Chapter 39

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Karina's view

Early this morning when I received a message from Mrs. Kim inviting me and Winter for a lunch at their house later. I immediately ask Winter if she's ready to go but to my surprise, she has no idea about the message so right now I'm in my deep thoughts. I know that it's not unusual for Mrs. Kim to invite us to their place to eat or just to have a small talk but the fact that Winter is clueless about this then became strange for me. Instead of making it a big deal I just shake off the thought out of my head. Maybe I'm just overthinking things again and I don't want to ruin this day.

Not long after, Winter sent me a message saying that she's already dressed up so I quickly take my keys with me then drive my way to Ningning's place.

We didn't waste any of our time so after I fetched Winter, we make our way to their house right away. I notice that she's acting dry today but I'm used to it. Well, she's Winter, the moodiest person that I know so instead of asking what's wrong, I chose to stay quiet for the whole ride.

The next thing I know is we're already walking our way inside Kim's residence. The only people that are present are my mother and Mrs. Kim. They welcome the two of us cheerfully which makes my worries subside. This is the only time that we can both talk and see our moms so worrying isn't necessary here.

We had our little chit-chat before Mrs. Kim prepares our lunch which makes me drool.

"So..."  Mrs. Kim utters as soon as we all finish eating. We look up at her, waiting for her next words.

"I have something to tell"  she continues hesitantly. This kind of conversation never fails to make me anxious as hell.

I see the confusion on Winter's face as she patiently waits for her mother.

"Lately, Roger is running some errands regarding our business in Australia that's why he's not been able to join here. Last week he called to me saying that he's having a hard time fixing it without my help..."  Mrs. Kim proceeds in explaining. I feel a little bit of pity towards Mr. Kim because for all I knew he's a quiet person so it's so rare for him to admit that he needed his wife right now.

"And because of that... I decided to go back to Australia but with Winter this time"  she says as I almost choke on my own.

"Wait-- what?"  Winter asks in surprise.

Her mother holds her right hand to comfort her because she knows that the sudden announcement would make her daughter's mood change.

"We're sorry baby but we need to go back to Australia as soon as possible. Your father needs us this time"  she explains in a calm voice.

"But mom this is so unexpected. I mean I'm just starting my life here with my friends and I... I don't know why you didn't tell me about this earlier?"

"I know baby that's why I'm apologizing"

There's a long pause between the four of us, not knowing what to react or do at this very moment. It's not like me and my mother can intrude in their conversation especially it's a family matter.

"I..."  Winter replies but my heart almost sinks when her voice broke.

"I don't know. I need to be alone for now. Please excuse me"  she says then abruptly stands up from her seat then goes upstairs. We sit there in awkward silence because I know for sure this is another hardship for Winter.


Winter's view

I can't help myself but burst out crying inside my room. Sometimes I feel like I want to discover my memories but sometimes all I want is to disappear completely. This is so unfair! They won't understand me because they aren't in my shoes. Do they think coming back to Australia will help me gain back my memories again? How am I suppose to live my life solely if I can't even remember even a single thing from my past? It feels like I'm inside a maze but I'm not able to find the only way out.

I cried and cried until my eyes feel heavy. I think a nap will help me lessen the heaviness that I'm currently facing so I gradually close my eyes, hoping that I will wake up in normal life again.

I was running outside a building. I didn't know how and why I was here but all I knew was I wanted to get away from here.

I stopped running when I finally got out of the said building. I was still running out of breath.

Out of nowhere, I heard a crying woman nearby. When I looked around me, I saw a commotion. I didn't want to see what was going on because first of all, it wasn't my business at all, second this place wasn't familiar to me but my mind was telling the opposite.

Without me knowing, I found myself standing in front of a young woman unconsciously lying down on the street. Her body was soaking with her blood.

I froze on my own feet at what I was seeing. I felt like I was having a mini heart attack.

It was me. It was my body. There was a little girl behind me and a woman. I couldn't figure out who they were because that was my first time meeting them and my situation was so frightening. Why am I seeing my own body soaking with my blood in the middle of the road?

I saw a phone beside my body and it was ringing. No one noticed it because they were all panicking. Even though I was in a weak state, I managed to walk near my lying body and looked at the phone's screen. It just made me confused more as I saw Karina's name on the screen. It was indeed my phone.

I was about to pick up the phone when a very bright light came out of it. It was too bright that I wasn't able to see anything.

I wake up panting and sweating. It was one of those weird dreams again.

"Winter are you alright?"  All of a sudden my door swings open, revealing a worried Karina.

"Yeah, I think so"  I answer shortly. I look outside my window then let out a sigh. I feel so empty. Me wanting to gain back my memories, those scary dreams every night, and me having a little crush on this girl standing beside me. It's so stressful to handle.

"Winter please don't be like this"  Karina whispers but enough for me to hear.

"To be like what?"  I look at her inquiring.

"I mean this... You locking up yourself here then what? Cry? You should enjoy your stay here, at least for the last time?"  she says carefully like she's afraid of hurting me with her words.

I chuckle lightly which makes her eyebrows furrow.

"You know what? Just come with me"  she says then holds my hand tight.

"And where do you think we're going?"  I ask.

"I know a place"

"Oh okay?"  then she drags me downstairs. I've noticed that the house is so quiet right now and I can't see my mother everywhere. Maybe she's in her room now.

I can't help myself but blush because Karina is still holding my hands even she's already driving her car.

"Winter your cheeks are so red. You sure you're okay?"  Karina asks again. She's not looking at me but I can still feel the worries in her voice. I panic silently. Did she just notice that I'm blushing?

"Y-yeah I uh I think it's getting hot in here"  I slap myself internally. What a stupid answer.

"Don't worry you'll feel relax when we reach our destination okay?"  she replies.

I'm wondering now where are we going but I decided not to bother her anymore because I trust Karina so much that I can give myself to her... Nah just kidding but for sure the place will be beautiful like she said.

(Sorry for making y'all wait for too long... Idk if you will like the ending but I will still finish this as soon as I can. Anyway, congrats aespa for another bop song like "Oh my gosh! Don't you know that aespa is savage?")

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