Being bratty- NR

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You rolled your eyes at Nat. She was mad at you because you hugged Wanda. Hugged. That's all you did. But I guess Nat just gets jealous easily. "I'm just asking why you were being all handsy with her?" You rolled your eyes again and walked to wear Sam and Bucky were. "Ohh you're gonna regret that Y/N." Sam laughed. "Y/N you do not roll your eyes and walk away from me, you hear me? Do you not remember what happened last time you did that?" You froze a bit. "Ooo what happened last time?" Tony squealed as he walked in the room. "Nothing that concerns you Stank." She hissed. He put his hands up in defence. "Now come on Y/N follow me." She demanded. You shook your head. "I did nothing Nat! I hugged my best friend okay?" Everyone in the room gasped while Nat narrowed her eyes at you. "Come on Y/N." She demanded again. "No. I did nothing." You said sitting down at the table. Nat was beyond pissed. You rolled your eyes AND back talked her. You were being a bit of a brat by now. She stormed over to you, gripped your elbow and forcefully dragged you to yours and her room.

Once you were in the room she closed and locked the door. She dragged you to the bed and sat down put you on her lap. "Nat really?! I didn't do anything!" She just chuckled. "You were being bratty Y/N. I don't like you being bratty with me but then again I get to punish you. So, I'm gonna spank you and you are gonna count. Got that?" You nodded. "Use your words darling." She husked while pulling down your leggings. "Yes Natasha." you whispered. She smirked. "You ready?" she asked. You nodded in response. Her hand came down harshly and you yelped. "Count!" She demanded with another slap. "O-one" another. "T-t-two" After about 12 you started to sob as it was stinging. She instantly started rubbing and soothing you. "Have you learned your lesson baby?" She asked while sitting you up in her lap. "Yes. I won't be a brat again." you whispered. You looked into her eyes and she leant in and kissed you passionately.


You woke up to Nat playing with your hair. "Morning darling have a nice sleep?" You hummed and placed your head back on her chest. "Now come one baby we have to go get breakfast." You groaned but got up anyway. You and Nat got to the kitchen hand in hand where everyone stopped and stared at you with smirks on their faces and a blushing Steve. "What?" You asked. "Did you have fun last night?" Tony asked smirking at the two of you. "Tony." Steve hissed slapping him at the back of the head. Tony just laughed. You were as red as Nats hair while she was just smirking at you. "Yes actually it was quite amazing but I do have to admit that you were quite loud babe." She husked and wrapped an arm around your waist. "Really Nat. You were too." You whined. "Hmm no I wasn't cause last time I checked it was you scream-" "OKAY! Just shut up please." You begged. Everyone laughed. Let's just say you were teased quite a lot after that.

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