Reading list reveal😫🥶🙏told yall ion read much on wattpad

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Went through all of the comments and formed a decent idea for what may happen, just had to wait for my regular commenters. Yes, I have favourites, don't ask if it's you.

Y/n's pov

Just two friends, sitting in a car, they might kiss... Oh, wait they already did.

"Are you alright?" Christopher asks.

"Oh of course I am," I say. "What would give you the impression that I wasn't?"

"You're sitting in the back seat with a paper bag on your head," he says. "So you could say that I just had a feelio8ng."

"It's my Kakashi cosplay," I say. "Don't worry about it."

"He wears a mask, not a paper bag," he laughs. "What are you hiding from?"

"Everything at the moment," I say. "Carry on."

"You know why I kissed you?" he asks.

Nope, no I don't wanna talk about it. Not now not ever.

"I didn't actually kiss Nick, so don't be mad at me," I say. "It was fake, he just kissed my nose and pinched my neck."

"I wouldn't be mad even if you did," he says. "You worry a lot about what people think, think about yourself. Oh and back to my previous question."

"It was part of the dare and Amelia and I were arguing so you fixed it by making us be quiet, well making me be quiet," I say. "That's why you kissed me."

Play dumb, big brain.

"You don't need to play down your awareness to avoid a conversation," he says. "I know you're not stupid."

Okay, small brain.

"I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't like you, Bird," he says. "And I wasn't planning on telling you now, but I made it pretty obvious back there, one of the reasons I was so hesitant to bring you to meet some of my friends."

"Because they suck at keeping things on the down-low?" I ask.

"Exactly," he says. "And I could've kept it a secret if I didn't kiss you like that, because no offence but sometimes you can be pretty clueless."

"I know," I sigh pulling the bag off my head. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, you haven't done anything," he laughs. "You don't need to worry."

Well, what the hell am I supposed to do now?

"Christopher, can you just tell me what to do?" I ask. "Please."

"There's a lot of things I'll help you with but making decisions is not one of them," he says. "Sorry Bird, I don't like telling people how to live."

"But Christopher, I don't know what to do now," I say. "With you, with me, with it all. If you just tell me what you think would be best then it could work out."

"This is your life, not my life, but if you really want me to tell you what to do them, I don't want you to think about my feelings or anyone else's at that," he says. "You think my hair looks ugly, tell me, the food at the restaurant is wrong, tell them, somebody makes you feel like shit tell them."

"I can't do that," I say. "Are you insane? How do you think people would feel if I just walked all over them."

"I never said that they'll let you walk all over them," he says. "The cook will argue their right, others will argue you shouldn't be sensitive, just because you don't want to hurt others doesn't mean you should let them hurt you. We're both just people, everyone is just a person. You give you get, if you let yourself feel below then people will see you like that."

"I don't understand what you're saying," I say. "I thought you were confessing."

"I did confess, I really do like you," he says. "But I won't date you."

"Why not?" I question. "What if I say I want to date you?"

"Because I'd want you to date me because you want to date me, not because you want to lose me," he says.

"But that's the same thing," I say.

"It's not, I don't want you to verbalize any feelings you may have towards me until you're sure about everything," he says. "Until you understand yourself, I don't want you to worry about me because I'll wait."

"Wait for what?" I ask. "Wait for me to want you?"

"I'll wait for you to want yourself, you need to prioritize yourself before you can prioritize anybody else," he says. "If you step on yourself others will too."

"So what now?" I ask. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"This is the last thing I'm ever going to tell you to do about your life," he says glancing at me in the mirror. "It's important I need you to listen carefully, think this way and trust me you'll feel a whole lot happier. You'll understand your real self."

"And what is it?" I ask. "What do I do?"

"Do whatever you want," he says. "Stop thinking too much, yell if you want, kick if you want, sleep if you want, just do whatever."

"But I can't just do whatever I want-" I start.

"And why is that?" he asks cutting me off. "I'm not stopping you."

"Well I know that, but not everyone is you," I shake my head.

"Don't let anyone stop you," he says. "Walking straight forward is faster than taking turns. Don't take shit from anyone."

"I don't want to be an asshole for the rest of my life though," I say.

"Think about now, if you focus on what's going to happen and you'll miss what's happening," he says. "And that's no way to live."

"Why are you so woke?" I ask.

"Consideration for others is good in moderation," he says.

"You get woker by the second," I say.

"It's just how I am," he says. "And don't try to mimic it."

"I thought you said you were done with telling me what to do?" I ask.

"Touché," he smiles. "So what are you going to do next?"

"I'm not going to take shit from anyone," I smile. "So I most likely will get a suspension when I get back to school sometime this week."

"Good, I'll be waiting to pick you up," he smiles back. "With some ice for your knuckles."

For legal reasons I need you to follow me on TikTok if you haven't. When I make jokes about this fic no one understands my mastermind.


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