Chapter 28

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Nash and Abby make their way out the front door, not before taking my order to bring back to me. After they are out of sight, I make my way upstairs, in search of Susie. She's not that hard to track down, I just had to follow the screams coming from everyone that was unfortunately in her path. Wait.maybe it would just be smarter to find tori and Matt and let them know what's going on, first of all..and then I could hide them until I thought of something better. Yeah, that could work. Okay, I think to myself where would Tori and Matt be...the kitchen, duh! I make my way down the hall to the dining area, picking up my pace because I know I don't have much time left before Susie comes across the two as well. I mean, the hotels only so big. I barge in through the door and meet the eyes of a startled Matt.

He calms down once he realizes it was just me, "Abbi! We were just going to come and look for you. Hey, what's all the noise about downstairs? We have just been sitting up here trying to enjoy our dinner and all this banging and screaming is coming from downstairs..wait..." Matt stops what he is saying for a minute and looks up at me and smiles like he knows something I don't, "Banging and screaming, oh my god....Abbbbbi...did you and nash...?"

"EW NO MATT WHAT THE HECK!" I scream and smack his finger away that was now pointing at me, "but seriously. I came down here for a reason, we need to get you two out of here and hidden because Su-" I was interrupted, once again, by a red-faced mother barging into the door next to me.

Nash POV

We walk for what seems like forever in awkward silence. Abby hasn't said one word to me since we left the hotel. I have a feeling that it might have to do with none of us inviting her to Magcon. She had to hitch a ride with Susie just to get here. I chance a glance in her direction. She's looking at the streets of Chicago, probably noticing the same things I had earlier, the people, the neon signs, the traffic, Abbi, the slick streets...Oh crap. I'm doing it again. I'm thinking about her, and we had just talked about staying friends! "UUUUGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" I groan, dragging my hand down my face. "What's wrong with you?" Abby asks. "Wait. She holds up her hand before I can answer. "Let me simplify that. What's wrong with you at this exact moment in time?" I sigh. I might as well confide in Abby; she's the closest thing I have to a good opinion right now. "It's Abbi."

"Oh!" She stops walking as her face lights up in excitement. "She's been telling me all about that!"

"She has?" I feel my face turn redder by the moment.

"Mhmmm," she nods her head vigorously. "All about it!"

I gulp. "Even that we almost kissed?"

"You WHAT??!!!" She pushes me against the wall.

"Well, yeah...but YOU had to freaking ruin the moment. I knew I never liked you.." I say crossing my arms across my chest.

Abby raises both of her hands to her mouth as she gasps, "Oh my god Nash, I am so sososo sorry! I didn't know what was happening, or I wouldn't have called! I'm so sorry, oh my goodness!" She says as I begin to walk away and she follows behind.

I sigh and stop walking so she can catch up to me, "It's alright Abby, it's just..I really like her. And she made it seem like she just wanted to be friends. We have been friends for so long, you should know more than anyone, but I just always feel this need to be close to her and whenever I am near her I just...ughhhh." I stop talking because I no longer have any words, and Abby just looks at me with that look on her face, the look that she is known for.

She takes a deep breath before she continues, "Well Nash...just go for it."

"Go for it? But she might not feel the same way!" I've decided that somewhere between Chicago and Tori's house, Abby has officially lost her mind.

Do You Feel the Same? (A Magcon Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat