{Below -65°}

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Tubbo's POV~

Me and Ranboo threw on our coats and went to go see Techno and Philza about this Egg Vines things, the last thing I wanted was Michael to get hurt and losing  my platonic husband. . .

We arrived and I knocked politely on the door, Michael was laughing and giggling as he messed around in Ranboo's arms. . .
The door soon opened and Technoblade was there,"Oh, Tubbo and Ranboo. Oh, and your child. What brings you here?", "Sorry, Technoblade but we really need to talk about The Egg.", Techno nods,"Alright. I'll get Philza and Niki down in the meeting room.", I nod,"What about Michael?", Techno smiled,"Don't worry, he can join  not like he will understand right?", I nod again, guess he has a point. . .


While me and Ranboo fill Techno in on what was happening to their home, Philza played with Michael, at least I found a babysitter that doesn't curse at them for being a child. . .
Niki hen came in,"Sorry I'm late! Jack was having a meltdown because of something about Tommy's Hotel.", Techno nods,"It is fine, have a seat.", she nods and we all get in our places and Philza then placed Michael on my lap and I smiled,"Thank you, Phil.", he nods. . .


"OK. . . So, we obviously need to find a way to get rid of these vines. . .", Niki, Philza, myself, Techno and Ranboo walked up the stairs to the trap door,"Yeah, who knows how long it will be till it reaches us.", as Niki opens the trap door to our meeting room, we suddenly got hit by very cold winds. . .

Kik immediately closed the trap door with all her effort and Ranboo's help,"Shit. Snowstorm.", Michael whimpered in my arms,"Hey  it's OK Michael. . .", Techno sighed,"We don't have a choice. We can't stay down here.", Ranboo nods,"Yeah. . ."  Philza nods, takes deep breaths,"Just be sure to wrap up tightly.", we nod, Niki wraps her cloak and her scarf around herself tightly before she opened the trap door. . .

Technoblade's POV~

The snowstorm was violent and freezing. We all agreed to get to me and Philza's house. . .
Michael was curled up tightly into Ranboo's chest as he did his best to shield him from the storm. . .

That's when I noticed Philza was violently shaking, I walked over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders,"Philza...! Are you OK. . .?", he looked up at me, he nods but I could tell he was lying, I then took his hands and realised how his hands were already freezing. . . I threw his arm around my neck and help him. . .

Once we got inside, Philza fell to his knees and the others got worried,"What happened?!?", Tubbo removed his gloves and felt Philza's hands,"He's freezing!", I then remembered something that Philza mentioned,"Oh, shit! I forgot, Philza I'm so sorry!", Ranboo started the fire and I got blankets. . .

"Frostbite?", we were all in more warmer clothes, and Michael was playing with his Teddy Bear, Niki got interested,"So, how did Philza get--...?", "If I'm in a place below -65° degrees, it tends to be bad for my health, meaning I get. . . Sick more often when it comes to cold weathers.", with that he sneezed, Tubbo awed,"Aw, sorry Philza. We didn't know...", "No, no. It's fine. But, at least you all know why I wrap up warm during bad winters.", honestly, this was nice. . . Ranboo playing with Michael, Michael being happy, Niki helping us with Non-government thing, Tubbo slowly going back to his old self and Philza just being the one guy that was keeping us all stable, although he may be sick for a good while. . .

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