Chapter 69

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"I'm kinda not feeling just going back to the hotel tonight...let's go do something fun." Nash grabbed my arm as we all started making our way to separate cars to head back to the hotel, still a little disheartened by what had happened only a few hours ago.

Being kind of glad he mentioned something along those lines since I didn't wan to leave his birthda weekend on such a bad note,"Okay, just...tell Tay to follow me." I say, climbing into the rental car's driver seat, not really knowing where I was going to take him but knowing it needed to be somewhere where we could all have fun and forget about tonight. 

"Tori, look up something fun to do around this area.." I turn to her, since she was currently in the passengers seat, not wanting to start driving yet until I knew which way I was going.

"Siri. Find me something fun to do.." Tori speaks into her iphone, while stuffing a pretzel into her mouth that we had left in the car from earlier.

"I do not know what you mean by 'siri, find me a dumb to do..'" The phone repeats back to her and she groans before saying it again, more clearly this time since she didn't have anything in her mouth.

"Oohhh...roller skating would be fun!" Madison looks over Tori's shoulder.

"Yeah, but its like 10:30 at night, it's probably not going to be open anymore.." Abby chimes in from the backseat.

"True..we're going to need to find somewhere that's open 24 hours." Alax adds.

"Oh! What about that one? Click the link, click the link!" Madison struggles to reach up to Tori, her seatbelt stopping her from getting too close.

"Ooh, this looks like its some big convention center that has like everything.." Tori turns her phone towards me and I grab it from her and look at the website.

The site said it was open 24 hours and had a lot of things to do including laser tag, bowling, and a giant arcade. This was absolutely perfect. I tell Tori to get directions to the place and I put the car in drive and head off down the highway.

"Hey, can you swing me the aux?" Abby yells from the backseat.

"NO." We almost all yell in unison, since when we do hand her the aux, we immediately regret it.

The rest of the drive there consisted of Abby trying to convince us to just let her have the aux for ONE song and see how it goes before we completely take away her privileges.

By the time we had arrived at the place, Abby had tried our patience enough that we finally gave her the aux cord. "Just one song, Abby, then we're going inside," Tori said, cautiously handing the cord to her.

"Here we go," I say, rolling my eyes.

Madison motioned to the guys what was about to transpire. Shawn formed a heart, blowing Madison a kiss.

Johnson rolled the window down, "Stay strong! It'll all be over soon." The rest of the boys just laughed at us.

Pressing play, we braced our eardrums for impact.

Cameron's body slammed against the car. He frantically banged the window, trying to open the doors. By the time it reached the chorus, we realized that the person singing "She bad" over and over was him. Madison, Tori, and I turned, eyes wide, mouths open. Madison rolled her window down. "You SING???!!!" We all yelled in unison.

Meanwhile, none of the boys knew what was going on in the car, but their confused expressions were evident that they were focused on Cameron's freakout. After hearing us yell, however, they turned their attention towards our car and I could see Nash smacking Taylor's chest, so he shut up and they could all focus on the music.

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