chapter eighteen

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"Fuck!" Rashir ran his hands through his hair as he watched Lourdes drive away in her civic, speeding down the road

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"Fuck!" Rashir ran his hands through his hair as he watched Lourdes drive away in her civic, speeding down the road. Mateo watched the entire scene unfold, puzzled as he waited in the foyer of their house behind Rashir who was running his hands through his curls with stress. Rashir watched Lourdes take the turn to exit their neighborhood and let out a heavy sigh, turning around to walk back into the warm house. He slammed the door behind him, making Mateo jump, and stomped to the living room, sitting down on the couch. Mateo wasn't far behind him, baffled as to what he just witnessed.

"Uh, you wanna explain what the hell just happened?" He took a seat on one of the couches next to Rashir, setting down his piece of pizza he was previously eating on the coffee table. Nico jogged downstairs, getting ready to steal some pizza but paused when he entered the living room and saw Rashir looking stressed as hell.

"What I miss?" He opened a box of pizza and took a slice, plopping down on the couch opposite Rashir. "I heard the front door slam," He looked at Mateo, trying to get a clue as to what Rashir was in a mood about but Mateo discreetly shrugged his shoulders, saying he didn't know what was going on either. They both turned to stare at Rashir, awaiting an explanation.

Rashir was aware that what he had done was stupid, but he couldn't help himself. He knew people saw him as some sort of man-whore who slept around and broke girls' hearts, but with Lourdes it was different. She didn't see him like that and was never judgemental. He acted differently when he was with her, he wasn't as rude to people, which Nico liked to tease him about and he was more relaxed. When he was with her it felt like he was just Rashir, instead of 'Rashir the basketball star'. He knew how he felt about Lourdes, he thought she was sexy as hell, beyond her looks, her personality was amazing and a breath of fresh air compared to the girls he hooked up with.

He knew he couldn't have Lourdes the way he wanted deep down, so he was happy with them being friends, that's why he was so mad at himself for fucking it up. He was showering in the guest bathroom since his ensuite shower was acting up and he wasn't getting any warm water. Opening the door and seeing Lourdes staring at him with wide eyes and parted lips, he couldn't help himself. For once she was looking at him like she wanted him the way that he wanted her. He made a move, and it was the biggest fucking mistake he could of made. He truly wanted a friendship with her, doing anything to mess that up was an idiotic move on his part. 

"I fucked up," He muttered. Nico and Mateo stared at him, waiting for him to continue, "I made a move on her," He mumbled and covered his face with his hands.

"Am I missing something? What's the problem?" Nico furrowed his brows together, confused.

"Yeah dumbass, I can't make a move on her. We friends," Rashir snapped.

"Alright, Jesus," Nico raised his hands in surrender, "Everyone knows y'all like each other, so why can't y'all just date?"

"Did you not just hear me? We are friends," Rashir said the last part slowly.

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