birthday - SJ, TS, BE

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Scarlett, Taylor and Billie <3

you have 3 younger siblings, ages - 4, 6, 7
you also have 2 older siblings, ages - 17, 19
you are 13, turning 14

Today, is the day you turn 14. Safe to say, you didn't really feel excited. You'd think, when it's someone's birthday, it's their day, all about them. Well, for your birthday, it's not just about you, it's also about your younger siblings. Your 6 and 7 year old sisters get jealous on your birthday and cause a carry on. The first time it happened was when you were turning 10 and they were 2 and 3. You were still at the age of playing with dolls and barbies, so when you got your presents - also to add, it was a birthday party at a fun place - they started throwing fits and trying to grab the presents. That caused the party to end 2 hours early and your sisters having to share your presents.

You envied your older siblings. Your 17 year old brother was into all sports and was your basic jock in school, so your younger sisters couldn't care less on what he gets for his birthday. Your 19 year old sister is gay. Very gay. She loves more masculine things (a masc fem if you are lost), which also makes your younger sisters lose interest as they were 'girly girls'. Though, you could say your older sister was your best friend as you yourself is gay, and could relate more with her and chat about girls. You also find yourself being a mix of liking more fem things and masc things.

Anyway, there is also your baby brother who is 4 years old. He also gets presents, no matter who's birthday it is. He is the brattiest kid you will ever meet. He throws tantrums whenever he doesn't get his own way.

So, today is not really exciting for you. Although you were excited about the meal. Every birthday you get to choose where you go for dinner. Your thoughts were interrupted with your little sisters barging into your room. "GET UP Y/N, WE WANT PRESENTS!" They screamed, jumping on your bed. "Lucy! Charlotte! Get out for fucks sake." Charlotte, your 6 year old sister gasped, "You said a bad word." She accused. You smile slightly. You cant lie, the 6 year old is adorable. Her hair was thrown in a messy bun, her baby hairs were free and making her look crazy and wild, her 2 top teeth were gone, causing her to have a slight lisp and her brown eyes were doe like when she looked at you. Out of the three younger ones, you knew the 6 year old adores you the most, she would try hang out with you at any chance she gets and tries to copy your outfits.

"I did, don't tell mommy or daddy, k?" You asked, sitting up. "Kk!" She smiled. "Pinky promise?" You asked again, holding out your pinky to which she linked hers. "Good now come give me my morning cuddles." She giggled and climbed into your arms. "But guys, presents!?" Lucy, your 7 year old sister whined. Now Lucy looks like a carbon copy of your dad. She had dark brown, kinda wavy, hair that was now in a low ponytail, she had a fringe. You were jealous of her eyelashes as they were naturally long and she had little freckles dotted around her face which you and your older sister constantly had to remind her that they are beautiful and not flaws. You would say she's above average height for her age, which was definitely inherited by your dad, and she claims to be a girly girl yet you could tell that she is slowly starting to dislike dresses and dolls as you have caught her stealing your 4 year old brothers toy cars. She doesn't seem to look up to anyone except Rihanna and Lady Gaga, but she seems to be getting closer with your older brother and playing basket ball with him.

"Have patience, Lucy bear. Are mommy and daddy even up yet?" You ask gently, pushing her messy hair away from her face. "Well... no." She mumbled, disappointedly. You chuckle, and bring her into your arms too. "Jeez guys, it's 7am. Too early for this family." You groaned. Your family tend to wake up at about 9am on non school days or weekends. "Try get back to sleep then we can get presents." You said and sighed at the end. As much as you love and cherish your little siblings, you wanted a birthday to your self again.

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