Chapter 15

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When we finally make it to the elevator, Cam pushes the button leading down to the first floor, little do we know how many girls are planning on surrounding the elevator when we get off. When we make it down to the main floor, the elevator doors open and we automatically get literally hundreds of screaming girls in our faces. Nash steps in front of me and grabs my hand immediately, shielding me from all of the crazy girls.

Cam looks a the two of us and then makes his way out of the elevator first, followed by Tori and then Nash and I follow them. Tori soon starts to get almost swallowed by the crowd of girls surrounding Cameron, so I yell “Cam! Turn around and help Tori.”

He of course,doesn’t hear me over all of the girls that are screaming his name so much louder than me. I reach over Nash and tap her shoulder to get her attention, “Tor, grab on to Cam you dont need to get hurt.”

She nods her head and makes her way up to Cam and grabs his arm, he turns around thinking it’s just some random girl but he realizes its Tori and grabs her hand and pushes her in front of him as he leads her through the crowd.

We finally make it to the back doors, leading into the kitchen and continue down the hall of the kitchen until we reached the doors that lead to the ballroom. We walk in and all of the boys are lounging around in different spots on the floor, sunglasses on looking as if they had a rough night, which they definitely did. I go over and stand on the opposite side of the room by Chad. “Sup Chadddddd, long time no see.” I say to him as I sit down against the wall next to him.

“Hey ab, how’re you? I hope you’re keeping our boys in check. You know, we trust you girls to make them behave.” I gulp nervously, remembering what happened last night, “You know, I try Chad but they’re pretty difficult to make listen. You know that.”

“Yup, sometimes I feel like I know that more than anyone, being the father of Nash and Hayes and the occasional Cameron..” He laughs as he shakes his head.

Just then music started playing and you could hear an almost synchronised groan coming from all of the boys. I also groan as I lay down on my stomach on the carpet and put my head down on my arms and close my eyes to try and block out the many annoyances. I sit up after a few minutes and immediately regret it, as soon as I sit up the whole room spins and it feels like sharp pains are going through my head at all spots. I put both of my hands up to my face and rub my eyes and put my hands over my ears for a second to try and stop the buzzing. “Abbi, are you alright?” Tori asks me as she looks up at me from her spot to the right of me.

“Not at all Tori, I feel like complete crap to be honest. Can we like go to the store and get some aspirin and some juice or something because I feel like thats honestly all I need right now..” I look up at her and ask.

She agrees and we quickly tell Chad where we are headed and slip our sunglasses on as we exit the ballroom. Some fans notice us and begin screaming, but are held back by the bodyguards who are making sure the lines don’t get out of hand. We decide to just walk to the CVS Drugstore that is located just across the street, realizing that it wouldn’t be smart for either of us to drive in our current states.

We end up buying a jumbo bottle of headache relief so we had enough to go around and a gallon of orange juice, because I just really wanted orange juice. We make our way back to the hotel. We then make it into the hotel and begin to pass out aspirin to all of the boys, careful not to let Bart or Chad or anyone else see, and at this time it’s about time for the actual event to start. We are all still feeling the hangover at this point and Tori and I mostly sit backstage for the whole time just on twitter, watching vines, doing whatever to pass the time until it was time for the boy’s dinner break. About 20 minutes before the break, Bart walks through the door into the room that we were currently in. I give him a small smile, not bothering to remove my sunglasses and say, “Hey Bart, how’s everything going?”

He has this irritated look on his face as he tells us to stand up and the four dreaded words, “We have to talk” come out of his mouth.

Tori and I stand up and follow Bart over to the other side of the room, away from all of the loud music seeping through the cracks underneath the doors leading into the main event room. “So, I’ve been just scrollin' through my news feed and I have come across a handful of girls that say they were in Cameron’s room last night. And that some girl...whose name happens to be Abbi...invited them to the room and let them meet Cameron.”

I can feel my face immediately start to blush as I quickly think of something to cover up the partying last night, “Bart…” I begin to defend myself before he quickly interrupts me, “Abbi, you know how much I trust you to keep these boys in line while you two are here? Don’t get me wrong, I’m disappointed in Tori also because she was obviously around while this happened also but just didn't stop it. But, Abbi…”

I cut in at what seems to be the perfect time to defend myself, and immediately shout “BART, I’m sorry. I dont even know what I was thinking like...I was drun-....I mean WE were drunk. We were all drunk and we kinda jus-” I immediately regretted admitting that to him as soon as I saw his face get visibly redder.

“YOU WERE WHAT?” He basically screams as he looks between Tori and I with a look of disbelief.

“You girls have severly disappointed me. Honestly, do you think I just let any of the boys bring their friends on this tour? No, just you and Tori. You two girls were supposed to make sure the boys didn’t get too crazy and do stupid shit just like this.” He rants as he points to the floor emphasizing that he was talking about this exact moment.

“You have now ruined magcon tonight for all of these fans. The boys are in the worst moods, I mean it’s basically hangover central out there, and they aren’t smiling, aren’t taking their sunglasses off and even Mahogany is slacking on her dj-ing” His voice getting louder and louder as he continues to be mad at us.

“I’m honestly sorry girls that I have to do this, but I have to ask you to go back to your room and pack your things. I’m not taking a chance of this happening again. Go pack now, you have an hour before your room is gone.” He points to the exit door and at this point, I am so fuming mad that I don’t even argue with him...I just storm straight out of that room and away from Bart.

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