chapter forty-five

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2 weeks had gone by and Lourdes had officially lost it

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2 weeks had gone by and Lourdes had officially lost it.

She refused to go to class, afraid she'd see Rashir on campus and he'd see her. She didn't even go to work, she'd called out too many times that she ended up just requesting off for the next couple of weeks.

She stayed in her room all day, only getting out of her bed to use the bathroom or get water. She rarely had an appetite, so she barely ate and she also had trouble getting up to shower. The girls tried getting her up to at least watch T.V with them but she flat out refused.

She didn't want to talk to anyone, all she wanted was to be alone so she could cry or sleep. She had friends in almost all of her classes, so she just asked them to send her the work or tell her what was going on in the class, just so she didn't fall too behind, but she couldn't bring herself to do the work.

The girls were beyond worried about her and tried to come up with ways to get her up and at least leave the room, but all of their attempts had failed. She just chose to ignore them anytime they came into the room, so they were starting to give up.

Lourdes never thought she'd become the girl that fell into depression when she experienced a breakup. She never understood girls who holed themselves up in their rooms, crying all day and letting a breakup control their lives, but she was now starting to understand them. Rashir was one of her biggest blessings in a while and she couldn't believe that she'd lost him.

It was Tuesday night and the girls were in the living room, plotting ways to get her out of her room while she was on her phone, scrolling through social media.

"Why don't we just lock her out of the room or some shit?" Nala suggested and they were considering it. They felt horrible for their friend, but everyone saw the breakup coming. Rashir was clearly at his with ends with all of the secrets Lourdes was keeping, and the constant arguing was taking its toll on both of their mental health.

"That's actually not that bad of an idea," Gianna shrugged, "What should we do after though? Should we go out? She hasn't left the apartment in 2 weeks,"

"What if we take her out to dinner? She needs to get outside, staying cooped up in a dark room can't be healthy. Plus she's practically starving herself, she needs food," Aaliyah said while standing up to go listen in at Lourdes's door. Sometimes they could tell when she was in a better mood because they'd hear her listening to music. 

"Let's go to something by campus, I'm craving some crab and there aren't any good places near here," Nala began looking up restaurants on her phone.

"Ooh, can we go to Blowfish? They have really good lobster," Gianna clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Y'all are acting like we'll be able to get her out of the room. What can we bribe her with?" Aaliyah whisper-shouted from the hallway. She began to walk away from the door when she paused abruptly, causing Gianna and Nala to look over at her. She pressed her ear against the door and her eyes widened. She beckoned the girls over when she heard some music playing softly from her room and bent down on the floor to look under the door, attempting to see what she was doing.

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