'Im pregnant' - SJ

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You are Scars daughter (16)


Your scared. What is your mother going to think? Your 16 and pregnant. You did tell your boyfriend Adrian, then he broke up with you as you didn't want to get rid of it. What if this ruins your mother reputation? Is she going to be angry? All these thoughts are running through your head you didn't even realise your mom has come home.

"Y/N?" She called. You quickly hid the test under your pillows. "In my room!" You called back, hoping she didn't catch your shaky voice. The door opened and your mother came in, smiling. "Hey honey." She walked over and kissed your head before sitting next to you. "What have you been up to today?" She pulled you in for a hug and stroked your hair. Before you could answer, she asked you something. "What's with all the tissues? Honey, were you crying?" She asked worriedly. She turned your head to look at her as tears well up in your eyes. "M-mom." You croaked out. "Honey tell me what's wrong." She cooed while moving to sit up at the head board of the bed and pulling you to her. "He broke up with me." You cried. Scarletts heart broke. She thought he was the one for you. She even met the boy and thought he was loyal. "M-mom please hold me." You sobbed. "Of course baby." She kissed your head and got comfortable, that's when she felt something poke her from behind. She looked down and caught a glimpse of a pregnancy test. She smiled widely, kind of hoping you were having a baby. But she wanted to wait for you to tell her. As of on cue you said. "Mom I have a-something else t-to tell you." You say nervously. "What's wrong sweetie?" You breathed in. "I-I'm pregnant." You breathed out then got ready for the yelling. But it never came. You looked up to see your mom crying with a smile on her face. "M-mom your not mad?" She shook her head and brought you in for a tight hug. "No I'm not, I missed having a baby around!" She said excitedly. Well that was easier than you thought.

1 year later

"Mom! Have you seen Jackson's blue jacket?" You asked your mom as you carried your baby boy down the stairs. "Yes, right there." She pointed to the front door. "Thank you." You handed Jackson to your mom and ran to get his tiny shoes. You walked back and put them on. "Okay let's go." You put him in his stroller and walked to the park with your son and your mother.

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