Chapter 7

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Winter's view

I walk through the cold evening outside. I don't care if I'm freezing or whatever happens to me, all I want is to get out of that place. I can't believe that Karina actually believed Giselle just because she's her best friend and I'm the bad one? I'm so sick of everyone that looks at me like I murdered someone and I don't have the rights to explain myself.

I continue walking until I reach a bridge. No one is around and maybe this is the right place to breath in and lose my problems for a while. Maybe, just maybe if Aika is still living, she'll surely give me a tight hug when she see me in this situation like how we use to do.

I shrug my thought. I'm here to freshen up my mind not to think of anything that makes me stress.

It's dark but I can still be able to see the whole city from here because of the city lights. It's so beautiful and somehow helps me relax. I was 4 or 5 when we moved to Australia so I can't remember anything about my life here in Korea.

I give my strength to climb the bridge so that I can see more of the beautiful scenery of the city but then someone shouts.

"Stop! Don't do that!" I look around and there I see a girl looking directly at me.

Do what?

She slowly walks towards me.

"If you have a problem then you can talk to me. I'm willing to help just don't do that" she says carefully like she's afraid of breaking me.

I knit my brows in confusion.

"Miss I don't know what you're talking about" I answer.

"I mean don't kill yourself" she says.

To what? Wait--

I look at her amused. Did she think that I'm going to jump here?

I burst out laughing.

"No--" I stop laughing at the moment but then I laugh again.

"I'm not going to do what you're thinking" I continue then laugh again.

"Hey it's not funny"

I pause to see her reaction and she's frowning.

"Yeah I know but still--" I start laughing again but that's a wrong move. My heart skips a beat when I fall.

"Oh my gosh!" I hear the girl screams.

I groan in pain as I feel my back on the ground. I'm still lucky though because I fall on the ground not on the opposite side which is the river.

She sprints towards me to help me to get on my feet.

"That hurts like hell" I say while caressing my back. This time I hear the girl laughs.

"Not funny" I say then playfully roll my eyes.

"Sorry" she stops laughing then apologizes.

I take this chance to stare at her. She has a round face, fluffy cheeks and those cat-like eyes that making her adorable.

"You're staring" she bluntly says.

"I know because you're adorable" her cheeks blush right away.

"Geez you're blushing" I chuckle.

She clears her throat before she helps me to stand up again. Now we're standing awkwardly next to each other.

"So what's your name?" I try to break the ice.

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