Chapter 1

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Karina's view

Today is the second Friday since school started. I'm already in sophomore year in college and currently taking Business Management by the reason of I'm the only child of my parents so there's no choice but to take care of their business soon, yes it sounds and will always sounds cliche but we can't do anything about it especially when you're an only child. It's not a big deal for me since we agreed on something. I'll finish taking Business Management then after that I can take any courses that I like to take to. That's why I love my parents because we have this give and take kind of relationship.

Speaking of parents, I received a message from my mom this morning to come over in our house. I guess I'll spend my weekend on our house, I'm not complaining tho because I don't have any classes for tomorrow so I can leave my apartment for a while to stay with them.

I'm living on my own since I entered university in here. My parents bought me a penthouse on my 18th birthday two years ago. My penthouse was my best gift that I've received so far. I managed to live and learn new things without my parents since I moved in in my apartment, but I know my limitation on things. I'm not a typical young adult that spends life on drinking, partying, and some worst things that my age can do. It's not I see them as bad habit because it's a normal things to do for my age, it's just I don't find any fun on that. I rather draw for whole day or travel or discover new things on my own than to do those kind of things.

"Hi to you" Giselle, my bestfriend greets me. I raise my head to look at her then give her a smile.

"Hey! What's up?" I greet back to her. She then sits on the chair opposite to me. We're now facing each other, enough to have a conversation.

"Uhm I'm planning on going to one of my colleagues party but I don't want to be alone so I think of inviting you?" she says and nervousness is imprinted on her face.

Giselle is in a sophomore year like me but she's taking Performing Arts because she wants to be a performer someday. Whether it's dancing, singing, or acting she can nail it all.

I hate parties but when it's Giselle's invitation it's an exception. I know Giselle won't do any harm to me so once she invites me then I reassuring you that it's not a messy party, it's a friendly one if that's the right term so I accept her everytime she invites me but sadly I can't do it for tonight.

"Sorry Giselle but I can't make it tonight as long as I want to. My mom messaged me this morning to come over today in our house, maybe next time" I say with low guilt.

Instead of giving me a disappointed look, she flashes a smile to me. "No Karina don't be sorry for that, besides it's just a party. I bet your parents really missed you that's why they want you to spend weekend with them so I hope you have a great weekend rina!"

See? That's why I really love Giselle. We understand each other's situation like a real sisters do. I stand up from my seat then open my arms to give her a tight hug. She chuckles at my action but she stands up also and hugs me first. "Thank you Gigi!" I mumble between our hug.

"Yeah no problem Riri"

I separate from the hug first. "You want some snacks? My treat"

"I want snacks but Karina let me pay for my food and to yours since you treated me last week too" she says and is about to get her wallet on her bag but then I stop her.

"Gigi please drop it. Let me treat you again and then you can treat me on the other day, are you okay with that?"

She looks at me for some seconds to think and just nods her head in surrender because she knew how this conversation will end.

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