Chapter 48

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The next week honestly flew by faster than any other week has. Probably because, no matter what we were doing, it always seemed to find a way into my mind that the boys left that Thursday morning. Thursday has never come so fast. It’s Wednesday night and I am laying in bed next to Nash, curled up in my blankets and facing him, neither of us knowing what to say next.

I can feel a single tear forming and then running down my cheek, knowing that he would be gone for a whole week, if not longer. They decided to stay in LA a little longer than they would for any other magcon because I mean, it’s LA and it’s summer so, why not? I mean, of course Nash wasn’t all for the idea of staying the extra time and continuously reassured me that he would buy a separate flight back for himself after Magcon was over. But who was I to deprive him of time with his best friends? I’m not going to be THAT girlfriend that comes off so clingy and eventually, annoying. So, I did my best to assure him that I would be fine without him and he could stay as long as he wanted, even though it killed me inside to think of just a single day without him by my side.

“Hey,” I feel Nash’s hands find mine underneath the blanket as he looks me in the eyes, “I love you, so much. And you know I don’t want to go just as much as you don’t want me to go, probably even more. If I could, I would stay right here forever...but that would be pretty hard, because I would need to eat and pee so…” He says, lightening up the mood and causing me to giggle a small bit at his dumb jokes.

“It’s okay,” I say, in a higher pitched voice than expected, wiping off my face with the back of my sleeve and shrugging my shoulders, “I’ll be fine. It will be okay.” I flash him a reassuring fake smile.

"I have some sort of weird feeling that you're lying to me, are you?" He asks me, practically searching my face for answers.

"No, I'm not. I will be fine. I promiseeee." I respond, closing my eyes and not wanting to continue this conversation or the truth might slip out.

"Okay, let's get some sleep. We have to wake up super early to make our flight." Nash yawns as he pulls the blankets over top of him, sinking into the pillow.

He tries to pull his hands away from mine but I squeeze them even harder, not wanting to let him go, so he just lets me hold his hands while kissing me one time softly on the lips. "You forget how long I've known you, babe. I know when you're worrying. You're scared." Nash sternly remarks, sensing something is wrong.

"No, nothing's wrong...I told you, I'm fine." I smile at him, knowing it probably didn't look genuine.

"Babe, you won't let go of me..." Is all he says, with a smirk on his face, as he lifts up our entertained hands into my vision.

"That's just because I love you and I wanted to hold your hand..." I try and cover for myself.

"You're cute.." Is all he says back, staring right into my eyes with a look of admiration.

I roll my eyes and playfully push him away from me as I try and fall asleep. He just pushes back and wraps me in his arms like he always seems to do, making me feel safe and warm and always putting me right to sleep.





I wake up to my alarm blaring and Nash, surprisingly not next to me. I sit up in confusion, brushing my hair out of my face as I make my way to my bathroom, first, before searching for him. I brush my teeth and fix my wild hair by just pulling it into a bun at the top of my head, making sure it didn't look too messy.

I walk out of my bathroom to find Nash sitting on the edge of my bed, trying to close his suitcase which was basically overflowing.

"Need some help?" I laugh as I walk over and sit on the floor in front of his suitcase.

Do You Feel the Same? (A Magcon Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя