Chapter 26

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Karina's view

Five days have been passed since our Christmas celebration happened and in those days I refused to go to Kim's residence. After what I saw between Winter and Ningning, the younger followed me right away and explained what really happened. Maybe she was right that her and Winter are just friends but that day I can't help myself but to think that Winter think the other way, and because of that I can feel this strange feeling that I never expected. This will be the first time that I'll admit this to myself. I feel jealousy to Winter and Ningning's relationship.

When Winter gained conscious I thought everything would be back to normal again but sometimes expectation can hurt you a big time. When she woke up there were no days that she didn't ignore my existence while she treated Ningning like her life depends on her. I don't hate Ningning because of that, instead I'm thankful that she's still here with us and that she's helping Winter to recover. We even became close to each other which I didn't expect too but what I can't understand is why Winter is making me feel like I'm nothing to her but a complete stranger? I mean yes I did something to hurt her but sometimes I feel like this isn't the right thing to do. Like my situation is telling me that I should just stay away from them and that I deserve this after all. If this will continue then maybe I should just give up on proving myself to her. She needs a person like Ningning not a person who gives nothing to her but pain and worries.

"Rina?"  I heard my mother knocked before she calls my name, interrupting me from my thoughts. Yep I'm still here in my parents' house until Winter break ends.

I trudge my way to the door then open it nonchalantly.

"Yes mom?"

"Sorry for the inconvenience baby but can you please get some important papers to Gillian? I'm still doing some work so I can't go to her right now"  she says that makes me freeze for the moment. If I go to Mrs. Kim now then I will see Winter again who I currently avoiding.

"But if you're busy then it's fine. I'll just call her to deliver it here"  I contemplate to answer. Should I go or not?

"No mom I'm not busy. I'll just change my clothes before I go"  I answer. There's no way that I can avoid Winter forever. I can't hide myself here for the remaining days just because of her.


When I reached their house the door is an inch open so I enter the house easily. I hope I don't see anything shocking now like last time.

I shook off the snow that I got from the outside before I walk again.

"Mrs. Kim?"  I call inside the house but no one answers. Mr. Kim went back to Australia again to supervise their business there so his wife and daughter are living alone here again.

I continue looking for Mrs. Kim inside the house but she's nowhere to be found. Good thing I'm still not bumping to Winter. That's until I hear a loud thud on the second floor, specifically in Winter's room.

I don't think twice to run upstairs. My eyes grow wide as I open her door's room. Winter is sitting on the floor while holding her side, pain is written on her face. Books are scattered on the floor that I assumed fell from the bookshelf. Was she trying to get a book but she lost her balance then fell?

"What happened?"  I say as I run to help her stand up. She looks up and give me a surprise look.

I'm about to touch her but she smacks my hand, leaving me dumbfounded. I watch her in shock as she tries to get up on her own.

"Winter I'm just trying to help you but--"  I try to say but she cuts me off.

"I don't need your help! I don't need anyone's help!"  she fumes all of the sudden. I don't know what to react on her so instead I throw a question too to her.

"But why?"  I ask in a weak voice.

"Why?? What kind of question is that?! Karina can't you see?!"  she spits on my face in anger. I don't understand why she's fuming like this.

"This isn't the only problem here..."  she pauses then starts pacing back and forth. She runs her fingers in her hair in frustration.

"The problem here is I don't know myself anymore... Now tell me how could you help me on this huh? No one else can Karina"  when she looks at me again I see some beads of tear forming in her waterline. By that I feel my heart crushing into pieces. This is the first time she cry again after the accident and it's so heartbreaking.

"I-I'm trying my best to remember everything but it's not working. Everytime I wake up in the morning I always feel like something is missing. Like there's this heavy feeling inside me and it's haunting me in almost everyday. I'm so tired of this Karina. I want to remember you but... but I can't"  she states as her tears finally run down on her face. I can feel the burden she's feeling in every word she said.

I find myself walking towards her. I wrap my arms around her carefully and this time she doesn't protest. I can't find any right words to say so I just let her tears fall onto my arms.

I don't know how many minutes have been passed since she cried before she fall asleep. Gently, I lay her down on her bed. I then tuck the hair on her face that blocking me to see her peaceful face. Stain of her tears can be traced on her sleeping face.

I'm sorry if I think of giving up on you Winter. I thought you were the selfish one here but I was so wrong. Actually it's me because I didn't even consider your feelings from the very start. Don't worry, I promise you that I'll do my best to make you feel that you're not alone on this fight. I thought.

"Winter I'm sorry I take-- oh Karina you're here"  Mrs. Kim says when she enters the room in surprised.

"Yeah mom sent me here to get the papers"  I answer.

"Ah yes it's in my room"  she says then roam her eyes around the room. Her gaze lands on the books that are still scattered on the floor.

"What happened here?"

"Uh actually..."

I told to Mrs. Kim what happened and I was surprised that she already expecting that to happen.

"You know what Karina I noticed that she has been so quiet this past few days and I knew that something was bothering her. I tried asking her but she would change the topic every time. It's good for her though that she already let out all her frustration now so thank you so much Karina"  she says then put her hand to mine as a thank you. I flash a smile to her.

"Mrs. Kim you don't need to thank me anymore. I am more than willing to help Winter on this"  I blurt out. After that we fall into comfortable silence but eventually she decides to break it.

"I know this will be too much but can you do me a favor?"  she asks that gains my full attention.

"Of course Mrs. Kim"

"Can you please stay with Winter until she gets her memory back? You and Ningning are the only friends she has so please don't get tired on her. I know she's giving you cold shoulders since she woke up but that's not what I see. I can sense that she wanted to talk to you but she just doesn't know how. Maybe she's stubborn sometimes but she's my person Karina so I'll do everything just to make her happy"  she states and it makes my heart warmth. Happy is an understatement to describe how I'm feeling just hearing this words coming from Mrs. Kim. After what I did to her daughter she's still trusting me to her.

Maybe she's right that Winter is just struggling about her feelings as of now because of her amnesia but that doesn't mean Winter hate me like what I'm thinking. This time I can feel my hopes getting high again, that maybe after this Winter will appreciate what I'm doing to break her ice that stopping her to talk and trust me again like what we used to do.

(A/n: I'm sorry if this update is kinda dramatic again. Don't worry after this I'll slow down in angst scenes BUT don't expect some sweet or fluff scenes that much. Some characters are still in developing stage so we won't jump on scenes like "Karina slowly intertwine her hands to Winter" like yeah I'm such a bitter person)

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