Chapter 50

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Giselle's view

* 1 month later *

I don't know how long I have been standing in front of this huge house that belongs to Winter's family. People who are passing by are starting to look at me weirdly.

"C'mon Giselle, you didn't travel for almost three hours going here just to stand and make stupid things. You're doing this for Karina so there's no way you can get away"  I mumble to myself like a crazy woman I am.

If you're wondering why I went here, well I heard that Winter's flight going to Australia will be in three days so I'm here to talk to her. I need to explain everything cause I can't stand seeing Karina like that anymore. Although I encouraged her to eat and go to school again, it didn't make me feel any better. She still looks in her bad state like she doesn't have any reason to be happy again. I will do this not only for the sake of Karina and Winter's friendship but also to apologize for everything that I did to Winter.

I sighed as I gathered all my courage before I press the doorbell. My heart starts pounding like crazy. What if she's also mad at me? I thought.

Not long after, the gate opens and a woman in her 40's comes into my view. Woah she looks like an old version of Winter though.

"Yes? What can I do for you Miss?"  the woman asks. Even her voice kinda sounds like Winter so I assume that she's her mother.

"Uhm I uh I-I'm Winter's friend and I am here to visit her"  I reply stuttering.

"Really? You're Winter's friend?"  she inquires and based on her face, she looks surprised.

"Uh, ma'am are you alright?"  I ask worriedly.

"Yeah I'm just surprised cause she never told me about having another friend but I'm glad that you visit her"  she says which I understand immediately. Maybe Winter isn't a friendly person that's why her mother seemed surprised.

"Well uh let's go inside then"  she offers then gives me a space to enter.

When I finally got inside, I can't help but be amazed. I didn't know that Winter is this rich. She seems like a princess here.

"Could you please wait here for a moment? I'll just call Winter"  she tells me so I nod my head as approval. I watch her walk upstairs and go somewhere.

While waiting I prepare myself for the worst. She or she may not fume but there's no way that I'll leave here without talking to her.

A few minutes later, I hear a voice behind me.

"Uhm hi?"  she says. I turn around to face her and she's in total shock when she sees me.

"G-Giselle what are you doing here?"  she asks.

"Winter we need to talk"  I answer.

"Talk about what??"

"About Karina"  I say and her mood becomes sour.

"No way! I don't like to hear anything about that woman"  she spits like Karina is some sort of poison. I have never seen Winter this angry and that just proves that I really hurt her feelings because of my selfishness.

"But you need to know this"

"No Giselle! If you went here just because of her then you better go home now"  she fumed before she plans on leaving but I halt her. I quickly pull her arm to face me again.

"I won't leave unless you listen to me"  I say firmly as I look straightly at her eyes. For a moment, we fell into silence until she speaks again.

"Tell me one reason to trust you, Giselle. For all, I know you're her best friend so I know that you're like her too"

"Because..."  I stop at my words.

"See? You can't because you're a liar too"  she says.

"Because I was inlove with her Winter"  I finally say.


"You heard me right. I love her since then but she couldn't see it or maybe she's not into me. I don't know and I don't care anymore. All I want now is her happiness and it hurts knowing that I can't give it to her anymore. It's you, Winter. It's only you who can give it to her"  I say, trying to prevent my tears from falling. I didn't go here for drama but I need to for her to listen.

She looks dazed at what she heard so she sits on their sofa without saying anything while I just wait for her.

"What do you want to say?"  she finally speaks.

Just by that, I started telling her everything I can remember, starting from the day she came into our lives and I didn't leave any details. Sometimes she would look at me like she wanted to say something but choose not to.

"I'm very sorry Winter. I-I didn't know what did I think that I did such things. This is all my fault and Karina had nothing to do with this. All she did is care for you so I hope you change your mind before everything else falls apart"


Karina's view

I keep changing the channels on my television cause I can't pick the right show that can lift my mood. They're all the same for Pete's sake.

I decided to turn off the television instead of wasting my time then I glance over my wall clock and it reads 3:20. Suddenly I remember that today, exactly at 4:00 PM will be Winter's departure but I can't do anything about it. I'm useless now.

Suddenly, I feel annoyed so I throw the remote control and it badly hit on the wall. I don't know what's happening to me. I've been like this for the past weeks. Everything is so annoying for me.

I go straight to my room then flop myself onto my bed. This bed is the only thing that could comfort me.

I just close my eyes to rest it but when I open it again, I feel my pillow is already wet. I'm crying again. Everything is tearing me apart but I can't do anything about it but wait on what will happen next.

As weeks went by, I have realized that I'm already falling for Winter and I hate it. I can't feel this way now that she hates me to death. I tried reaching for her though but it was all useless until I felt tired of trying. I couldn't even hate her for throwing our memories away just like that. I thought she meant when she said that she loves me but that's not what I'm seeing. I couldn't believe that the simplest problem in my life would be the reason for my first heartbreak. It's funny to think that a strong person like me would cry over a girl that I hated the first time I met her.

As I cry under my pillow, I could hear my phone alarm which doesn't help me at all. That alarm is to remind me that it's already 4:05 PM and that means one thing only, Winter already left me. She left me without even listening to my side. I thought she would come over here and would say that she wouldn't leave me anymore and hug me but I think that only works in drama, not in real life.

Out of anger, I get my phone on my study table and then throw it outside my window without further thinking. After that, I get back on my bed and start crying again like forever.

(A/n: The next chapter will be the epilogue so stay tuned. Thanks for reading!)

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