Chapter 14 The Reaper's Debut Hiruzen's Sacrifice

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"Hmm it appears that my students have decided to relish in the carnage though I didn't expect that, I'm not surprised", Orochimaru quipped as the battlefield expanded. However, at that moment Zabuza was able to time his attack and slice the snake Sannin clean in two. This left the surrounding Anbu shocked however, both the Sound four and our heroes knew better. The Sannin counters with his top half while the severed re-manifest and creates a second Orochimaru though the new one has a more feminine appearance. Haku is ironically confused but Lord Third knew better and it terrified him. "You're not human... You're a Demon!!!" "It appears you've learned a few tricks since going rouge snake. Though there's no such a thing as true immortality. There's always a price", Zabuza concluded. "For someone that's revered as a legendary assassin you have a bad habit of running your mouth. But since you've become empathic to the leaf you can die to one of leaders", Orochimaru 2 quipped seductively as Lord Second sucker punched the Demon and the battle of the waves was amped up considerably. "Lord Zabuza!!!", Haku cried out only to knocked into the side of the merchant shop a few blocks away by Lord First. The fallen Senju would have intercepted if it weren't for a nasty counter by Enma. "Focus you idiot!!! You can't help anyone distracted. Honestly this whole generations soft" "Well Enma if looking down on them of all people than you must be old", Orochimaru 2 enticed as he went for a venomous strike. Enma disgusted countered and the old Monkey continued his assault. 

Haku woke up in a stir and was about to be pierced by the side of a tree until he used a construct to freeze the whole bark solid. Tayuya noticed this and after cutting up some fodder ninja, she decided to dispose of the fem boy to spite the traitorous kunoichi. Kin followed suit intercepting and clashing half way. This leads to a sound versus illusion Genjustu battle as everything crumbles around them. The once great village hidden in the leaves has been consumed by fire and brimstone as the environment has been engulfed by ruin and death. Hiruzen is heartbroken at the sight; this leaves him distracted as Orochimaru just smiles and trolls manically. Despite the standoff, Orochimaru's reluctance is part of a much crueler deception.

 Meanwhile Kidomaru is lining his shot at Zabuza while Jirobo and Sakon/Ukon are tag teaming against Dosu and Zaku. Unfortunately, before he could fire he is struck with venom to the neck by an elusive Anko. Simultaneously a dashing blue blur appears as Jirobo is sent flying the Siamese duo is knocked in the line of fire of Kidomaru's arrow piercing almost piercing them if they hadn't split at the last second. "I had a feeling you would get involved in this", Anko quipped. The stubborn kunoichi revealed herself beyond the smoke. Mina in the first gate had entered the battlefield. 

Zaku tries to glance only to be sucker punched by Sakon as Dosu counters Ukon. "I wasn't just going to cower and let people die", Mina demanded. "The doctor's said any further strain and you could loose you ability to mold chakra all together", Anko threatened. "When I agreed to become shinobi even against Kakashi's wishes, I knew the risks. If this is to be my last fight then I want to save as many lives as I can by taking down the enemy. Besides I didn't come alone", Mina replied as dashed to continue her fight with Jirobo. Meanwhile, Haku continues surviving against Lord Hashirama only to quickly start loosing ground between the increasing bodies and the rush to protect those still alive and fleeing. He's on the verge of being overwhelmed until the First Hokage is bound by some kind of creatures attached to the body. "You know its unwise to leave yourself open like this", Sai quipped. Haku sighed, "You really needed to work on that you know?" "It won't last long I suggest that you assist Anko and Zabuza. Its about time all of the leaf's resources wee utilized", Sai replied. Haku followed his comrades advice as he sped off to confront Lord Tobirama. After noticing that her man was save Kin casted her trump card "Ninja Art: Sonar Disruption!!!" A subtle sound wave that disrupts the nerves and mental faculties within the immediate area. "A shinobi's chakra network is one thing but what does that amount to when the mind is your worst enemy", Kin monologed as she dashed off hoping it wasn't too late to the last things she had to care about, leaving Tayuya is excruciating agony. 

Back on the rooftop, the games have come to an end and the real battle has just begun as Orochimaru finally plays his hand. "Now that you've had time to adjust to the inevitable, how about I grant you a sense of nostalgia before the end." Orochimaru snapped his fingers to allow his double to express herself for the first time in years. "P--please kill....m-m-meeeeeee...", The lady begged as she began rotting as her soul is separate from her actual body. Hiruzen was terrified and disgusted as the woman kept rotting until on the verge of death and finally achieving some peace she's gouged and gashed by the snake blade silencing her forever. At that moment Orochimaru started wielded hand signs like before however, Hiruzen was too distraught to respond in time and the coffin was fully summoned and reanimated. "Behold your final and greatest failure Sarutobi-sensei!!!", Orochimaru declared as the unthinkable has come to past. Albeit severely nerfed, the pressure of this chakra was even more crippling than the destruction and boas surrounding them. "This is bad", The Pervy sage noted. Kakashi wants to follow suit but he can't the scars haven't healed. And even if they did could he bring himself to fight his former sensei? "Hiruzen.... you've really fucked up this time. Well might as well Everyone mobilize the traitor has forced our hand. We come out of the shadows to engage in war with the dead as the Fourth Hokage has been reanimated", Danzo declared as Root reveals itself to the village in its darkest hour. And with this summon, death is certainly in the air.

The Battle Concludes...

Next Time: Chapter 15 

Anbu vs Root 

A Father's Goodbye

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