Chapter 6

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Karina's view

Winter has been so quiet since I mentioned about Aika last Monday. I tried to apologize but she's ignoring me until now. She didn't even went with me to school. I'm really regretting what I've done to her but maybe she needs more time to cool down before I talk with her.

I'm currently buying some food to eat later because Giselle wants to visit me this night since it's Saturday. Winter is sleeping when I checked her before I went here. It's already 4 in the afternoon so I hurriedly pick meat and vegetables that I can cook this dinner.

I pull out on the apartments' parking lot after almost 15 minutes of driving. My heart skips so fast when I see Winter seating on the couch while watching on the television. The nervousness I'm feeling everytime she's around gotten worst after our last argument. I don't know how to act properly around her now.

I just glance at her before I go to the kitchen to prepare our dinner.

After a while the doorbell rings. Geez Giselle is too early, I haven't finished cooking.

"Wait some seconds!" I shout from the kitchen.

I get my cheese baked potato inside my oven and put it on the table. I remove my gloves then go out of the kitchen to open the door.

"Giselle it's too--" I stop when I see Giselle and Winter throwing daggers to each other. Did I miss something while I'm at the kitchen? I hope I didn't.

I clear my throat to get attention and Giselle is the first one to look at me. "Are you two okay?"

Giselle gives me a small smile before she speaks.

"Yes I guess?" she answers then throws another glare at Winter. I raise my left brow at her.

"I don't think so" I say.

Winter turn her back and I look at her expression if there's something wrong but her face says nothing. It's so plain again, no emotion can be trace like the first time I saw her.

She doesn't say anything and just walk pass me going to the couch again.

"Sorry about that" Giselle says all of the sudden.

"So there's something wrong?" I asks again, more like begging for her answer.

"I don't know too Karina. I think she doesn't like me at all" Giselle says shrugging.

"It smells baked potato" she tries to change the topic. I just shrug at what I saw. There's nothing new to Winter hating all the people.

"Ah yes I cook for the three of us. Mind you help me preparing it?" Giselle grins on what I said.

"Of course" she says then pull me inside the kitchen.

I glance at Winter to check on her if she's okay but then I see her throwing a dagger again, not directly to Giselle but to Giselle's hand who's holding my hand so tight. I meet her eyes when she notice that I'm looking at her. Instead of glaring at me, she gives me that plain looks again. I just look away when Giselle call my name.


Giselle helped me to put the dishes on the dining table. It's all done so I call Winter. This time, she stares at my eyes for some seconds. I try to read her eyes but I'm finding it so hard to. She look away then walk pass me again without saying anything. I follow her in the dining table.

I feel the awkward silence between the three of us. No one dared to speak when we start eating not until Giselle starts asking some random questions about school. The atmosphere making me feel suffocation.

"So Rina when will your class start doing research paper?" she asks, directly on me.

"Mr. Han haven't mentioned it yet but apparently within this month" she just nods to me then the silence comes back again.

I keep glancing at Winter. She doesn't give any care about our conversation and just eating there in silence.

"Wait here. I'll get an ice cream for dessert" I half-lie say then go inside the kitchen to get the ice cream tub. Actually I just want to separate from them for some minutes to breath properly. I barely breath since we start eating. I'm sure that there's something wrong between them.

I'm about to go back when I hear something fall from the dining table so I hurriedly go.

"Look what you've done!" I hear Winter shouts.

When I reach the dining table my eyes grow wides. A broken bowl is scattered on the floor along with the chicken soup that I cooked. I look at Winter who's giving a death glare to Giselle then to Giselle who looks uneasy.

"What happened?" I ask calm.

"It's her! I'm going to get the soup but she suddenly grabbed it to me!" Winter shouts again.

I look at Giselle and look for some confirmation.

"N-no Rina that's not true. It's an accident. I didn't mean to do it" Giselle defends herself.

"No! You already saw me getting it but then you grabbed it on purpose!"

"No Rina. I'm telling the truth. You know I can't do that" my bestfriend says while begging at me to listen to her.

"No you're a liar! How could you be friends with this kind of person Karina?!" I caught off guard on what Winter said.

"How dare you ask Rina like that?!" I'm shock when Giselle burst out. It's my first time to see him shout like this, she usually has this bubbly personality everytime I'm with her.

"Why not? I--" I immediately cut Winter off.

"Winter stop!" I shout that makes them look at me.

Winter frowns and tries to open her mouth to speak but then closes it again.

"Can you two please stop shouting?! I'm so done with this!" I shout again. There's a long pause of silence.

"Whatever" Winter breaks the silence first. She turn her back then go upstairs in her room.

I sigh and rub my forehead in disappoinment.

"Rina I'm very sorry. I swear I didn't mean to do it" Giselle apologizes.

"No Gigi I know it's no one's fault. It's just can't understand Winter at all. She seems fine this morning, except that she's still not talking to me then this happened. I don't know, I feel like it's about me again" I feel my eyes getting on fire and my tear warns to get out.

Giselle hugs me to comfort. "Don't say that. It's not your fault and no one does" she says while caressing my back.

We are interrupt when we hear Winter's footsteps going downstairs. I look at her and she's now wearing a sweater and pants.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

She turns her body to look at me. Her eyes is on fire.

"Just somewhere where I can find peace and someone to listen to me because you!" she pauses then points her index finger to me.

"Always blame me in everything!" she says then storms out of my apartment.

I feel a pang inside my chest. Is this really all my fault? Maybe she's right. I haven't done anything to help her, all I did was to put the blame on her.

(A/N: I know some immature solo stans are having a war out there so please don't take seriously this book knowing aespa members are the characters here. This is just a fanfiction and it's not my intention to start a war between fans just because of some scenario in here.)

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