Chapter 42

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Why are we going to a bar?" asked Naruto, standing with Jiraiya in front of a bar.

"Because that's where most gamblers are. She gambles a lot, so someone must know about her," said Jiraiya as he entered.

"But I am underage!" whined Naruto.

"OH YEAH? WELL YOU ARE A SPECIAL JONIN NOW!" yelled Jiraiya on him, catching the attention of a girl.

"Jiraiya?" asked Tsunade, confused.

"TSUNADE!" yelled Jiraiya as he pointed at her in shock.

"Huh?" was all Naruto could say as he looked at them.

A few moments later, they were sitting across each other

Naruto was being very bored by the staring showdown between Tsunade and Jiraiya.

"Ano sa, is she really 50 years old?" asked Naruto, out of mere amusement, and the next moment, Shizune was holding her back from tearing him apart.

"Today is the day I met many old friends," said Tsunade as she sighed.

"Oh... so you met that snake pedophile also. How is he doing?" asked Naruto.

"Yes. But I wonder who did that thing to him," said Tsunade, and Jiraiya grinned.

"The person who did that to him is sitting at this table," he said.

"Y-you did!" gasped Tsunade.

"Wrong person granny," said Naruto.

"You did? DO you honestly believe I would believe a squirt like you could do that to him?" asked Tsunade.

"I don't like her," said Naruto to Jiraiya.

"Anyways. Tsunade, I am here with an offer," said Jiraiya.

"What?" asked Tsunade.

"You become the fifth Hokage of Konoha," said Jiraiya in a serious tone.

"I deny," said Tsunade.

"You said that when I asked you out too," said Jiraiya.

"You refuse?" asked Naruto in a deadly quiet tone.

"Who is this brat? Unlike your previous apprentice, he has the ugly to match that mouth," said Tsunade.

Naruto was now getting impatient.

"Calm down Naruto," said Kurama.

"Now now Naruto, it's difficult to match Minato. He had signs to be the greatest shinobi in the history, tough your's are even greater," said Jiraiya, adding the last part under his breath, so only Naruto with his senses could hear it.

"And even he died quickly. Risking his life for the village. To risk it and lose it quickly is a fool's doing," said Tsunade, and Jiraiya's eyes widened.

Minato was a sensitive topic for Naruto, and anyone who disrespected him suffered Naruto's wrath.

"He wasn't a fool," said Naruto, now his KI leaking out so much that it scared others.

"Ero sennin, let's go. The Kunoichi you searched for isn't here. All I see is a sorry excuse for a person," said Naruto.

"At least tell he-" Jiraiya was cut off by Naruto's cold and scary glare.

"NO! She doesn't deserve to know. I don't care who she is. No one disrespects my father," he said.

"Who is your father exactly?" asked Tsunade.

"I wasn't talking to you," said Naruto coldly.

"Watch your mouth kid. I am a sannin," said Tsunade.

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