Chapter 34

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Nash's POV

“You okay, son?” I nod my head yes, quickly trying to rid the smile from my face from my recent conversation with Abbi and Tori. “You sure?” I nod my head again, hoping my dad will believe me.

“Yeah, Dad. Are you sure about letting me have girls over?” I’m still kind of surprised that my dad was letting me invite Tori and Abbi over to watch a movie. I mean, it wasn’t like this was the first time he’d let them come over but still…I don’t know…with Tori and Matt dating and Abbi and I being….well…

He chuckles. “It’s just Abbi and Tori; I’m not allowing the whole Crew into my house overnight or anything.”

I smile. True, whenever The Crew gets together, there was never a dull moment. That’s for sure. 

“So? When are you leaving?” I ask, eager to get my dad the hell out of my house.

He takes a look at his phone. “Whenever Nila’s done getting ready, I suppose.” He adds under his breath, “Geez, it’s already been an hour. If she doesn’t hurry, we’ll lose our reservations.”

“It difficult to look this beautiful, Chade.” Cameron motions to his face in a mock pout.

“Oh really?” My dad turns to look at Cameron who was leaning against the wall. “And how would you know a thing like that?”

Cameron just laughs. “Hello? Beautiful face right here, Chade.” He points to himself and laughs. 

“Right,” my dad says, slowly, drawing out the word. “And stop calling me ‘Chade.’ It wasn’t that funny when Tori said it, and it’s not real funny now.”

“Oooooooo. The salt is real right now Chade,” Cameron laughs.

Before my dad has a chance to say something, my stepmom finally emerges from her chambers.

“Are you ready?” she asks, stopping in front of him.

“Me? Ready? I’m the one who’s been waiting for nearly an hour.” I can tell he isn’t angry, and it’s not just from his tone. He takes her hand, smiling. “But it was worth the wait.”

In a perfect world, I’d say the same thing to Abbi, and she’d be smiling up at me with that sweet smile. But it’s not a perfect world, not quite yet anyway, so I decide to play the role of a normal son who’s completely grossed-out by his parents’ romantic moments. “Ewww. Could you guys please get a room? I mean, come on; there are children present.” I gesture to Cameron who’d made himself comfortable on the couch.

“Yeah,” Cam agrees, adjusting a pillow under his head. “My eyes are too delicate for your love life, Chade.”

“Chade?” Nila questions.

My dad takes Nila’s hand taking long strides to the door; Nila hurries to grab her purse before they make their exit. “Remember Nash,” my dad pauses in the doorway. “You and Hayes are watching Skylynn, because you know ever since she heard you, Hayes, and Abbi were staying here tonight she begged your mother to let her stay here..”

“’Kay Dad. Have a nice dinner,” I answer. This is good. Not only will I get to spend some time with my sister, but Abbi loves having her around. And when she’s happy, I’m-

“Bye. Bye, Chade.” Cameron waves his hand feminely. “Don’t you crazy kids be out too late, ya hear?” He adds in high-pitched voice.

“Right. I’ll try to remember that, Cameron.” My dad closes the door behind him.

A few minutes later, after my parents drove away, Taylor peeks his head around the door. “Is he gone?” he asks.

“Yeah,” I answer.

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