Pov I add more drama because I think it's funny

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Y/n's pov

"I do not like Christopher," Wakatoshi says the second I close the door.

"Wakatoshi, you don't need to be so forward about your opinions," Tendo says.

"Well, it doesn't matter what he thinks about Christopher," I say. "It's not his life."

"I don't think you should be hanging out with a nineteen-year-old," Wakatoshi says. "You are only sixteen."

"Um, in case you haven't noticed most of the people I hang out with are nineteen," I say. "And I'll be seventeen in less than a month."

"That's irrelevant," he says. "Christopher is older than me."

"And what about it?" I ask. "Tendo is older than you, so is Oikawa, and I still hang out with them."

"I don't care," he says. "Don't talk to him anymore."

"You don't tell me what to do," I say. "He's my William, and this is his job."

"I don't care," he says. "He is too old."

"You're acting like we're in some relationship, he literally just takes me to school, and runs errands," I say. "You're being dramatic."

"I am not being dramatic," he says.

"You're just mad because you think he's gonna replace you," I say.

"He is not replacing me," he says. "I am your brother."

"Well maybe I wish you weren't," I say. "At least Christopher doesn't treat me like I'm below him, I would rather be with my actual parents."

"They didn't want you," he says. "This is your family now."

"How about we order in some food," Tendo suggests. "And not have an argument."

"Then maybe treat me like your sister instead of some chore," I say. "At least act like you wanted a sister. Because lately, it feels like I'm just in the way and you don't actually want me here."

"If I didn't want you here then I would've left you in Japan," he says. "But because I do care about you I brought you with me."

"What do you mean leave me in Japan?" I ask clenching my fists.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," he says.

"You said that I couldn't stay in Japan," I say. "That I had to come here, that there was nowhere else for me to stay."

"I said not to worry about it," he says again. "Just eat some food and go to sleep."

"Could I have stayed in Japan?" I ask. "At my school, and with my friends?"

"Well that obviously doesn't matter now," he says. "It wasn't up to you, I didn't want to leave you in Japan. I wanted to bring you, so I did."

"You didn't want to or you couldn't?" I ask. "There's a huge difference."

"The only reason mom had set up interviews to get you a 'William' was so there would be someone to help you while mother and I were away," he says. "She thought that it would be better to leave you there, I didn't want to."

"You fucking lied to me," I spit. "You said that I didn't have a choice."

"You didn't, because I chose for you," he says.

"I can make my own choices," I say. "You don't need to do it for me, why didn't you let me stay in Japan?"

"I didn't want to leave my sister," he says. "Why would I chose to separate myself from the people I care about?"

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