Forgotten Birthday -SJ

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I made it a nice ending!


My 36th birthday was tomorrow and it seems Scarlett hasn't mentioned it. She normally goes on about what we are doing for my birthday for like a while week. It's confusing you. Maybe she forgot? No. That's not like her. Right?

I was cuddling with Scar on our shared bed, watching Mamma Mia. "What day is it tomorrow?" You asked her only to get no response. "Scar?" You looked over next to you to see she was passed out. You smiled and kissed her cheek. You turned of the TV and went to sleep yourself.

The next morning you awoke to the smell of waffles. You smiled and got up. You are 36 today. You saw Scar in the kitchen and she smiled at you. "Hey baby." She said as if it was a normal day. You were confused. "What's the matter love?" She asked walking over to you. "What day is it Scar?" You asked her, hoping she would say your birthday. "It's Thursday. Why?" She kissed your temple and walked back to the kitchen to finish breakfast. You just stood there. She actually forgot. "Really Scar?" You whispered, tearing up. Her head whipped round and her face shown concerned at why you are crying. "Babe what's wrong?" She asked. "You forgot. Didn't you?" You say to her. "Forgot what love? Tell me please." She says softly. "You forgot my birthday Scar!" You exclaimed. "What? It's not your birthday?" She asked confused. You stood there shocked. You doubled checked your phone. It was your birthday. "Umm yes it is Scar. How could you forget?" You cried even more. She has known you for years and always celebrated it. Yet she forgot this year. "Oh." She looked down. "You could of at least remembered." You whispered sadly. You walked upstairs and just lied on the bed.

Meanwhile downstairs Scarlett did feel bad but now that you were upstairs, she can get everything ready. She quickly ran to the cupboard and got out the balloons and cake. She told the cast to come later on in the day. Just as she finished setting up she heard you coming downstairs. "Hey Scar I'm sorry I didn't mean to over react." You whispered. Her heart melted. You were too pure for the world. "Honey look." She whispered to you. You looked up confused but turned into a look of shock really quick. "Omg Scar you did remember!" You squealed and ran into her open arms. "Baby I would never forget!" She kissed your cheek.

Sorry if it isn't exactly like you wanted but I tried ahah.

Natasha and Scarlett imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora