Chapter 72

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"Fine, fine I'll tell you. So you'll all shut up." Aria said and sat up on her elbows.

"I think that I'm pregnant."

"Aria." I said shocked.

"I took a test and my dad found it and he said if I don't leave Ezra he's going to move me back to Iceland."

"Aria I'm so sorry." I rubbed her shoulder.

"Well I'll be attending graduation pregnant so we'll see how it goes." She smiled.

"What did Ezra say?"

"He was understanding and he's going up to New York for about a month for a book event. So that should keep some distance between him and the Montgomery family for now."

"Baby names!" Hanna yelled and clapped her hands.

"Really Hanna? It's kinda early."

"Well Emily flew all the way out here soooooooo......"

"Might as well." Emily shrugged.

"I like Riley." She said.

We all looked at each other confused.

"It works for a boy or a girl."

"Riley is a good name." Hanna sat back against her chair with a bowl of Tostitos.

"Anyone else? Spence, baby names?"

"For a girl Ava and for a boy Harry."

Aria rolled her eyes at my choice of the name Harry.

"I'm sorry but, Hanna has a point. With you and Ezra's looks put together. Harry is the perfect name for a baby boy."

"Fine, I'll put it into consideration." She huffed.

"I just don't know if I know what's real and what I've made up in my mind." She looked down and placed her hand on her stomach.

"It'll be okay." Hanna smiled.

"So, will it be a Montgomery or a Fitz?" Emily asked.

"I haven't decided yet. I'll decide when I see her face." She got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Her?" I questioned.

"I'm pretty sure it's a girl."

"How do you know?"

"It's my Montgomery instincts. I can just feel it in the air." She grinned.

So Aria is pregnant!!!
Baby names anyone???

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