Chapter 19

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Karina's view

As I wake up, Winter comes into my view. I feel a thug on my chest seeing her lying in a hospital bed with bruises. Based on what I heard she saved a kid from a truck. Luckily the kid was safe now but the driver wasn't, he was declared dead on arrival while Winter is here, still fighting for her life. I actually don't know what to feel right now, whether to be proud because she saved a child from death or should I blame myself because the accident happened in my area. Maybe she planned on talking to me or she'll get her remaining things in my apartment.

I take my phone on my pocket then I see my reflection on the screen, not that clear but enough to see my swelling eyes because of so much crying. I slide my phone's screen to check the time and it's already past 9 in the evening. I already called my parents and Winter's parents about this so they'll be here within this hour and I'm getting scared of the thought that they'll put the blame on me. I mean yeah there's a part of me that telling this was all my fault but I don't know if I can take it if it will come from her parents. Also I haven't tell them about what happened last week.

I hold her right hand so tight then my tears start falling again.

"I-I don't know if you can hear me Winter but please fight this time not only for me but also for your parents, for Ningning, and for Aika please"  I say, feeling the fear of losing her.

All of the sudden the door open, revealing Mrs. Kim with her husband and my mom behind her. I feel like I was poured on a cold water.

Mrs. Kim eyes immediately look for Winter and her tears start flowing down once her eyes find Winter. She drops her bag and hurriedly run to Winter. My heart sinks seeing her crying because of her daughter again, but this time Winter is almost lifeless.

I walk through my mother and she offers me a hug that I immediately accept. Again, I let my tears fall on my mother's shoulder.

"I'm sorry baby"  she comforts while caressing my back.

"No mom. It's my fault"

"No baby. It's an accident so no one's at fault"

"Mom please tell me... We won't lose her right?"

"Of course we won't. Let's just pray for her then she will survive this okay?"  I fall into silence.

Not long after, the doctor barges in inside the room. We all look at him. My heart stops to the fact that he's holding a brown envelope that I assume is the result of her test.

"So who's the parents?"  he asks in unfortunate tone.

"Me"  Mrs. Kim says then walk nearly to him.

"Mrs. Kim I already got the result"  I start praying internally that it won't be a serious injury.

Like me, I can see the fear and anticipation in everyone's eyes.

"Please tell me that my daughter will be fine"  Mrs. Kim says.

The doctor doesn't answer her but he starts pulling out something inside the envelope. He looks at us first then sigh.

"Sorry to say but the accident caused her to broke 2 of her ribs and a severe head injury. And because of that the chance of her falling into coma is high..."  my heart drops as I hear his words.

"C-coma?"  I blurt out without realizing.

"Yes. For now we can't tell if she will take weeks or months before she'll have conscious again but one thing is for sure..."  I furrow my brows in confusion then look at my mom who looks so confuse too, then to him again.

"Winter is a fighter because if not then she will be dead right now. I'm sure that she will come over this, let's just pray that it will be very soon"  he says then give us an assuring smile. I feel a warm in my heart because of his words. Yes she's a fighter and I'm so proud of her.


Giselle's view

My anxiety rises as I pace back and forth inside my room.

'I shouldn't do that'  I thought.

Suddenly I accidentally brush my arm to one of my framed photo. The sound of breaking glasses resonated on the whole room, luckily I'm alone right now so no one heard it except me.

I kneel down to pick up the broken pieces on the floor but while doing so I accidentally cut off my skin, causing my fresh blood to flow nonstop.




Then my heart starts beating so fast as I remember what I did before the accident happened.


I threw myself on my bed then Karina stepped in inside the bathroom. I don't know what came to my mind to turn on Karina's phone but I guess it was fine since we were used to use each other's phones without permission sometimes, except read our messages of course.

As I was scrolling through her phone, Winter called. Suddenly I felt an anger building up to me. After the pain that she gave to Karina she still had the audacity to call her? If she thinks that she can hurt Karina again then she was wrong. I'll never let her hurt Karina anymore.

She didn't stop calling so I didn't stop declining it too then deleted her call history after. But suddenly Karina spoke that made me flinch. My heart raced in nervousness so I immediately put her phone back on the table.

I lied that it was a wrong number when in fact it was Winter who called her but she seemed unconvinced so I immediately left her to avoid more questions.

*End of flashback*

Without knowing I feel a liquid running down through my face. I shouldn't do that to Winter.

What if she got involved in that accident because I declined her call? Then what if Karina will know all about this??

No I can't tell it to Karina. If she knows all about this then she would blame me to this and she'll get mad to me. That's what I'm afraid to happen.

It's until I wake up sweating. I saw Winter in my dream, she was lying on the road while soaking on her own blood.

I don't waste any time. I hurriedly change my clothes and grab a taxi. I give the hospital's name to the driver and he already know it. While on my way, my heart wants to leave out of my body. My conscience can't take it anymore and I don't care if Karina will get mad at me. I deserve it after all.

We pull out on the hospital and I let my feet bring me to Winter's room. I can't believe I ruined my friendship just because of a call.

I knock on the door and Karina immediately open it. I feel a sting on my chest when I see her bloodshot eyes.

"Gigi"  she says then throw herself to me. I hug her tight, giving her my warmest embrace.

'I'm sorry Rina'  I thought.

No I can't say it to her now, not in this condition. Karina looks so devastated and if I confess it to her then it will double the pain that she's feeling right now. Maybe I'll tell it tomorrow or in the other day.

'Forgive me this time Winter'  I say to my mind as I look at Winter.

(A/N: Before you get mad at me I just want to remind you again and again that this is just a fanfiction so you don't have the rights to hate me or Giselle on this. I love Giselle like how I love Winter but again, this needed to happen to give sense on the story. If happened that you put this on life then I recommend you to stop reading this now because you'll hate the upcoming chapters more. Also forgive me about the medical terms that I used. I searched about the topic and it was the best results that I found, don't worry you can correct me)

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