Chapter 38

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Winter's view

I can't see nothing but darkness as I walk further. I don't know where I am and I'm getting afraid now.

"Winter"  suddenly someone's voice echoes in my ear. I look around me but darkness is still there.

"Who are you?"  I ask bravely.

"I miss you so much Winter. Come with me"  the voice replies that makes me confuse more.

"Why would I? I don't even know you!"  I shout at her.

"Can't you remember me? I'm your best friend"  the voice is getting louder and nearer.

"A best friend? I don't know who you are"  I say as a strong wind blows behind me. I turn my back to look behind me and I'm surprised when darkness changes into a scenario and it isn't a normal one. It gives me goosebumps when I watch myself wearing a black dress alone. I'm standing besides a coffin as I cry out loud. What the hell is happening?

"You said you won't leave me!"  my other self cries. I watch myself like that for a few moments until I feel my own tears flowing down. I'm about to wipe my tears but my eyes grow wide when I can't move my two hands. I try to move my feet too but like my hands it feel paralyzed. My tears continue running as my panic worsen.

Out of nowhere a girl is walking through my way. I try to see who she is but her face is blurred in my sight. I just watch her walk until she stops in front of me. She doesn't say anything and just move her hand. Her cold hand touches my face. It makes my heart beat stops for a while. Her touch feel so familiar yet so gloom. It isn't like a touch when someone tries to comfort you but it rather feels like a good bye.

The next thing I know is I'm slowly closing my eyes and when I open it again I'm already inside my room. My body is full of sweat and my heart rate is too fast. I pant heavily as I run out of breath. It wasn't real at all. It was a dream. The same girl that I was seeing in my dreams. Though I couldn't see her face, I knew that she was connected to me and she wanted to say something which I want to figure out.

"Whoever you are please don't make this hard"  I groan as I caress my head that currently aching.

Few moments later, I hear Ningning is calling me for our breakfast. Speaking of her, no one knew about this dream of me even her. I don't want them to worry again plus I'm tired of hearing unfamiliar names that makes my head spins everytime I try to remember them.


The class ended so fast and luckily nothing went wrong for the whole day. I know it's tiring to study but it's more tiring to think about my situation. It isn't like I'll be remembering everything again tomorrow. Except for the fact that I'm dreaming the same dream every night, my head frequently hurts now and it makes my everyday life harder that it usually seems. Sometimes I wish I didn't go out when the accident happened. I'm wondering what was the real reason why I was outside early in Saturday morning cause all I knew I wasn't a morning person. Whatever reason was it I hope it wasn't really connected to Karina like what everyone is saying. Karina was already there when I woke up from coma so I didn't think of any danger from her so why would people say that we had an argument the night before the accident.

I'm in my deep thoughts when a ball rolls into my feet. When I look around I find out that it's from the football team. I see a boy from the team running towards me.

"I'm sorry miss"  he says then slouches to pick up the ball.

"No it's fine. I wasn't hurt though"  I reply politely.

"Oh yeah well-- wait I know you"  he says as he faces me.

"Yeah?"  I answer awkwardly.

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