Chapter 67

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“Nash...It’s beautiful, thank you so much.” I lift angle my head towards his and kiss him from where he is sitting on the couch behind me. I hold the necklace up in the air in front of me and look at it more in depth. A heart-shaped figured made up entirely of miniature mickey-mouse ears on a delicate gold chain.

This is the first small box I decided to open, all the rest of my packages from both Nash and Tori spread out in front of me as we did our small gift-exchange on the night of Christmas. Nash and I had never really shown an interest in disney before, so why now? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love it but it’s a little bit not like him...I decide to grab the next box in the pile and tear off the surprisingly good wrapping job, he must’ve gotten help from someone other than himself this year.

I laugh as I lift the top off of the box that was sitting on my lap, “I never thought you were the possessive type, babe.” I look up at him and he nervously laughs and I show Tori as she almost immediately shoots Nash an ‘are you serious?’ look which makes us both laugh even more.

In the box were two t shirts one with a mickey hand that pointed one way and said ‘He’s mine’ and the other with the hand pointing the opposite way saying, ‘She’s mine’.

“Oh my god...You didn’t.” Tori opens up a box herself, obviously from Nash, as she holds up an almost matching shirt that said ‘Their mine.’ but with two hands instead of one, pointing opposite ways of each other.

“Wait, there’s something behind the tree you didn’t see..” Nash points over to the Christmas tree in the middle of my living room, once we all caught our breaths from laughing so hard.

I give him a skeptical look before I get up from my spot and walk up to the Christmas tree. The underneath of it was bare, all the presents already opened from this morning, and behind the tree was a big suitcase with a red bow on top. I reach behind everything and pull it out, turning to Nash who was now standing behind me and jump up and hug him. “How did you know I was in need of a bigger suitcase?!” I ask him, surprised because I actually had been thinking of buying one for myself since I had such a hard time packing to come home in my tiny suitcase.

“It’s a boyfriend thing,” He winks at me and I start laughing, leaving Tori with a confused look on her face, obviously since she was not there for the other times we have used that ongoing joke.

“So, I have one more present for each of you..Any ideas?” Nash looks at me with the kind of grin that you automatically know he did something super sneaky.

“No..?” Tori and I both say almost in unison as he automatically rolls his eyes and looks at us like we’re dumb.

“Abbi, open the suitcase. Tori, here.” He hands her an envelope as I unzip the suitcase and see, laying on the bottom of the suitcase, a plane ticket, and a thick white bracelet with the mickey mouse logo etched into it.  

I pick up the plane ticket and read the fine print of where it was to, ‘Orlando, Florida’ for the 27th of December, which was obviously two days from now. I turn to Tori to see what she had gotten, and she was holding a black bracelet, identical to mine, and two plane tickets. I turn towards Nash, a confusing look still on my face, waiting for him to explain.

“This...Is a plane ticket. You know, that thing that flies you places?” Nash takes my ticket from my hands and talks slow and loud to me, as if I was a small child. “And this...this is your pass into disney world. They’ve upgraded from paper tickets and now it’s these nifty little bracelet things.” He smiles as he hands them both back to me.

“Wait, so you’re taking us to disney world?” Tori asks, both of us looking back to him.

“I’m surprised you guys haven’t seen anything on twitter yet, damn. But the next Magcon is on the Disney World.” Nash announces.

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