Chapter 35

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I walk into the living room to see Cameron sprawled on the couch, Dillon laying on the floor with a pillow tucked under his head, and Taylor sitting in one of the large leather chairs, holding Skylynn. What was she doing here in Chad's house? She wasn't even his daughter...

"She missed all of us," Nash replies as if he can read my thoughts. "Once Sky found out that Will, Hayes, and I were staying here for a week or two, since Cam, Taylor, and Dillon are in town, she wanted to stay too and hang out with her older bros." He slings an arm around my shoulders. "She refuses to go to bed until you tell her goodnight."

I smile. I love that blonde-haired goofball who fell asleep on Taylor's lap. Nash gently picks her up and carries her over to me. "Night, Sky," I whisper, tucking a loose strand of her messy locks behind her ear. "See you in the morning."

"Okay," she replies sleepily, completely unaware of what's going on around her thanks to her tired state. Nash leaves the room to put Skylynn to bed. 

I walk over to one of the large chairs and plop down on it. For the first time I notice that Abby isn't in the room. Had she even come inside? As if on cue, the door opens, and Abby enters the room toting her famous backpack behind her.

"Hey! I remember you!" Taylor says. "You came up with Susie."

Abby nods. "Yeah. That's right."

"So you're the girl I have to thank for introducing the scary lady into my life." Dillon shudders. "Thanks a lot."

Before Abby can respond, Cameron says, "Hi."

Abby turns to look at him, an incredulous look on her face. "You forget my name, spill my ice cream, and now the first word that you've said to me since is 'hi?' Wow; how nice of you?"

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way, Abby," Cameron apologizes sitting up from his laid-back position on the couch. 

Abby looks taken aback for a moment, but quickly regains her composure. "Wait," Abby holds up a hand, laying the other on her chest. "You remembered my name?! THE Cameron Dallas remembered my name?!" She squeals in sarcastic delight.

Cameron grins, visibly proud of himself. "Yeah, well, it wasn't easy, let me tell you. But when I really want to do something, I never let anything stop me." He sweeps his hand in front of him for added effect.

My blonde-haired friend just sighs and sits next to Cameron on the big couch. Within seconds, Cameron returns to his original position on the couch, putting his legs across Abby's lap. "Ummm," Abby begins. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Getting comfortable," Cameron answers, his arms finding their way under his head.

"Yeah, well, your idea of 'comfortable' is making me uncomfortable."

"WHAT?" Taylor nearly chokes on his water.

Abby shakes her hands, frantically in front of her. "That's not what I meant."

"Sure. That's what they ALL say," Taylor says, rolling his eyes.

The room bursts out into laughter. Nash shows up just then with the most adorably confused look on his face. I smile and fill him in. "Cameron makes Abby uncomfortable."

Nash's gaze shifts to the couch where Cameron still has his legs across Abby. You know what? It's weird, but I don't think Cameron's laughed once this whole time. But he's grinning. "Oh really?" Nash says, a grin of his own, spreading across his face.

"No. No. No," Abby fervently says. "I did NOT mean it like that."

"Then tell me, Abby," Matt says leaning forward from the chair he was in. "Why haven't you gotten up then?" The room bursts into another round of laughter with Cameron joining in this time. This was DEFINITELY going to be a fun night!

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