Chapter 10

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Karina's view

I walk downstairs to see Winter in the kitchen cooking for our dinner.

"And since when did you learn to cook?"  I say while raising my left brow.

She turns her back to look at me then lets out a small laugh. "Since I was 10 I think?"

We lock our eyes unexpectedly. It's my second time seeing her laughing because of me. Her smile and laugh are so beautiful to look at. It's like a magnet that attracts my eyes to just focus on her everytime she do that without me knowing.

"What?"  she asks chuckling.

I knit my brows in confusion. "What's what?

"You're staring again"  she answers then blush creeps onto my face instantly. Am I always staring at her for long?

I quickly return to my posture, but I can still feel my cheeks burning.

"As if you're not staring back at me"  I say then playfully roll my eyes. I walk besides her to avoid her eyes and also to see what she's cooking.

"What's this?"  I ask then fill my nose with the savoury smell of the sauce.

"It's Spaghetti Bolognese"  she answers then starts preparing the table.

"It smells so good huh"  I look at her to see a smirking Winter.

"Of course because it's my masterpiece"  she says boastfully that makes us laugh at the end.

It's only past 7 in the evening when we finished our dinner and it's too early to sleep.

"Are you doing something after this?"  Winter asks out of nowhere. We're currently washing the dishes and yes it's weird. I just notice that Winter is acting so different since last week. When we went to the hidden fall, she became nice towards me. I'm not complaining though but it's just weird for me, especially it's Winter whom I talking about. Like I'm just a nobody to her two weeks ago then now she's smiling, laughing, helping me with our house chores and she even cooked our meal. I guess that fall has some magic that can change people? Nah just kidding, there's no way that it's because of that.

"Actually I don't have"  I answer boredly like it's not a big deal for her to ask me a question like that.

"Uhm can we watch some movies on Netflix?"  she asks in a low voice. I can feel her nervousness right now. Well that's shocking to hear again.

I look at her to look if she's just joking but she looks serious.

"Okay"  is my short response. We then continue washing the dishes silently.


I don't know what the exact time is it already but I know it's getting late. The current movie playing on the television is the second movie for tonight. I can't understand anything because my eyes is getting heavier now.

I look at Winter who's eyes are still fixated on the television. As long as I want to stay up until the movie ends I can't make it. I was used to sleep the early, in fact I'm the earliest to sleep within my family.

I look at the television again, I try my best to understand it but it's useless. My heavy eyes slowly drift into darkness as I feel an eyes staring right next to me.

I feel a heavy thing above me. Is it a dog? I don't remember a dog inside my penthouse the last time I checked.

I slowly open my soar eyes. I meet a dark surroundings then realize I'm not in my room.

My eyes grow wider when my eyes landed on what- or should I say who's on my top? It's Winter snuggling on me.

My heart rate speeds up right away. How come she's on top of me now??

I try to avoid my gaze to her to calm down my heartbeat. I look around to remember what happened before this but the last thing that I can only remember was my eyes shutting because of drowsiness in the middle of a movie.

The only thing that lights up the living room is the moonlight outside that penetrates on my windows. The television is already turned off and the bowl on my small table that was full of assorted chips is now empty. Suddenly a guilt builds up inside me. It was the first time that Winter invited me to do things like this but I left her alone watching. What if she slept with a heavy heart because of that?

I look at sleeping Winter again. She's holding me like a sleeping baby above her mother. A small smile slowly creeps up as I stare at her. Her face is enlighten by the moonlight that makes her face shines like a Goddess.

I stare at her for a minute then decide not to sleep her. I reach my phone on the table to see the time. It's already 1:50 in the morning. I guess we will sleep together for now.

I'm about to close my eyes when Winter stir. I'm surprise when she holds on me tighter then starts mumbling.

"Aika I miss you so much"

Is she dreaming?

"No please... Don't leave me again"  then tears start to flow down.

I shake her body to wake her up.

"Aika no! You promise that you'll stay no matter what"  she continues mumbling as well as her tears continue running down.

"Ssshhh Winter it's fine. I'm here so don't cry"  I pause then caress her back to comfort.

"Everything's gonna be fine"

After that I can't hear her mumbling anymore and her tears stop from flowing too. Is she like this every night? I can't believe that Winter is still in this stage. I knew that if someone died then she will visit her loved ones in their dreams every night but not this long. It's been a year now but Aika is still haunting Winter.

"Sleep now Winter. Everything's gonna be fine when you're with me"  I whisper before I shut my eyes again.

(A/N: Hello guys! As you see I changed the title of this story from "HER UNWANTED ROOMMATE" to "HER UNWANTED HOUSEMATE". Pardon me if I did it late but don't worry, nothing will change in the storyline... Enjoy reading pips!)

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