handle negotiations. 

The next morning,  As our heroes prepare to depart to rescue the princess, a certain blonde meets to see them off. "Sai...wait!!!", Ino cried out. "Whatever you do don't say anything stupid", Naruto whispered. Jiraya scowled but the scarred boy had to learn sometime. Ino and Sai converse regarding the sudden severity of the ladder's mission. "I'm sorry Ino perhaps when I get back we can go on those dates you're always talking about", Sai interjected. Pervy Sage was impressed at how much Sai has progressed while Naruto was expecting to get a good laugh at his comrades expense. Though he does somewhat get his wish when a flustered Ino punches Sai right in the face not able to deal with her boyfriend's sudden forwardness. "I-I'm sorry Sai, w-w-w-we'll definitely have that date good luck!!!', Ino stammered as she stormed off. Sai was left confused while Naruto got a bit of chuckle out of the irony. "What was that about?", Sai asked groaningly. "Women are as fickle as weather my apprentices but I assure you I am the master hahahahaha!!!", Jiraya roared as he handed the boy a first volume copy of his novel as they depart. Naruto badmouths about not getting a copy as well but Jiraya plays it off. "Are you sure that when you have your union with Hinata she would like her first night to be you acting like a pig?", Jiraya inquired condescendingly. "Like you're one to talk Pervert!!!", Naruto fumed. "I am not a pervert", Jiraya replied calmly.  "Then what kind of pervert are you?", Naruto asked only to realize what he walked into. "A BIG ONE!!!", Jiraya boasted. Naruto just cringed as he literally fell for the same joke and punchline again. 

Meanwhile at the Konoha hospital, Kakashi is visiting Mina in her hospital bed, gown and everything. Mina's rather flustered given that she's not allowed to wear much under it. Kakashi notices the blushing and chooses to ignore it. "She probably stirring up some dirty scenario", Kakashi notions to himself. He has already been briefed for his mission alongside Yamato for the first time in years. Securing the current Fifth Hokage candidate was crucial but that doesn't change the fact that Lady Shizune did solidify a potential Orochimaru sighting. The copy ninja then reflects on the tournament and looks at Mina her her frail state. She had done damage to herself by jumping in the fray. Though as much as she loved him, once Mina set her mind on something she'd go above and beyond to do it even if it killed her. Kakashi was just relieved that this time it didn't come to that. The copy ninja would be remised however if a part of him didn't want to relish at taking down Kabuto. At the very least losing such a skilled and precise talent would be a huge blow to the Snake Sannin. Mina noticed Kakashi stewing in an internal and confined rage puts on a smile as she hugs the Silver-haired Jonin. Kakashi just stands there collecting himself while Yamato looks out with our lovebirds to caught up in the moment to notice. "Kakashi we need to go", Yamato sounded off. The two jumped at being noticed as Mina let go of Kakashi and whispered I love you in his ear as he departed. Upon dawning their cloaks and equipment Yamato finally calls out the male tsundere, "You know you're going to have to acknowledge her sooner or later. For gods sake how longs it been a decade?" "14 years I didn't think it would take me this long to come up with an answer", Kakashi replied. "Are you serious?! Most men would kill for a lady that crazy for them and you've been playing neutral for almost a decade and a half?!!!", Yamato roared to himself.  He knows some context of the darkness Kakashi had to overcome following the fate of Team Minato but it was such a natural reaction to smack the copy ninja upside the head in retort and call him a fool. However, it was also natural and unnatural to see his mentor in such a low state. 

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